Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Big Bird: Aaah! What's with all the noise?
Telly: Yeah, what's going on!?
Bry: Oh, that's Biff and Sully working out in the hallway. I guess Super Grover made a bit of a mess last night.
Telly: Oh!
Snuffy: That Super Grover...Do-hoho!
Bry: Got Birdkateers today, Big Bird?
Big Bird: Yep! I was hoping we could go up to the roof and hang out with Bert's pigeons. I'll be leaving after lunch.
Bry: Okay.
Rosita: (Playing with her guitar) What are we having for lunch?
Bry: Let's go to Everybody Eats. It's a nice day. We'll walk there!


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Lisa: All right, Rowlf, pay up.
Rowlf: What?
Lisa: I made her squeal. You owe me a nickel.
Rowlf: Where does it say she squeals?
Lisa: Look at her post!
Rowlf: <looks at computer> It doesn't say she squeals.
Lisa: What do you call three captialized E's? I call that a squeal.
Rowlf: Well so do I, but it's not directly related to the line.
Lisa: Yes it is.
Rowlf: No it isn't.
Lisa: It so is! See, it's the first thing she typed. Thus it was her first reaction. The line is early in the chapter, she had to express her reaction right away.
Rowlf: But the way the paragraphs are separated-
Lisa: Nice try. I'm right and you know it. Now pay up.
Rowlf: Fine, lemme find a nickel...
Lisa: Thank you.

Clifford: Now what was that all about?
Rowlf: She bet me a nickel that she could make Sara squeal with Richard Hunt's line in her new chapter.
Clifford: A nickel?
Rowlf: She made the bet, not me. I just accepted it. You seen a nickel anywhere?
Clifford: Yeah, I think there's one on the floor in the common room.
Rowlf: Thanks.

Clifford: <reads post over Lisa's shoulder.> I don't think she was squealing at that specific line.
Lisa: I'm sure she squealed at that specific line.
Clifford: There's not much evidence for it in the post, though.
Lisa: Yeah, but it's not about the evidence, it's about who can argue it!
Clifford: You mean you know he's right, and you're taking the money anyway?
Lisa: It's just a nickel.
Clifford: That's another thing. Why would you bet a nickel?
Lisa: One word.
Clifford: Excuse me?
Clifford: All right, I get the point. And that was six words, by the way.
Lisa: Picky picky.
Robin: How did it start?
Lisa: Pardon?
Robin: The tradition. How did it start?
Lisa: <With a Yiddish accent> I'll tell you... I don't know. <Drops accent> Actually I do know. My aunt and uncle started it when they first got married. At the time, a nickel could actually buy you something. Apparently inflation didn't affect the bet, it just kind of stuck.
Rowlf: Well, here's the nickel.
Lisa: Thank you! <kisses Rowlf's nose.>
Clifford: Wait a second. Now he gets a kiss?
Lisa: He lost a bet.
Clifford: So lemme get this straight. The only way you'll kiss a guy is if he's cute, he crashes through the ceiling, or he loses a bet?
Lisa: Or he could be my dad, uncle, grandfather, or baby cousin.
Clifford: That ain't happening...
Lisa: Nope. All right, I'm heading to Everybody Eats for lunch. Anybody coming?
Robin: Ooh, me!
Gonzo: Me too!
Camilla: Buck bawk!
Chef: I'll cume-a und iet sume-a loonch tuu.
Clifford: Why not?
Rowlf: I'll come, but who's paying?
Lisa: Why?
Rowlf: Well I just lost a bet...
Lisa: One lousy nickel. All right, let's go! Maybe we'll see Bryan and his roomie's there, too, I think they just left.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Well... Biff and Sully finished the repairs, it's all OK now.
Hope you guys took your umbrellas, summer showers are prevalent these days. Hope Sara and Scooter came indoors in time.
Will update you guys soon.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Coming back to the dorms... Aw man, that was a great lunch.
UD: Did you go to Everybody Eats?
Count: Did you count all of our friends there?
Nope on both... Got myself a great burger and fries and soda over at the Rock & Roll Sandwich Shop over on Cerf Street.

*Both: Oh...
Hey, come on... Would I come back empty handed?
*Both: Huh?
Brought you boys your faves... 40-Clove Garlic Chicken for The Count, and Bloodied at the Steak for Uncle Deadly.
Eat up guys, I'll be over here if you need me.
*Both have themselves a late meal.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Hey, Ed! Is there a map of Hensonville available so that we can find our way around town better? Also, it would be great if someone could draw up a map of the Dorm grounds including where everyone lives. What do you think?

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Hmmm... Last I knew Sara was working on drawing a map of the town. Not sure what progress she's made.
As for a map of the dorms, good idea... Anyone in mind to draw it up?


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Home from work!

Resting on the couch with feet on the feet rest

Boy are my feet tired.

Herry: You can say that again.

Boy are my feet tired.

Herry: I was only teasing, Kyle.

And I was just joining in on the fun. What time did Grover say he gets off?

Herry: I think 8 or 7.

Good I'll try and figure out what to have for dinner.

Herry: I'm going to go outside and take a nap in the hammock.

It's a hot day so be sure to put some furscreen on.

Herry: I'll ready on it.

Skeeter Muppet

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2002
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*in Room 15, there is a group of Fraggles crowded around Kim*

Kim: *not looking up from her book* Can I help you?
Gillis: What are you doing?
Kim: Crossword puzzle.
Tosh: What's a 'crossword puzzle'?
Boober: What Kim's doing, silly!
Kim: I have to guess the answer to these clues and write the letters in these boxes here. And some of the words that go across share letters with the ones that go up and down. They cross over. That's why they call it a 'crossword'.
Fraggles: Oh.
Boober: ...why?
Kim: Why, what?
Boober: Why are you doing a crossword puzzle?
Kim: Because I'm bored and I want to.
Gillis: Are you ever going to start writing a story?
Kim: ...we'll see, Gillis.



Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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*walking into the room & kicking off my sandals* I am pooped! look it.How was Olive Garden?
The food was good but I ate too much.I should've just ordered soup.My stomach was bugging me the rest of the time I was out with my mother,my friend,& her parents.It was my friend's mother's birthday.
Prairie:Sounds nice!
Yeah...except my friend was being a real crab today.All of us went to a few places after dinner & one of them was the mall. Since my feet were bugging me,I sat outside the bookstore while my friend went in. I saw a book called "Chicken Soup For The Father's & Daughter's Soul".So I told my friend that I wished that it had been around when my dad was alive. She told me that I should buy it for myself.I said no because I was afraid I'd be crying with some parts. She just rolled her eyes & made a clicking noise with her tongue.
Prairie:Oh Kath...I'm sorry.She shouldn't have done that.
That's not the only thing. We were supposed to meet her parents & my mom at a certain time & she's quicker than me on her feet.So between that & my feet hurting I was pretty slow.So she goes "Now you see why we don't go places together anymore!"
Prairie:That's awful of her to say that! :mad: Here....put up your feet & relax. I'll be right back.
Where are you going?
Prairie:Into my room to get my foot massaging cream. I'm going to rub it on your feet.'re a sweetie.I'll go change into my PJs before you do my feet.Thanks SO much!
Prairie:What are friends for?:wink:

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Well... Good to see Kim around again. If she's bored, she might want to go and read some of the wonderful tomes in our growing fanmade fictional library... Some I can recommend, though only a couple by my own pen... A few half-baked attempts, wouldn't want someone else getting invested into something that I'm not even completely confident of.
But more on that on the morrow... Sleep tight everybody.
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