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Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: *slowly pushes open the door to Room #25* Hello...? Anybody home?
Clifford: *pushes past Ryan, dragging his suitcase behind him* Who would be here, dude? We all moved out, remember?
Ryan: *shrugs* We DO have a new roomie, Cliff. *tosses stuff against wall and plops down on the couch* Ah, I missed this old thing...
Clifford: *shakes head* I'm putting MY stuff away. *goes to open bedroom door* *it won't open* Hey man, what's up with this? You tell Uncle D. you were in there writin' again?
Ryan: *blink* Not that I know of... *gets up to go investigate* *can't get the door to open* What the--
*the door suddenly starts to vibrate*
Ryan: ...I think we should move.
*the door comes flying off the wall just as Ryan and Clifford dive out of the way*
Ryan: *waving dust away from face* *cough* What was THAT?
Clifford: *takes off sunglasses and shakes dust off of them* I'll give ya three guesses...
Gonzo: *emerges from the dust* WOW! Haha! Camilla! It worked!
Camilla: Bawk bragawk!
Ryan: *rolls eyes* WHAT worked, Gonzo?
Gonzo: My exploding time chamber!
Ryan: Beg pardon?
Gonzo: I had Bunsen whip up a time chamber for Camilla and I to stay in until the Dorms reopened--I added my own little wake-up call.
Ryan: The explosives?
Gonzo: Exactly! Hahaha! *looks around* Gee, this place is a MESS! ...Where are the others?
Ryan: Not sure. But if I were them and I heard THAT explosion, I wouldn't be here.
Gonzo: Well thank goodness you're already in here then!
Clifford: My thoughts exactly.
Sam: *bursts through the door and enters the room flailing his wings about* Ryan!
Ryan: Sam! There you are! Where've you been?
Sam: I have been tirelessly trying to tell this... nusaince that he is not staying with us this semester!
Ryan: WHICH pest, Sam? You'll have to be more specific in this place.
Pepe: *walking in dragging a small suitcase behind him, talking on his cell phone* I telled jou once, I telled jou TWENTY times, hokay--I do NOT work with de tartar sauce! I don't know what's going t'rough jour mind, hokay, but d'is es in my contract! Right above de dotted lines, I remember d'is! *looks around* Hokay, hokay, listen Bernie baby, I've got to call jou back, hokay? ...Don't take d'is tone with me! If it wasn't for me, jou wouldn't have de Topo Sticky Variety Hour, now would jou? ...'Ello? ...UN-believable! *hangs up*
Sam: ...THAT nusaince.
Ryan: *smirks* I had a feeling.
Pepe: Hola!
Ryan: *shakes head* Hey Pepe, welcome! I guess you can take Link's old cot in the bedroom with Clifford and I.
Pepe: De pig? ...Does it still smell like bacon?
Ryan: ...I have no idea.
Pepe: If it does, I sleep d'ere. If not... I sleep in de sock drawer, hokay!
Ryan: ...Right.
Gonzo: Left!
Ryan: ...It's good to be back.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Lisa: <on the roof, of course, perched on balance ball, hunched over laptop> <mumbling to self> Infinity... attempt to convey infinity... scale, circle limit... words...
Rowlf: Let's tie the rope around the ball. We'll get HER downstairs first, and start moving our stuff in.
Robin: ...Won't she NOTICE, if we pick her up?
Lisa: <still mumbling> This paragraph... Gargh, lousy order... flow better... <sigh> two page... Right, so--varied scale...
Rowlf: ...I wouldn't put money on it.
Chef: Yar burgheta betty?
Robin: Who's Betty?
Rowlf: <ignoring Robin's question> Five bucks.
Chef: Shmurr oorn!
Lisa: <rubs eyes> <mumbles>Tessellations... hurts eyes... Psychology... blah...
Rowlf: Alright, let's hook the ropes up around the ball. Robin?
Robin: Who's Betty?
Rowlf: Who-- Oh. Um... I dunno. But try not to get lost under the ropes this time, okay?
Robin: Okay!
Chef: Un ya heeer de ropey! <hooks rope--attached to large crane--around Lisa's ball... while she's still sitting on it>
Lisa: <mumbles> Metamorphosis... dang s'big... Transformed tilings... erm...
Rowlf: <starts pulling on rope, hoisting ball, Lisa, and laptop into the air above the roof> Little help here?
Robin: I'll help! <Starts pulling on the rope>
Rowlf: Just don't get UNDER the rope.
Chef: Un, de moovin' nuf de rooov. <Turns crane, so that Lisa, ball, and laptop are suspended above the ground>
Lisa: <Sigh> <mumbles> Rewrite the whole paragraph... ga... just describe... might get two pages...
Rowlf: Bring 'er down... Steady now... <starts lowering the rope--and, in turn, Lisa and the ball and the laptop>
Robin: ...Is this kinda dangerous?
Chef: Noopen de fally! Shee haarburgendy ballydancee ballen! Shurgen?
Rowlf: <double-take> Bellydancing? Careful, Chef. Five-year-old here.
Robin: <scrunches face>
Lisa: <still mumbling> Oh, closer than I--'kay, half a page... ish... <continues mumbling, oblivious as the ball she's sitting on settles on the ground in front of the Dorms and her roommates climb down to stare at her>
Rowlf: <Turns to Chef> See? She didn't notice.
Chef: <pulls out his wallet and examines contents> ...De dooblen de noothin null seegen shee de nurtice fur de stoofen all de oonsie de rooooom.
Rowlf: ...I'll take that bet. Let's unhook the ropes and get the rest of the stuff down.
Chef: <Unhooks the rope from Lisa's ball, shaking his head at her>
Robin: I didn't get lost under the rope this time!
Rowlf: Don't jinx it. Still gotta get the piano down.
Robin: Oh yeah...
Chef: Um, de shkur... <waves hand in front of Lisa's face>
Lisa: <yup, still mumbling> Maybe s'enough... Gah, half a page... <moans> Other problems still... Anything else t'say? ...erm...


