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Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Renee: *Hears the screams coming from Room #1. She goes down to the room, and raps on the door.* Uncle Deadly? Can you tell me what in the world is going on down there, with all the screaming? Is Ed okay??


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Bill and I decide to play cards for awhile. We play go fish for about half an hour then prepare ourselves a light snack.

Martin: Bill what was it like working on Muppets Tonight?
Bill: Excellent Martin. The only thing I didn't like about it was the time when I was eaten by that Big Mean Carl.

Martin reacts with surprise : What? You were eaten?
Bill: Yeah. Carl went onstage once and announced that he blew bubbles out of his head. When he started blowing them I ran onstage and protested that it was my act on the show. Then he said it was his act now and he ate me.
Martin: Goodness. Did it hurt?
Bill: Only my pride hurt more than anything else. He let me climb out of his mouth after he went offstage but he never tried my act again. He was only having a bit of a sick joke. But he was just that sort of Muppet.

I'm amazed to hear this and tell Bill that I never knew how crazy things could be in muppet show business sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Hey guys! Lunch is ready!

Grover, Herry and Cookie come running into the kitchen

Grover: What are we having?

Herry: Is it good?

Cookie M: Oh boy! Me hope it has cookies in it.

Chicken Al King. Yes it is good. I know I love it. And sorry Cookie no cookies.

Cookie M: Oh boy.:sympathy:

But you can put cookies in it if you want too.

Cookie M: Me can?! Goodie goodie goodie.

Yes. *starts making bowls of the stuff* Here you go Grover. *hands to Grover*

Grover: Thank you Kyle.

Here's Herrys! *hands to Herry*

Herry: Thank you Kyle. *starts eatting* Mmmm this is good.

Here you go Cookie Monster. I put some cookies in it for you. *sets on table*

Cookie M: OH BOY! COWABUNGUA! *gobble, gobble, munch, munch, gobble* URP! Excuse me. That good Kyle. Any more?


Cookie M: Uh...Kyle? You ok? *waves napkin in front of me*

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Oh hi Sara... Yeah, everything's all fright... Been following the World Baseball Classic, and the PR team got landslide back to back victories against the Cuban team on Friday and the Dominican team last night. We're in the second round of the tournament, and along with the South Korean team, we're the only ones still undefeated at 4-0. Gonna hope the streak remains against Venezuela this afternoon/night, and then it's a rematch against Cuba on Wednesday.

Hope you guys have a good day, brainstorming over that sixth book of yours.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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[might as well change my name here. XD] Sara: Awesome to hear that, Ed! Not too much of a baseball follower myself, but my Dad absolutely LOVES baseball. Suprised that he's not watching it when hes home though.

Yeah...back to my stories and everything. A bit overwelming to be honest...*trots back to her room, and goes back to working on them.*

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Aw... Don't worry bout it Sara/Renee/whoever you are. Sorry, got a bit of the crazies there.

Take it easy, I'm sure your next story will be just as good as the ones done already. And hey, you can take a brake from it all if you want... We'll understand. Post when it's ready, or pursue whatever other project you've been itching to start.

Hope this helps, and if you want... There's some coconut kisses in the fridge to help cheer you up.
*Goes back downstair to work on own projects.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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*Beth comes in grumbling*
Mokey: Uh-oh, what happened?
Beth: It's snowing in March that's what happened
Red: But I love snow!
Gobo: Did something specifically happen though because of the snow?
Beth: Yes Gobo I got my car stuck in a parking lot and had to dig it out and now I'm exhausted
Wembley: Oh my gosh, are you ok? Did you hurt yourself? Did you hurt your car?
Beth: Stop wembling, I'm fine. My car is fine. I'm just beat. And a little cold.
Mokey: We can fix that! Lou and I will get you some hot chocolate.
Lou: Yeah! It will make you feel all nice and toasty.
Beth: Thanks guys.
Red: Well I'm going to go enjoy the snow. Bye! *runs out of the room*
Beth: Why am I not surprised?

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hi Mokey and Lou. Beth's a bit cold huh? Well, there's some coconut kisses in the fridge... And I think some fudge spiders also.
See you later.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Renee: Thanks Ed/Count/whoever. XD Just a little poking fun. I'll get at those coconut kisses things later. I'm currently polishing up my 5 stories for publishing now. Scooter's still reeling from my stories. XD

Scooter: This is really heavy stuff, Rey. *Flips the current story printed out.* How many pages is this so far?

Renee: 297 pages long.

Scooter: *Nearly falls off of the bed in astonishment.* Two hundred...and ninety seven pages LONG!!

Renee: Yeah. It's all ready for the printing now. :wink:

[My 900th post! YAYYYY!! :smile:]


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Lisa: <walks into room 24 singing> Oh today we'll merry merry be! Oh, today we'll merry merry be! Oh, today we'll merry merry be, and nosch some Hamentaschen!
Clifford: And what?
Lisa: Nosch some hamentaschen!
Rowlf: ...Could we get the English subtitles?
Lisa: Roughly? Eat- <whispers> cookies.
Gonzo: <whispers> Why are you whispering?
Lisa: <whispers> Because I don't want Cookie Monster to hear!
Gonzo: <whispers> Ohh...
Robin: <whispers> So cookies are... Hummin... Humminta...
Lisa: <whispers> Hamentaschen. It's a traditional cookie made for Purim- you make a little circle with the dough, put something in the middle like fruit filling or, in my house, chocolate or peanut butter, and then you fold the dough into a triangle.
Robin: <whispers> Oh...
Clifford: Can we stop whispering?
Lisa: Be my guest!
Clifford: Good.
Lisa: And speaking of being my guests! I'm going to the megilla reading tonight at my synagogue. Wanna come?
Robin: To the what reading?
Lisa: Megillah reading. It's where we tell the story of Purim, and dress up in costumes, and whenever they say the bad guy's name you gotta make a lot of noise so we can't hear it!
Robin: So it's like a story?
Lisa: Yup.
Robin: I'll come! Ooh, I need a costume...
Lisa: Anyone else?
Rowlf: Well...
Lisa: <innocently> They'll probably have hamentaschen...
Rowlf: ...What kind?
Lisa: Oh, I don't know, some kind of fruit probably... Probably some chocolate...
Rowlf: Do Jews always bribe attendance with food?
Lisa: Hey, if it's not broke, don't fix it!
Rowlf: All right, I'll come.
Gonzo: Did you say you dress up in costume?
Lisa: Well you can. Lots of people do. Some crazy stuff, too, one year the Cantor came as a nun.
Gonzo: Well count me in!
Camilla: Bagawk, babawk bawk!
Lisa: Great! All right, guys, let's figure out some costumes. We gotta be there by 6:45. So I hope you've all got ideas... If you wanna go in costume, that is, it's not required.
Gonzo: I think I'll go as a desk lamp!
Lisa: <blink> If you can pull it off...
Clifford: Man, why would you go as a desk lamp? That's the craziest thing I ever heard!
Lisa: You room with Gonzo, and that's the craziest thing you've ever heard?
Clifford: I take it back. But still- who dresses up as an inanimate object?
Lisa: Did I mention the year I went as bubble wrap?
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