Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Eeeee! Look what I got!
Red: Cool! It's a bag!
Mokey: And it's got Kermit on it!
Beth: Yep, I finally got my very cool Kermit bag. I'm taking this everywhere I go
Red: Looks like you can fit alot in there
Beth: Yeah, it's very roomie, I'm SO excited!
Mokey: I'm so glad you're so happy!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Is that the ruc sac or the messenger bag Beth?

UD: Should've known this one would be the same...
What's the matt... Hey, oh I know now.

*Quietly: It's the 15th and Ryan's not back yet. Well, I'll just leave him alone to skulk in peace.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: It's sort of a tote bag Ed. Got it off of e-bay. I wish it was a messenger, but I couldn't find that one at my Target. I love the tote though, it's vintage looking. Anyway, Cantus is going to come up to see Uncle Deadly, he knows how he feels
Cantus: Yes, I'm heading your way right now roomie


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Lisa: <enters room 24> I'M HERE!
Rowlf: Where have you been?
Gonzo: Where's Ryan?
Robin: WHERE is your HAIR?
Lisa: Why aren't you in bed?
Clifford: What's with the questions?
Lisa: How should I know?
Gonzo: Can we get some answers?
Lisa: Yes. I have been shopping, packing, sleeping at Nyssa's, writing like crazy, typing like crazy, and posting like crazy.
Rowlf: That's one question.
Lisa: Prawnie is at his aunt's house, he will be back Saturday, he promises.
Gonzo: Heard that before...
Lisa: Yeah, I know. And my hair, well, I got a little too close to the fan... No, actually, I cut it off for Locks for Love. I'm going to donate it on my trip. Meanwhile, it was about to the middle of my back, and as you can see, it's now about chin length when it's straight and lip-length when it's curly. I like it!
Rowlf: Very nice.
Lisa: Now Robin, why aren't you in bed?
Robin: Because I haven't had a bed time story.
Lisa: Get in bed, I'll read you my new chapter in a minute.
Robin: Okay.
Gonzo: <Sigh> I think I'll go sulk with UD and Cantus...
Camilla: Bawk bawk...
Clifford: Yeah, me too...
Lisa: I'm sorry, guys... <Calls after them> You have my permission to throttle him when he comes back!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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UD, gliding through the darkness: Throttle him? No, no my dear Lisa... These things are done subtly. First we'll welcome him back. Then we'll frighten and scare him off... Then we kill him. But I digress, the organ's calling my name and I must tend to it.
Good to see you back Lisa. That's a nice tote bag Beth. Gotta make the rounds, see you later.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Robin: <Sitting on bed, watching Lisa pack.>
Lisa: <Folding and rolling clothes, tucking them into a bag, and trying to figure out where to put various items. Looks up, sees Robin.> What's the matter, Robin?
Robin: ...Nothing...
Lisa: <Tilts head to side.> You're not very convincing. <Sits next to Robin.> What's on your mind?
Robin: <Quietly looking at all the things set out for packing.> It's a lot of stuff.
Lisa: Well, I'm going to be gone for a while.
Robin: How long?
Lisa: About six weeks. You know that.
Robin: Oh... That's a long time.
Lisa: Yes, it is a long time.
Robin: Do you have to go?
Lisa: Yes, Robin. I have to go.
Robin: Why?
Lisa: Because, this is the sort of thing that you only get one chance to do. This is my chance, and I'm doing it.
Robin: ...Okay. I'm gonna miss you, though.
Lisa: I'm gonna miss you too. <Hugs Robin.> You wanna help me pack?
Robin: Not really.
Lisa: Yeah, neither do I.
Robin: When is Ryan coming back?
Lisa: He should be back tomorrow.
Robin: What if he isn't?
Lisa: Then when he does get back, we get to pelt him with muffins and penguins.
Robin: But where are we going to go when you're gone?
Lisa: You'll probably go with Prawnie. Although, he doesn't know that yet.
Robin: What if he can't take us?
Lisa: He should be able to, considering how long we've had Gonzo, Camilla, and Clifford here.
Robin: But what if he can't?
Lisa: Well then, we'll find someone else. But Prawnie should be able to.
Robin: Okay.
Lisa: <smiles> I'm not going to leave you alone with the Chef, if that's what you're worried about.
Robin: Oh I wasn't worried. I was just wondering.
Lisa: Oh good. I'd hate for you to worry. <Looks at the piles of stuff to be packed.> Um... What do you say we go for a walk?
Robin: Okay!
Lisa: And maybe we'll get some ice cream, too. Sound good?
Robin: Yeah!
Lisa: All right. <Stands up, shakes fist at the piles of stuff.> Let's go.
Robin: Okay! <Stands up>
Lisa: <Runs for the door> Last one out is a rotten egg!
Robin: Hey, wait up! <Runs after Lisa>


