Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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May 21, 2005
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Sara: *Is hobbling around the dorm, frustrated.* Oh...I can't get this story to work...and my darn knee! *Stops and rubs her knee softly, she can't just take it easy, as she's supposed to keep working it so it won't stiffen up on her.*

Scooter: *Is walking back to the room, with a cup of cocoa in his hands, he couldn't sleep for some reason.* Huh?? Sara, what are you doing up?

Sara: I can't sleep Scoot. My knee's keeping me up.

Scooter: Take some painkillers and try. It shouldn't go too hard, you've done a lot of walking today, you should be exhausted..

Sara: Already took some aleve, can't take anymore.

Scooter: *Leans against the wall softly, smiling at her.* What about a half-pill of Vicodin?

Sara: I don't really want to mix them. *Sighs softly, a smile on her face.* I guess I could try. The aleve should kick in soon enough..

Scooter: You're going to more tired tomorrow if you don't get some sleep tonight. You've got your friend's graduation to go to, remember??

Sara: Oh yeah! I almost forgot! *Smiles as she follows him to Room #22.* Thanks, Scooter. I could try again, I might just be able to go to sleep finally.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Well... Hope you have a better sleep than I did Sara. If you need to talk about the fanfic, I'll be downstairs.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Bo: Boo-yeah!!!
Bobo: What on earth..
Beau: What in Raenbu...

Bo: It's this MopFamReLaunchStory. See, it's...very exciting.
Beau: When will it be ready?
Bo: Soon. Very soon. But we're waiting for Christy.
Bobo: Chris-
Beau: -ty?
Bo: Yeah, she plays Mother and is a keywriter of the relaunch.
Beau: Ahh! Um...She write's keys?
Bobo: Where is the girl?
Bo: Moving house!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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She finally sold the old one? And still waiting for journal updates Bo, when you can please.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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Catherine: (collapsing into one of two overstuffed armchairs arranged tastefully in the sitting area. She is wearing a feather boa around her neck but has forgotten about it) Whew! I'm bushed. I can't believe we got all that luggage unpacked--and wasn't it nice of those fellows down the hall to help us move the furniture in?
Piggy: (smiling and preening a little) Yes--and how nice it is to live on a hall with so many nice, strong men nearby. (dryly, looking at Catherine's odd attire) Nice feather boa.
Catherine: (looks down and sees feather boa, shakes head and disentangles it, putting it in a pile on the floor. She reaches for the cookie tin) Piggy--there are some nice women on the hall, too. I'm sure we're going to make friends while we're here. (Hand on cookie tin, she stops herself, puts hands in lap firmly. Looks longingly at cookie tin for about ten seconds. Succumbs. Takes a brownie, breaks it in two and eats half. Puts lid on tin.
Piggy reaches for tin, takes a brownie and eats it. Eats the other half of Catherine's brownie. There is one brownie left. Looks at Catherine, sighs, breaks brownie in two and they both eat.)
Piggy: It looked lonely.
Catherine: Yes--I guess it did. Well, Piggy--I'm absolutely disgusting. I'm going to hit the showers and go to bed. I've got a full day tomorrow.
Piggy: Give me a second to find my robe and I'll go with you. Doubt there's much competition for the showers at this hour.
Catherine: Doubt it. And Piggy--better take the long robe.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Grover: Board!

Herry: Game!

Cookie M: Cookies!

What in the world are ya'll doing?

Grover: Nothing.

Your yelling out words for nothing?

Herry: What else is there to do?

*falls backwards on floor*


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: Hey, guys! I was thinking...what if we had Baby Bear move in with us?
Telly: Baby Bear?! That would be great! He's my best buddy!
Big Bird: Yeah, that would be fun!
Bry: And a fresh new energy around here. I dunno. We'll see what Ed thinks. I think he is out right now.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Count: Eduardo...
Count: Bryan asks if Baby Bear can move in as a new addition to his roommates.
Well... Not sure. Though Bryan's a good friend and one of the modern mainstays here at the dorms... Would advise he waits till the anniversary to keep the roommates he's got or change things up. Was also thinking of some new rules to implement when we get to the anniversary, but seeing as how some of the people who made me think such rules were necessary are absent at the moment...

Like I said, not really sure.
UD: Seems the pig and that new girl have become part of the dorms now.
Yes... Though I hope they contact me via PM with the design ideas for their dorm member robes, the last touch to make them truly part of the gang here. Oh well, I'm sure we'll hear from them soon.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Martin: Whew. I've finally finished my update on my Muppet Show outline with special guest star Harry Secombe. It's more like a full script now.
Bill: You sure have been devoted to that project Martin. And it looks very good indeed. I hope people start replying about it soon.
Martin: I'm sure they will Bill. I am doing my best to let some of them know about it and I already have a few good replies about it. Sometimes it just takes a little while.
Bill: And any word about your mother?
Martin: She hopes the hospital will contact her by Wednesday. If not she'll give them a call herself. She's very thankful that the cancer in her face is most likely easily treatable.
Bill: I'm very glad for that. We must keep up our prayers for her.
Martin: Yes. I've been having some good times visiting with her having lunch and watching my Astroboy DVD collection twice a week at least. God has given us blessed times of bonding while we support each other.
Bill: I'm very happy for that Martin.
Martin: Thank you Bill. I have great faith that whatever happens my mother will be in loving care. Let's continue to pray for her together my friend.
Bill: A pleasure Martin.
Martin: I must print out my Harry Secombe script for her. She always loved the Muppet Show. This would give her a nice happy laugh to boost her spirit.
Bill: Yes Martin. I'm sure it would. That's an excellent idea.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: Boy, we had tons of fun at Disneyland

ELMO: I say

PETER: What was your favorite ride, Zoe

ZOE: Muppet-Vision 3D

ELMO: I liked Mickey's House and I got a chance to meet Mickey Mouse

PETER: Yeah!

LITTLE BIRD: And I got to meet Buzz Lightyear and Woody

ZOE: We had a lot of fun at Disneyland

PETER: Boy, i'm pooped

ELMO: Good Night Zoe and Peter and Little Bird (feeds his fish)

ZOE: Good Night Elmo and Little Bird and Peter

LITTLE BIRD: Good Night Elmo and Zoe and Peter

PETER: Good Night Zoe and Elmo and Little Bird.
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