Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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May 21, 2005
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(In car, Bryan driving with Rosita in the front passenger seat and Big Bird and Telly in the back)
Telly: Hey, Bryan, how far is it to the park?
Bry: Not too long. Maybe about 10 minutes or so.
Rosita: Let's sing a song on the way.
Bry: Good idea, Rosita, and I've got the perfect song!
Big Bird: Go ahead, Bryan!

Bry: Let's go driving in an automobile
Let's take a ride in a car
Listen to the motor go vroom, vroom, vroom
As we travel near and far
Vroom, vr-vroom, vr-vroom
Vroom, vroom, vroom
Vroom, vr-vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom
Vroom, vr-vroom, vr-vroom,
Vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom,
Vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom.

Rosita: You know what my favorite part of the car is? The horn!
Let's go driving in an automobile
Let's take a ride in a car
Listen to the horn go beep, beep, beep
As we travel near and far
Beep, be-beep, be-beep,
Beep, beep, beep,
Beep, be-beep, be-beep, beep
Beep, be-beep, be-beep,
Beep, beep, beep, beep
Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep

Big Bird: Good, Rosita!
Rosita: Gracias!

Telly: My turn!
Let's go driving in an automobile
Let's take a ride in a car.
Windshield wipers go swish, swish, swish
As we travel near and far
Swish, sw-swish, sw-swish,
Swish, swish, swish,
Swish, sw-swish, sw-swish, swish
Swish, sw-swish, sw-swish,
Swish, swish, swish, swish,
Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish

Bry: The next verse would be great for you, Big Bird.

Big Bird: Oh!
Let's go driving in an automobile
Let's take a ride in a car.
Listen to the people sing la, la la
As we travel near and far
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la.

Bry: Alright! Now let's all sing together!

All: Let's go driving in an automobile
Let's take a ride in a car.
Listen to the sounds we all can hear
As we travel near and far
Vroom, vr-vroom, vr-vroom
Vroom, vroom, vroom
Beep, be-beep, be-beep, beep
Swish, sw-swish, sw-swish,
Swish, swish, swish
La, la, la, la, la.

Bry: Again!
All: La, la, la, la, la
Bry: One more time!
All: la, la, la, la, la
Bry: Let's go driving in a car!
All: Yeah!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Hmmm... It's getting late, and I'm a bit worried about Bryan and his roomies. Sure hope they get back safely... And maybe they'll take over sponsor duties for the dorms again. Also was nice seeing Snuffy and Alice having fun outside in the garden.
Well, I'll check back in a while.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: I am starting to get worried over Bryan and his dormies

ELMO: Yeah, what the heck did he invite Big Bird, Telly and Elmo on that car trip

ZOE: It is 12:17am

LITTLE BIRD: And I am starting to get worried

PETER: Why don't we say a prayer everyone for Bryan and his dorm mates of getting home witn no bruises or not get into an accident before we go to bed

ALL: Our father which art in heaven
Hallowed Be Thy Name
Thy Kingdom Come, thy will be done in earth as it is in Heaven
Give us this day our daily bread, and give us to our endeavors
As we forgive or trespassers, But lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil
For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever

LITTLE BIRD: Peter, where did you learn this stuff

PETER: At my Christian Science Church

ZOE: in addition, Peter also goes to another church in Rhode Island, it's a Jewish Church

ELMO: So Peter is doing good

PETER: Thanks, Good Night Elmo and Zoe and Little Bird

LITTLE BIRD: Good Night Zoe and Elmo and Peter

ELMO: Good Night Zoe and Peter and Little Bird

ZOE: Good Night Elmo and Peter and Little Bird


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: Everyone was being worried for nothing. We've been back for a while. We snuck in hours ago. Oh well. Whatcha doin, Hoots.
Hoots: Trying to find the letter of the day. (blows a note out of his sax and the Letter F comes out of the horn) There! The Letter F!
Bry: Starts words like faithful, friendly and fun. All great words to describe our friends at the dorms.
Hoots: I know the Number of the Day too. The Number 2, for 2 Snuffleupagus' in our room tonight.
Bry: Yeah, Alice is sleeping over tonight, but she'll be going back home in the morning. Speaking of sleep, I should get some. Goodnight, Hoots.
Hoots: Night! (plays sleepy Sesame Street theme)

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Knew you'd be OK Bry... Just, well... Here's to another great summer day.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(At the pool)
Bry: You got everything you need?
Snuffy: I think so.
Bry: Well, have a good bath, Snuffy!
Snuffy: Thanks, Bryan. See ya later!
Bry: Okay.
Snuffy: Well, here I am taking my bath. Taking baths can be fun, you know why? I'll tell ya.
(Sings) Oh, when I'm in my bubbly tub
A funny thing happens to me when I scrub
I splash and I wash and then it comes along
And soon I'm a'gigglin' and a'singin' this song

Oh a bubble on my snuffle
While I'm taking my bath
A bubble on my snuffle
Is making me laugh
Ha, ha, ha, ha
Ho, ho, he
A bubble on my snuffle
Is tickling me
I said, a bubble on my snuffle
Is tickling me

It's the silliest sight you've ever seen
When a snuffleupagus is gettin' clean
No bath is better, I suppose
Then when there's a bubble on the end of your nose!