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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As a car pulls up we can hear a honker honking his nose. With that a honker, two monsters hop out of the car. As they get out a chubby kinda tall guy gets out.

Thanks again Homer for being my horn. I've been needing to get it fixed but haven't had time yet.

Homer Honker: Honk honk honk honk. Honk!

Your welcome too.

Herry: Do you really understand him?

Yea. I took a corse in Honker 101. It's a class that Gordon has been giving these last few months.

Herry: For real?

Yep. So now i know how to speak honker and monster gibberish.

Frazzle: RAdjajd fjasdkfd dskfkdkf jggjg ggggrrrrr!

I know Frazzle. Well get it here in a few. Let's go cheak in.

Wolfgang: Arf!

Whoops! Sorry Wolfgang. Almost forgot about you.

Wolfgang: *looks sad*

*pets him* I'm sorry. I forgot. Just be glad that Uncle Wally asked me to watch you for a few years.

Wolfgang: ARF! *licks me*



Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Over in common room........

Herry: Where's Ed with our room keys?

I don't know? He said he would meet us here.

Wolfgang: Arf arf arrrrrgh!

Don't worry. We'll find it. *remembers* Oh yea. Sorry Wolfgang. I keep forgetting. That's what you ment. *gets out a fresh fish from a fridge bag* Here you go boy. Catch! *throws it into the air*

Wolfgang: *jumps up and catches it* *Glup!* Ahhhhhhhh...arf. *tongue sticks out*

Herry: He's a very well trained seal.

Yep. *petting him on the head* A very good one at that.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Given the late hour, one of the bats flies down, dropping the key to Room #26 into Kyle's hands.

So, that's Erin, Tony, Caitlyn, Ailie, Ryan, and Kyle. Anyone else moved in yet?

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hmm... Thought I sent Beth the news of our latest applicant, hope she got it before leaving for the weekend. Oh well, I's got other errands to tend to. *Boogies out to breakfast and a turn at the bat-room.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: I got your message Ed, no worries, sent a note off to the managment team!
Abby: Where are Red and Mokey?
Beth: I don't know, I'm starting to get worried about them
*suddenly a head pops through the hole in the wall*
Red: We're back! *bursts into the room*
Mokey: And we're so excited to be here!
Beth: Yay! I'm so glad to see you guys! *hugs them*


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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*Given the late hour, one of the bats flies down, dropping the key to Room #26 into Kyle's hands.

So, that's Erin, Tony, Caitlyn, Ailie, Ryan, and Kyle. Anyone else moved in yet?
Rowlf: We're here! Mostly, anyway. Lisa still doesn't seem to have noticed we moved her off the roof... Went to class and back, and now she's right back on her ball again. But since our stuff is all outside, and not in the room yet... Chef hasn't won the bet yet. But uh... Just in case... Think we could get the key?


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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*Kate opens the door to room 5, to find Gobo and Wembley waiting for her.*
Hi guys! Gee, it's great to be back! I hope I didn't keep you waiting; I didn't know the dorms had opened again.
Gobo: Don't worry about it, eh. Wembley and I came back last night, and we decided to stay here 'til you got back.
Wembley: Yep, that's what we did alright!
*Sure enough, the fraggles' bunkbed is set up just a few feet from the larger, human-sized bed against the wall. Next to the bunkbed, Gobo's guitar stands propped up against the wall, partially covering the fraggle hole. At the foot of my bed is a burough, the bottom two drawers of which are already filled with the fraggles' personal effects. I start unpacking, putting my own smaller personal items in the top two drawers. On the top, I place a stereo similar to Erin's, but without the MP3 attachment. Beside that is a small stack of CDs. Next to that is a closet, where I hang my larger items of clothing, and place my shoes. Across from this is a desk, with a computer already hooked up with a scanner and printer beside it.*
Phew, done at last! Now I'm hungry.
Wembley: Yeah, me too!
How about going to Everybody eats? It'll be good to go there again!
Wembley: Yeah, that sounds fun!
Gobo: Yeah, and since we're going there, why don't we see if anyone else would like to go too?
Good idea! *Goes to door, and yells out into the hallway. Anywhere else I wouldn't do it, but I figure here it's perfectly acceptable.* Hey, me and the fraggles are goin' out to Everybody eats! Anyone wanna come?
Gobo: Gosh Wembley, who knew Kate could yell so loud, eh?
Wembley: Yeah, I know.
*blushes* Sorry, but at least I'm sure it got the job done.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Sure Rowlf... Here's the key. And the key is... A key of C. Hey, I gotsta get into the comedy schtick with that half of Prawny's somehow. But here, the room key. Sorry, that one opens up the mushroom, that's reserved for Alice. *Gives the dog the key to Room #24. See you guys and gals later. Need to contact everybody who's rooming about a surprise. Unless you'd prefer to contact me stating what one signature item you associate most with your roomies/yourself. *Sets off to get the spider team ready.
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