Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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May 21, 2005
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(in the garden...)
Stinky: Haven't seen it.
Rosita: Thanks anyway, Stinky.
Stinky: Sorry I wasn't of any help.
Rosita: Adios!

(In hall...)
Bry: Good idea, Ed.
Telly: I'll go check the furnace! (runs off)
Snuffy: Hey, Bryan!
Bry: Yes, Snuffy?
Snuffy: We got some messages from other people in the dorms asking if we need any help finding the egg.
Big Bird: Yes!
Bry: Snuffy, tell them all to look wherever they can.
Snuffy: Okay. (goes back in room 29)


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Apr 12, 2005
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Lisa: <bursts into room 24, opens window all the way, and takes a good deep breath> HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! THAT feels good!
Clifford: What are you doing?
Rowlf: You're letting the heat out!
Gonzo: You're letting the cold in!
Lisa: Problem being? <turns away from window> Guys, you know what it's like under stage lights. I'm up there in all black! Pants and turtleneck! Sprinting all over the place bending in ways I didn't know I could bend for the sake of shoving a microphone in someone's face. That or I'm running around in the audience, or I'm cramped up in this little black stuffy closet that serves as a green room. I've been over heating for the past two and a half hours, and this open window feels wonderful. Y'mind not whining? The fresh air'll do y'good anyways. <Turns back to window>
Gonzo: Fair enough.
Rowlf: So you're overheating because of the stage lights? <Looks at Clifford>
Lisa: Yeah, mostly.
Gonzo: I guess that means they're all working, right? <Looks at Clifford>
Lisa: Yeah. It'll be better when we have the glow tape, so the blackouts can actually be blackouts instead of ha-
Clifford: Would you guys quit staring at me?!?
Lisa: Huh? <Turns around, sees Rowlf and Gonzo looking at Clifford and snickering about stage lights.> Oh knock it off, guys.
Gonzo: We didn't do anything!
Rowlf: We were just saying that it must be nice to have all the lights working.
Clifford: I'm trying, all right, guys?
Lisa: Actually, if the lights weren't all working, they wouldn't be as hot, and I wouldn't be overheating right now.
Gonzo: Touché.
Clifford: Thank you.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(In caveroom)
Snuffy: Hey, Bird! I've got an idea!
Big Bird: (sitting on crate) Yeah?
Snuffy: Why don't we just call the Easter Bunny on the phone?!
Big Bird: Good thought, old pal, but I don't have the Easter Bunny's phone number. Do you?
Snuffy: No...

(In common room)
Telly: (Looking in the furnace) No...not in here. (black soot and ashes cover face) Needs cleaning though.
Oscar: (pops up out of trashcan) Hey, Telly. (sees Telly's dirty face) Nice look! Have you found what you're looking for yet?
Telly: No! Why are you putting us through this? You know, it's not very nice, Oscar!
Oscar: (sarcastic) Really? Gee, I thought I was being a saint.
Telly: Oscar!
Oscar: Well, I could be here all night talking to you, but I am kind of busy. I have to give my pig Spot his dinner. Be right there, Spot! (can shakes a little) Spot, no! Settle down! Don't touch the--!!!!
(a plate with a colorful egg sandwich comes flying out of the can and onto the floor making a mess)
Telly: Oscar, that's Big Bird's egg! I found it! I found it!!
Oscar: Can you keep it down!
Telly: Big Bird, Bryan, everybody!!! I found the egg!! Oh boy!!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Telly: Boy, are you gonna get it, Oscar! Haha!
Oscar: (groans)
(Bryan, Big Bird, Rosita and Hoots all rush into the common room)
Bry: What's going on, Telly? We heard you calling.
Telly: Look what I found!
Big Bird: Melvin!!
Telly: Oscar had it this whole time in his can!
Big Bird: (takes plate with the egg between bread slices) Oh how I missed you. Wait a minute...Why does this look like a sandwich?
Oscar: So I thought I would hide it in a sandwich.
Bry: Hey, I see! All the clues make sense.
Big Bird: Huh?
Bry: Yeah, look! (takes plate from Bird) Well, of course the first clue is clear and that is that the egg was on the second floor. But the second clue was that it is under something. And you can see that the egg is under this slice of wheat bread. The third clue was that it is over something. It is over this slice of bread (points to bottom slice). Then of course Oscar's last clue was that the egg was inside something.
Telly: And it was in Oscar's can!
Bry: That's right!
Oscar: Yeah yeah. You got me. You solved the puzzle.
Telly: Wait a second, were going to feed Big Bird's egg to your pig Spot!
Oscar: I wasn't! I was uuuuh...just keeping the thing warm for you. Yeah, that's it!
Hoots: Yeah, right!
(the large egg starts to move a little)
Bry: What the...?
Rosita: What is happening to the egg?
Big Bird: What's going on?
Bry: I think...I think there's something in there!
Telly: Whaaat?
(the egg shell starts to crack and soon we see a small purple ball of fur with yellow horns and squishy nose)
Big Bird: Is that what I think it is?
Bry: I think there is only one true way to find out. (takes fingers and gently pinches the creatures nose which make a tiny squeek noise) It's a baby honker!
Big Bird: A baby Honker? A baby Honker came out of that egg!?
Bry: Yep!
Rosita: How adorable!
Telly: How did it get here? Does it have parents?
Bry: That's a good question, Telly.
Big Bird: Can we adopt him?
Bry: Well, it's okay with me until we find its real mom and dad, but I think it's really up to Ed. We'll ask him later.
Big Bird: Oh wow. (takes little Honker in his wings) Welcome to the world, little Melvin Honker. You will love it!
Telly: And to think Oscar took care of him.
Oscar: Huh?
Big Bird: That's right, Oscar. You kept the egg safe and gave it a warm place to hatch.
Oscar: I did?
Big Bird: Uh huh! And because of that, I am going to make you Melvin's God father! Come on, Melvin. Let us show you your new home! Bye Oscar! (goes back to room 29 and I follow)
Rosita: Congratulations, Oscar! (kisses Oscar on the cheek and leaves)
Oscar: Blech! (wipes face)
Telly: Yeah, you are such a nice guy, Oscar! (follows behind Rosita and Hoots)
Oscar: What?! (calls after them) I am NOT a nice guy!! I was just making a sandwich!!!...(groans).


