Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Dec 14, 2004
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Me: Ah, what a relaxing day at the dorms...

Gonzo: *flies in at rapid speed over my head.*

Me: Ah, what a normal day at the dorms...

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Yep... You'd hardly know Lisa'll be back in a week's time.

BTW: Ryan... You gonna make arrangements for your roomies while you'll be gone?


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Me: Yeah I will Ed, but I'll deal with that this weekend.

Gonzo: You're leaving?

Me: Yup.

Gonzo: For how long?

Me: This Sunday to next Sunday. So about a week.

Gonzo: That's sooooo long Ryan! And you'll miss Lisa! ...Again!

Me: You've survived longer...Don't worry about me Gonzo.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: Okay, guys...what do ya say we clean up this place?
Telly: What's wrong with it?
Bry: It's a mess.
Big Bird: It is?
Bry: Yes, there is junk all over the place.
Oscar: (popping up out of our wastebasket) Did someone say "junk"? Hehehe!


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: What are we going to do tomorrow

ELMO: How about the Beach, Peter

ZOE: Sounds Good to Me

LITTLE BIRD: I agree with Elmo

PETER: Me Too and We're watching America's got Talent

ZOE: Okay!!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Hey there Peter. Hows everything going on? I don't see much of you and your buddies. Hey Elmo. Zoe. Little Bird. Good to see ya'll. You all have a good time at the Beach. Maybe you will see me and the Monsters there. Nice talking to you. Bye. *closes door*

Grover: Who was that?

Peter from next door. He, Elmo, Little Bird and Zoe are going to the beach tomorrow. I said maybe we'll see them there.

Grover: You have to work tomorrow.

Oh yea. I forgot. Maybe some other time then. Time for some of the "Moppet Family" tv series.

Grover: Wait for me.

Cookie M: *comes running in and jumps on the couch* Me couldn't wait either.

Herry: Here are the sodas.

Thanks Herry.

Herry: Welcome.

Shhhhh it's starting.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(In room 29 all are doing some summer cleaning)

Big Bird: It sure has been quiet around the dorms.
Telly: Well, we've been couped up in here all day.
Bry: Well, I just thought since it is so hot outside, we could stay in this nice air conditioned room and do some cleaning and organizing. Besides, pretty soon we're gonna have to start getting ready to pack up for the dorms closing before the anniversary.
Telly: Oh yeah!
Rosita: (going through a dusty box) Hey, look what I found!
Snuffy: What is it, Rosita?
Rosita: I think it's a video tape.
Telly: Of what?
Bry: Oh hey, I know what this is. (takes it from Rosita) It's the Sesame Street 20th Anniversary special. You know, I forgot I had this.
Snuffy: Can we watch it?
Big Bird: Yeah, can we?
Telly: (hugging my waist and looking up at me) Pleeeeeeeaaase???
Bry: Oh, alright. It's about dinner time anyway. How about we get dinner ready and then pop in the tape and watch while we eat?
Telly: (cheering) Yea! Alright!!
Big Bird: Oh boy! Hahaha!
Bry: *sigh* Why do I always let you win?
Telly: Because you love us.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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That's a good special Bry. Got it on VCD myself... Only missing the Innertube pilot episode to complete my JHH Muppet library. You do know that was kind of a thirteenth semi-connected JHH episode fright?
Oh well... Maybe next time I talk to my Canadian friend, I could get the Walk Around SS special. Then again, if he doesn't have it, I know a couple of folks here who do.

Incidentally... The dorms have been brought to you today by the letters M and P for Muppets.
Count: And by the number 2, as in two lovely letters and two electric lightningbolts.
Fright... Well, good night everybody.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: Goodnight, Ed, and goodnight dorms.
Snuffy: Boy, that sure was a great special. Wasn't it, Bird?
Big Bird: Sure was! Can we watch another one?
Telly: Yeah, I just found one called "Rocky Mountain Holiday."
Bry: Maybe tomorrow, but I think it's time to go to sleep now. Goodnight.
Rosita: Buenas noches.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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*wakes up with a song*

Anything Muppets and Me: Get ready or not
Cause here I come
Dance dance dance
Have some fun
654 321
Get up get up

Herry: *playing the drums*
Grover: *playing his guitar*

Me: Oh no
Never ever gonna stop
Try to fly and if I drop
Not gonna quit
Get up get up get up
Stand back
I'm gonna make some noise
Sing until they hear my voice
Can't keep me down
Get up get up

Anything Muppets: Get ready or not
Cause here I come
Dance dance dance
Have some fun

654 321
Get up get up
Get up up up
Whoa whoa
Up up up

Me: Rain falls
Down on their parade
Lemons into lemonade
Can't slow me down
No way no way no way
Yesterday is in the past
Tomorrow’s coming fast
All you got is now
Get up get up

Anything Muppets: Get ready or not
Cause here I come
Dance dance dance
Have some fun
654 321
Get up get up
Get up up up
Whoa whoa
Up up up
Whoa whoa
Up up up
Whoa whoa
Up up up
Whoa whoa
Up up up

(music interlude)

Me: Hey you
Don’t let ‘em see you frown
Come on turn it upside down
Don’t ever quit
Get up get up
When life puts you to the test
There’s nothing better than your best
Show ‘em what you got
You got a lot
Show ‘em what you got
Get up get up

Anything Muppets and Me: Get up up up
Whoa whoa
Up up up
Whoa whoa
Up up up
Whoa whoa
Up up up
Whoa whoa

Grover and Herry: Up up up
Higher higher
Up up up

Heart's on fire
Up up up
Whoa whoa
Up up up

Everyone: Get ready or not
Cause here I come
Dance dance dance
Have some fun
654 321
Get up get up
Get up up up
Whoa whoa
Up up up
Whoa whoa
Up up up Whoa whoa
Up up up
Whoa whoa
Up up up

(music stops)
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