Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Mar 11, 2003
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Guys I don't see us going anywhere for the summer. Sorry.

Grover: It is ok Kyle. I think I will just take off some days and go spend them with my mommy.

Good idea guys. Why not go to Sesame Street? Ed and Bryan might want to go too. Thanks Grover.

Grover: Cool idea Kyle.

Herry: I wouldn't mind that.

Cookie M: Cowabunga! Me love it!

Awsome! Now to get the dates right and all and we'll pack up. It's just might be around july. That sould fine?

Monster: Sure!

Great. *goes to mark calender*

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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So... We get to Disneyland yet? Or did we already come back? Man, don't rully know, it's trippin' my mind. Either way, a fun day fer sure.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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Ruahnna: Hey Piggy--I think I've finally sorted out the room situation. Let me get your bags, and your, um, other bags, and this make-up case and, um, we'll come back for the rest. Let's go check in and start unpacking.
(Piggy and Ru go to check in. Piggy rings bell.)
Ru: Hello--Miss Piggy and I would like to move into room 20 if it's still available.
Piggy: (murmuring to Ru) Looks like somebody didn't use enough sunscreen at Disneyland yesterday.
Ru: (whispering back) Piggy, hush--don't be rude. I think it must be hard for vampires to find a sunscreen that really works well. (To Count) Did everyone have a nice time at Disneyland? Piggy and I had a few last-minute things to do before we moved in and we couldn't go.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Count: Thank you... We all had much fun.

No prob Ru, or do you prefer Catherine? *Slight chuckle, sorry but now we have Cathy with a C and Kathy with a K here, reminds me of the old sketch from Kids In The Hall.
*Takes key from lobby's wall near small 20. Come on, either Aaron or some courtious bats will bring your luggage later.

*All pass past the double doors, both sets, and end up in the hallway. The common or meeting room's there in front, Oscar's got his trashcan in the back left corner and the furnace in the back right corner hides a dumbwaiter elevator we use to get around. Now, just a turn to our right... And your room should be... Third door down on our right.
*Hands key to Miss Piggy, while chatting with Ru. You've got some neighbors here... Vibs with The Newsman and Lewis Kazagger's in the room across from yours; McFraggle with Kermit and Sam the Eagle's in that room diagonally to the right across from yours; and Sara with Scooter and the Country Trio's here in the room to your right. Remember to post a room design according to your tastes and those of your roommate... And send me the design idea for dorm member robes for each member of your party.

Hope you enjoy your stay and welcome to the MC Dorms. You'll learn the ropes of dorm life over the summer, don't expect many more new residents... And hopefully you'll be in the swing of things for when we get to the anniversary.
By Ruahnna, have a great time.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Jim: *Hears someone moving into room #20.* Hey, Sara! Someone's moving in!

Sara: Let's go say hey and everything! *The Trio, Sara and Scooter all go over to room 20 to say hey. They knock on the door, with no answer, then Sara smirks and raps on the door with her cane, leaning back on it after she's knocked pretty hard on the door.* That oughta get their attention if the knocking didn't get it before.

Scooter: *Leans in a bit to look at the door.* You made a dent in the door.

Sara: Aw, crap. Didn't mean to do that. *She blushes, and waits for Ru to open the door so they can say hey to her and Miss Piggy, and welcome them to the dorms.*


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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Well, howdy do!

Ru: (Opening door) Well hi there! I though I heard somebody knock. I'm Catherine. (over shoulder) Piggy, come over--we've got company!
Piggy: I'm coming as soon as I get this stupid suitcase open--Aaahhh! (The suitcase latch finally opens and clothes explode all over the room. Piggy looks at Ru, at the clothes everywhere, at the surprised faces of her new dorm mates.) (muttering) Whatever.
Ru: (to Piggy) Don't worry about it--we'll tidy up later. (to guests) Hi--come on in! We're going to fire up the electric tea-pot and have a little snack before we unpack.
Piggy: Hello! I am Miss Piggy--welcome to out little abode. Are you our floor-mates?


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Sara: Yeah, we are. Sorry 'bout the ding in your door, Ru. *Walks inside with Scooter, and the Trio trailing behind her.*

Scooter: Happy to meet someone new here. I'm Scooter.

Jim: I'm Jim Henson of the Country Trio, and these two fine men beside me, are Frank Oz...

Frank: Hey there.

Jim: ...and Jerry Nelson.

Jerry: Glad to meet ya, Ru!

Scooter: And the ornery young woman who made a dent in your door with her cane, is Sara.

Sara: Scooter! Just didn't wanna bust my knuckles knocking on the door. *Realizes what Ru had said eariler* Oh, tea? That sounds great. :smile:

Scooter: *Walks over to help Miss Piggy with her luggage.* Let me help you with that.

Muppet Matt

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2006
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Matthew: Come on in guys!

Red: Oh! Nice room!

Mokey: I like it too!

Cantus: Very nice! I think I'll go and play some music with the minstrels. You guys want to come?

Dr. Teeth: Sure!

Lips: Why not?

Animal: STAY WITH RED!!!! RED FUN!!!!!!

Matthew: All right Animal you can stay here with us. Hey Mokey, you want to draw or play music or something? I like to do them both or we could go swimming or something.

Mokey: Lets draw some and then go swim and then go and say hi to our neighbors!

Matthew: Ok, Red you and Animal going to do the same?

Red: Yeah, we'll do that. I can't wait to go swimming!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Telly: Wasn't Disneyland fun, you guys?!
Big Bird: It sure was, but I forgot that some of those rides have a hieght limit.
Bry: Oh yeah. Sorry about that.
Big Bird: Oh, that's okay. There was plenty to do! I even got to visit some of my bird pals in the Tiki Room!
Rosita: I liked the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad! Yeeehaaw!!
Snuffy: It's too bad Pirates of the Carribean was closed. I know you like that ride, Bryan.
Bry: Yeah, it's closed for refirbishing. They are adding stuff from the movie to the ride.
Snuffy: I liked Muppet Vision 3-D!
Big Bird: Me too.
Telly: I had a great time, but I still can't get over how scary that house was!
Bry: The Haunted Mansion?
Telly: Yeah!
Big Bird: I'll bet you Uncle Deadly enjoyed it though. He spent most of the day there I think.
Bry: Yeah, I think he said he was visitting relatives.
Telly: Huh?!
(all laugh)
Bry: Well, I am glad everyone who went had a good time.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Our friends are back from Disneyland. Glad to see them back. Hey guys! Telly I took care of Chukie Sue for you. I saw that your room was open and feed her and her babies. Your welcome.

Grover: Oooo what a day.

Your right about that. Whew! I'm pooped!

Grover: So am I. *falls down on couch*

What sounds good for dinner?

Grover: Whatever. *groans*

Herry turn on the AC.

Herry: Got it! Sorry it got to cold in here. I turned it off.

That's fine. How about you, what sounds good?

Herry: Anything.

Cookie Monster, what sounds good to you.

Cookie M: Uhhh mmmm don't know!

Ok then we'll fix whatever we want.
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