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(Back in room 29, Big Bird is sitting in his nest holding little Melvin Honker under his wing)
Snuffy: Wow, Bird! I can't believe there was this little Honker in that big egg this whole time!
Big Bird: I know. Isn't he cute?
Snuffy: And sooo small!
Telly: Hey, guys! Look what I found! Two more eggs. We must have missed them when we had our hunt on Sunday. I wonder what's inside. (shakes the two small plastic eggs)
Snuffy: Maybe it's another Honker.
Bry: Why don't we open them up and find out.
Telly: Okay. (opens the orange egg)
Rosita: What is it?
Telly: (looks inside) The Number of the Day! (a 4 flies out of the egg)
Snuffy: The number 4.
Telly: Cool! Can't wait to see what is in the other egg. (opens it up and the letter M flies out) The letter M!
Big Bird: For "Melvin"!
Hoots: The Number and Letter of the Day. Well, it's nice to see things somewhat back to normal around here.
Bry: Got that right, Hoots! Well, we finally found that egg. Thanks to everyone's help. Goodnight, Everybody.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Bill and Martin have heard about the story with Oscar having the egg inside a sandwich inside his can on the second floor from last night. They've agreed to give Oscar a bit of a surprise partly in honourable recognition of him being appointed God father of the newly hatched baby honker but also partly as a gentle rebuke for being about to feed Big Bird's egg to his pet pig.

So they silently creep up to his trashcan and quickly flip open the lid.
Bill sticks his head inside and Martin leans over with his bubble wand and together they blow as hard as they can. Then they call out together Surprise! And congratulations new God father Oscar!

Then they run off to knock on Bry's door to see Melvin and congratulate Big Bird and the rest of them with some more bubbles.

I've a funny feeling Oscar did not enjoy his share of bubbles though. Heh-heh


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Guys did ya'll hear the good news?!

Grover: What?
Herry: Huh?
Cookie M: Cookie?

*looks at Cookie Monster puzzled from what he just said, shakes head* Big Bird and the rest found his egg.

Grover: They did?! That is great!

Herry: We need to celeabrate!

Cookie M: With cookie and......more cookies!

Sounds good to me. Come on lets go see how there doing.

*runs over to Bryan's room* Hey there guys! Hows the egg doing? *sees the little honker* What in the world?

Grover: It is a cute and fuzzy honker. Awwwww...

Herry: What's his name Big Bird?

Cookie M: Can me eat the egg?

Grover: Cookie, it is not an egg. It is a baby honker and it is cute too.

Cookie M: Okay. Can me eat baby honker?

Everyone groans at Cookie Monster's question


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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In the hallway.......

Oscar: What is wrong with these people? That thing is not my god child And I am not his god father! *groans,slams trashlid on head*


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Martin:Now Cookie you can't eat Melvin. But Bill and I will blow a few more bubbles. If you're really hungry you can eat those okay?

Bill and Martin blow more beautiful bubbles to everybody's amusement especially little Melvin who gently squeezes his nose joyfully


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Bill Bubble Guy said:
Martin:Now Cookie you can't eat Melvin. But Bill and I will blow a few more bubbles. If you're really hungry you can eat those okay?

Bill and Martin blow more beautiful bubbles to everybody's amusement especially little Melvin who gently squeezes his nose joyfully
Cookie Monster: Ooooo bubbles. More fun then snow! *starts gobbling up all the bubbles that come out of Bill's head*
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