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Mokey: *calling Lisa* Hey Lisa, if Prawnie's not back or doesn't want to take all your roomies in, we're happy to have little Robin down in our room, Red can take him swimming and stuff, just thought we'd let you know.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Yep... Gonna be an interesting summer. If Prawny comes back, then we'll have a small get-together t welcome him back and send off Lisa. If he isn't back, then I think Lisa should make some arrangements to have her and Ryan's roomies looked after.
Here's what I have so far in terms of the summer travels. Please, those of you who are mentioned confirm if tis is accurate.
Prairie will bunk with Bryan when she leaves on her 4, 4 fabulous trips this summer.
Scooter will come downstairs and stay with the Count, Uncle Deadly if he's still with us, and myself when Sara leaves for D.C.
Beth's offered to take in Robin, not sure if she'd also welcome Rowlf if Cantus is still with her as well.

Here are some added suggestions:
Kyle could look after Gonzo and Camilla, and maybe Clifford also if Lisa and Ryan are both gone. Contact him and please LMK.
The Swedish Chef can just take up residence in one of the common rooms, behind the kitchen counter... Or maybe Catherine might want to take him in as a temporary personal chef for herself and Piggy until Lisa gets back. Contact her and please LMK.
That is all for announcements fright now.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Sara: *groans, laying on her bed*

Scooter: What's wrong?

Sara: I'm. Not. Going. To. D.C.

Jim: *perks head up, looking down from the top bunk.* What!? We thought you were going to go see that museum exhibit!

Sara: No....*sits up in the bed, and gently swings her bad knee over the edge of it.* I strained another ligament playing with my friend, and I can't walk for longer then 20 minutes before it starts feeling like someone is shooting flames at it. *looks to the side, frowning. Takes on a snivelly tone to her voice.* Plus the hotels are WAY too expensive in DC.

Scooter: Too expensive? The hotels?

Sara: Yes. Momma wanted to get a hotel for about $60 a night. She basically wanted to do this trip for under $1,000. Which...isn't possible right now. And she also has trouble walking, because she has arthtisc in her knees. Shes...overweight, like I am. >> So, combining not enough money, with bad knees, and a small dog in the mix....equals no trip to DC.

Jerry: That's too bad. Are you still going to go somewhere though?

Sara: Yeah, we're hoping to go to this little hotel down in Daytona, Florida...I think it's called Cabana Motel. It's on the beach, really beautiful sunsets and sunrises. It'll be nice. And I'll only be gone for a week. The second week in July. So it won't be too long!

Frank: Good deal, huh?

Sara: Oh yeah, really good deal. I won't get to see the exhibit....but I'll still have a fun time. Plus swimming in a pool will help my knee some. :wink:

Scooter: *hugs gently* It'll be a nice vacation, won't it?

Sara: Definately. It will be pretty sweet. I just wish you guys could come along.

Scooter: I'll go with you!

Sara: Sure! I'll tell Ed, you're coming with me, Scooter. You guys wanna come too? *Looks up at the Trio.*

Jim: Naw, we'll just stay here. Keep the guys company. Plus 4 guests is too much ain't it?

Sara: *dosn't really want to say it, but she nods slowly.* is a little too much.

Scooter: Daytona Beach! Awesome!!

Sara: *Laughs, and is really happy again.*

Scooter: What's in Daytone Beach?

Sara: A lot of stuff, Scooter. You'll love it!
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