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The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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That's OK Sara... Just hope your knee and ligaments get better. Maybe a few fellows' songs could put you in a good mood. Knock if you need me.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Bill: Have you heard Martin that poor Sara has had to cancel her vacation at D.C.?
Martin: No kidding? How come?
Bill: Well among other reasons she has hurt her injured knee a teensy bit more in the ligaments and it's really hurting her to be on her feet for long periods.
Martin: That's a shame. No holiday. How disappointing.
Bill: Actually she does have a replacement holiday planned with her parents. A week at a beach hotel in Daytona Florida and Scooter has decided to join her.
Martin: That's great. Bill let's write her a please get well soon card and a bon voyage card combined into one. I think she and Scooter will really love that.
Bill: Sounds like a very nice idea. And when we deliver it we must let them all know about your mother recently getting back home from her tests in Brisbane City Queensland. Hopefully she will start her chemo soon here in Rockhampton. They'll all be pleased to know she is going to do fine.
Martin: Oh yes. Where's my wand? I bought us some more bubble liquid at the shops yesterday Bill. Have a big drink. We need to cheerfully celebrate that and let's write this card and go see Sara and her friends.

They compose the card and go knock on Sara's door to deliver it.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Sara: *hobbles over to the door, opening it.* Hey guys! Oh...a card? Thank you so much! Well, the trip has also been changed...once again.

Scooter: *sitting at the computer, looking at the details for Hurl Rock Motel.* The Cabana Motel is apperently no more.

Jim: *tuning up his banjo* It closed down?

Sara: *goes back to sit on the bed, and invites Bill and Martin to sit in the two chairs at the desk.* It isn't just closed down, Jim. It's completely gone. Apperently a few years back, either due to hurricanes or merely because of real estate, they tore down about 85 small hotels along the beach shores. So...we're going to Myrtle Beach.

Scooter: That's still a good trip, isn't it?

Sara: Oh yeah. And it'll be cooler, Scoot; cause we know everything about Myrtle Beach. We can go to all the best places, and not spend time trying to find them! It's really great.

Jerry: It still isn't DC though.

Scooter: Yeah, Jerry. It isn't DC. But it'll be nice.

Sara: It'll be really nice. Really great actually. Plus...we can go to Broadway on the Beach...go to the Discovery Store....and buy Mythbusters Season 2!!!! And guess what? In Season 2....they blow up the concrete truck. YES!!!

Scooter: Yeah!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Martin: Well we're glad you're actually going somewhere Sara.
Bill: And we sincerely hope that this trip works out this time.
Martin: Yes. Bon voyage and good luck Sara and Scooter.
Incidentally we have good news to share with you all regarding my mother.
She took a day trip to Brisbane in Australia to have more tests and they went well. So she should start getting her chemo treatment hopefully in her own home city to make things a little easier.
Bill: And she will be okay.
Martin: You don't mind if we blow a few little bubbles to celebrate do you?
Bill: We're sure you don't.

The two of them blow big beautiful bubbles to everyone's amusement.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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That's some good news Martin. Now if only we had something bigger to blow bubbles for... A certain cracker of shellfish returning to the fold as it were...

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hey Lisa... Hope you've finalized who's going to be staying with whom... In case that opener of shellfish mentioned above doesn't get here before you leave.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: *calling Ed* Of course Rowlf would be welcome here too if Ryan doesn't come back soon! The more the merrier. Haven't heard from Lisa though so I guess we'll play it by ear.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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But wouldn't it hurt playing it by ear? Can't we just use our hands instead?


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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The Count said:
Prairie will bunk with Bryan when she leaves on her 4, 4 fabulous trips this summer.

That is all for announcements fright now.
Uh...better make that 3 trips,Ed.
We've had more than our share of expenses this year so the cruise is off.I'm still going to NY (in a couple of days) & plans for MO. still look good. Also,plans for Disney World are set for July.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Glad to hear about your plans fur the summer Kath. Working here downstairs in the ol' lair, LMK if you need us.
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