Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Mar 11, 2003
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Going out to the garden

Telly: Come on guys. How about a song?

Hoots: You read my mind Telly.

Grover starts playing his banjo

Everyone: I've got my gear in my pack
I've got my pack on my back
Tonight's the night I'm going camping
Just got the go-ahead sign
The weather's gonna be fine
Tonight's the night I'm going camping
I'm gonna pitch me a tent
Won't have to pay any rent
It looks like ev'rything is "A O.K."
As far as I can see
I think it's gonna be a perfect camping night

Telly, Big Bird, Little Bird, Mokey and Hoots: The trees and animals
And clear blue skies
A waterfall comes tumbling right before my eyes
Birds that fly
Above a mountain stream
It's absolutely perfect better than a dream
Peace and quiet
Where the good Lord smiled
Fields and fields of flowers growing wild
This is
Just where I belong I'm a mother Nature's child

Grover, Herry, Stinky, Elmo and Cookie Monster: It's time to hit the trail (Cookie M: Trail!)
To hit the hill and dale (Cookie M: Dale!)
Oh, I love hiking in the mountains (Cookie M: Mountains!)
It's great to reach the snow (Cookie M: Snow!)
And see the world below (Cookie M: Be-low!)
Oh, I love hiking in the mountains (Cookie M: In the mountains!)
Each time we stop to eat (Cookie M: Eat!)
We get to rest our feet (Cookie M: Eat?)
And we'll make it if we take slow (Cookie M: Eat?)
'Cause the best way to climb
Is one step at a time (Cookie M: To eat.)
and hiking is the only way to go (Cookie M: In the mountains!)

Grover, Herry and Cookie M: I got my gear in my pack
Telly, Big Bird and Hoots: The trees and animals
Elmo, Mokey, Little Birdand Stinky:It's time to hit the trail

Grover, Herry and Cookie M: I got my pack on my back
Telly, Big Bird and Hoots: and clear blue skies
Elmo, Mokey, Little Birdand Stinky: To hit the hill and dale

Grover, Herry and Cookie M: Tonight's the night I'm going camping
Telly, Big Bird and Hoots: A waterfall comes tumbling right before my eyes
Elmo, Mokey, Little Birdand Stinky: Oh, I love hiking in the mountains

Grover, Herry and Cookie M: Just got the go-ahead sign
Telly, Big Bird and Hoots: Birds that fly
Elmo, Mokey, Little Birdand Stinky: It's great to reach the snow

Grover, Herry and Cookie M: The weather's gonna be fine
Telly, Big Bird and Hoots: Above a mountain stream
Elmo, Mokey , Little Birdand Stinky: And see the world below

Grover, Herry and Cookie M: Tonight's the night I'm goin' camping
Telly, Big Bird and Hoots: It's absolutely perfect, better than a dream
Elmo, Mokey, Little Birdand Stinky: Oh, I love hiking in the mountains

Grover, Herry and Cookie M: I'm gonna pitch me a tent
Telly, Big Bird and Hoots: Peace and quiet
Elmo, Mokey ,Little Birdand Stinky: Each time we stop to eat

Grover, Herry and Cookie M: Won't have to pay any rent
Telly, Big Bird and Hoots: Where the good Lord smiled
Elmo, Mokey,Little Birdand Stinky: We get to rest our feet

Grover, Herry and Cookie M: It looks like ev'rything is "A-O. K."
Telly, Big Bird and Hoots: Fields and fields of flowers growing wild
Elmo, Mokey , Little Birdand Stinky: And we'll make it if we take it slow

Grover, Herry and Cookie M: As far as I can see
Telly, Big Bird and Hoots: This is
Elmo, Mokey, Little Birdand Stinky: 'Cause the best way to climb

Grover, Herry and Cookie M: I think it's gonna be
Telly, Big Bird and Hoots: Just where I belong
Elmo, Mokey, Little Birdand Stinky: Is one step at a time

Grover, Herry and Cookie M: A perfect camping night
Telly, Big Bird and Hoots: I'm a Mother Nature's child
Elmo, Mokey , Little Birdand Stinky: And hiking is the only way to go


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: Sounds like their having a good time out there. 10 good friends camping out under the stars and singing songs.
Snuffy: It's the Number of the Day!
Bry: 10? Sure! And the Letter is B.
Rosita: For "Birdkateers"?
Bry: And a BEAUTIFUL night! Goodnight, Everybody!
Snuffy: Goodnight!
Rosita: Buenas noches!