Yeah, a bubble on my snuffle
While I'm taking my bath
A bubble on my snuffle
Is making me laugh
Ha, ha, ha, ha
Ho, ho, he
A bubble on my snuffle
Is tickling me
I said, a bubble on my snuffle
Is tickling me

(Laughs) Do-hohohoho!! Yeah!


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Lisa: RARGH!
Rowlf: Uh-oh.
Lisa: I CAN'T find the word I WANT!
Rowlf: Well what word do you want?
Lisa: I don't know.
Rowlf: Well then how do you expect to find it?
Lisa: I expect that by flipping through this dictionary, one of the words will ring a bell, and be the one I'm looking for. But so far, it isn't working. And it is taking SO long... <groans>
Robin: Do you want us to help?
Lisa: I would love for you to help, but how can you?
Robin: Well... I don't know. What word are you looking for?
Lisa: Well I don't really know what the word is. That's the problem.
Robin: How can you look for it if you don't know what it is?
Lisa: Uh, well... Well, I know something about the word...
Gonzo: Tell us that. Maybe that'll help.
Lisa: ...Okay... It was on a spelling list I had in fourth grade the same week as the word "saunter." It's a synonym for sexy. It starts with a letter in the second half of the alphabet, possibly S or V. And we drew pictures to remember what the words meant that week, and I drew a lady in a red dress. Does that help?
Clifford: A lady in a red dress?
Lisa: Well, that's what I remember! It worked, didn't it? I know what the word means.
Rowlf: But you don't know the word.
Lisa: Exactly.
Rowlf: It didn't work.
Lisa: <Sigh.> I don't suppose any of you have any ideas as to what the word might be?
Chef: Sensooel?
Lisa: ...Maybe?
Chef: Sensoouoos?
Lisa: Perhaps?
Chef: Fulooptoouoos?
Lisa: Um...
Chef: Ettrecteefe-a?
Lisa: No.
Chef: Pretty?
Lisa: Nein.
Chef: Sooggesteefe-a?
Lisa: Lo.
Chef: Seleceeuoos?
Lisa: Pardon?
Chef: Seleceeuoos?
Lisa: I did not learn that in fourth grade. ...Actually, I just learned that today.
Clifford: ...How...?
Lisa: By looking through this dictionary! <Sigh!> I just can't find the right word! There's all sorts of other fun words... like... like "sozzled." I have never in my life heard the word "sozzled."
Rowlf: Sozzled?
Lisa: It apparently means "drunk." It's not the word I'm looking for.
Rowlf: No.
Lisa: Oy! You'd think I'd have a better way of finding this word.
Robin: How about a... A Thesuh... Thesusuh... Thes... The book that sounds like a dinosaur.
Lisa: Thesaurus?
Robin: Yeah. Why don't you try that?
Lisa: I already did.
Robin: Oh...
Lisa: It's a nice idea, though.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Telly: The Letter of the Day must be S.
Bry: How do you know that?
Telly: I was walking by Lisa's room and I heard them saying a bunch of silly S words.
Big Bird: Were they having a vocabulary lesson?
Telly: I don't know!


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Lisa: <skimming through dictionary> ...Strip, stripe, stripling, strive, strobe, strode, stroke, stroll, strong, strontium, strop, strove, struck, structure, struggle, strum, strung, strut... something I can't pronounce... stub, stubble, stubborn, stucco-
Clifford: Do you have to read these all out loud?
Lisa: Yes. Stuck, stud, student, studio, studious, study, stuff, stuffy, stul-ti-fy... stumble, stump, stun, stung, stunk, stunt-
Gonzo: THAT'S what I should be doing! A new stunt!
Lisa: <glances at Gonzo.> <ahem> Stupefy, stupendous, stupid, sturdy...
Rowf: I think she's implying something.
Lisa: Sturgeon, stutter, sty, style, stylus, stymie, styptic- I never had any idea there were so many "S-T" words. Suave, sub, subaltern, subcommittee... <two pages later> I FOUND IT! I found it I found it I found it I found it! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! <jumps and dances around> I found the word! Yippee!!!!!!!
Rowlf: So what was it?
Lisa: <sitting back down with notebook> Well I can't tell you, I'm using it in my fanfiction!
Clifford: <groans>
Lisa: It'll be in the next chapter. I promise.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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You'd better make good on that promise girly... Or there'll be a lot of grumpy roommies in that loft you share.
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