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Morning Red, morning Cantus. Any word from Ryan yet?
Cantus: Not yet
Beth: With any luck he'll get back just when I'm leaving for a week!
Cantus: Hopefully he'll be back soon
Red: So, do you think Mokey had a good time camping with the Birdketeers?
Beth: I'm sure she did, especially since she's not back yet
Cantus: Perhaps we will see her and the other campers if we go to breakfast
Beth: Sounds like a plan, you in Red?
Red: Sounds good, let's go!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Well, I hope we get more story from Beth before she leaves for her wedding.
Count and UD: Agreed.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Sara: *Stretches out on the couch in the main room.* Wow...

Scooter: What'cha doing out here? I thought you had the last finishing touches to put on that book of yours?

Sara: I had, but I'm taking a break now, so I can work on it later tonight on the cover. I have to figure out how to make the picture of you and Sadie bigger, without comprimising the look of it.

Scooter: Oh...well, me and the Trio are going to go get some lunch. Wanna come with us?

Sara: Sure!

*All 5 of them go out to lunch at Everybody Eats.*


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Lisa: GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS YOU GOTTA SEE THIS!!!!!!!!!! <dances around like an absolute maniac>
Robin: See what?
Lisa: My ACT scores. Oh my gosh, my ACT scores! OYYYYYY! <squeals>
Rowlf: What about them?
Lisa: LOOK! I rank a 99! 99! That means, that- here, I'll just read- "99% of the ACT-tested students scored at or beow your English score." NINETY-NINE PERCENT! And look, my rank for my composite score, or like, the average of all my scores- NINETY-NINE! NINETY-NINE! OH my HOLY mosQUIToes I ROCK! Come on guys, we're gonna go celebrate! We're gonna- we're gonna- do something! I don't know! I'm just- I- I- EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! <jumps around in a circle>
Rowlf: Congratulations!
Clifford: Yeah, way to go, girl! ...Uh, you wanna stop shrieking now?
Lisa: No not really!!!
Gonzo: Hey, I've got a great idea! To celebrate, let's all walk backwards across a tightrope while reading your score in Chinese, and then do a backflip into a pool of hot chocolate, whipped cream, and cooking oil!
All: <stop and stare.> GON-ZO!!!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Chuckling... At least he got her to stop shrieking. Hey, to celebrate, why don't you post some more of your story?
Would help distract me since I got a full load on the ol' noggin tonight.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Lisa: <grins> Great minds must think alike, Count. I was just in the process of doing that.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Thanks Lisa... There's some fresh hot chocolate in the common room if you want some.

Maybe I'll finally set my mind on movin' on...
Count: And you can count the telephone poles on the way!
UD: Never mind... Your brain's been churning out ideas again?
Yes, honestly, it frustrates me to no end the level of indecision I go through because I can't draw and have to resort to writing instead... Plus add that my mind just sees the idea in its entirety in full vision, racking them up so quickly it doesn't rully give me a chance.
UD: Just take a deep breath and take it one step at a time, you'll get there eventually.

Yeah, guess you're fright. Come on, there's some milk left, that'll help soothe our minds before heading off to the land of Nod.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: Well Little Bird and Elmo are out camping with the other Birdkateers

ZOE: So, Peter, It is going to be you and me!!

PETER: What are we going to watch

ZOE: The News

PETER: Okay, and we are going to go to bed ok

ZOE: Okay!

PETER: Good Night Zoe

ZOE: Good Night Peter!
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