Hello from the MC Dorms management team. Welcome to the annual shake-up period. Beginning today, Monday August 25 2008, we will commence accepting applications for residency. Please bear in mind that this means only your sending in the filled-out form stating which Muppet(s) and which room you would prefer to have should your submission be approved. As for approval of your form, admitting you to move into the dorms, that is up to a select group of individuals who comprise the review committee, six people who have been long-standing members of the dorms and who I trust their judgment on allowing all those who enter through our doors.
Now then, for the application itself, please fill out the following information.
1 First Name.
2 Muppet Central User Name.
3 Room Number.
Room 1 is unavailable, as that's mine.
Also, for the time being, you may choose only from Rooms #2 through 29, as we'd opt to keep the upper floors emptied should further applicants require such accomodations.
4 Muppet Roommate(s).
You may choose to have up to five (5) Muppets as roommates, though you don't "have" to have all five. If you prefer having just three,that's perfectly fine.
Pets, favorite toys/dolls and smallerish characters like Muppaphones do not count towards this total.
You may have a fanfic character you yourself created and have featured in a fanfic of your own publication at Muppet Central's FanFiction & FanArt section, so long as you have at least one (1) other actual Muppet roommate.
5 Birthdays.
Please provide the birthday for each member in your party, including yourself.
If you don't know your particular Muppets' birthday:
a. Check Muppet Wiki for that particular character's birthday.
b. If no birthdate is provided for said character, you may then use either:
1 The character's first on air dated appearance, or
2 That particular character's Muppeteer performer's birthday.
Please send your applications to my online address, as my PM inbox is pretty filled up. Send those forms to, and title them "Muppet Dorms Application".
The dorms thread will also be closed for a two-week period as we sort the process of renewal, in an effort to minimize any erm unpleasantness which may have arisen recently. We will reopen our doors, and the thread, on Monday September 8 2008. This message will also be sent to everyone currently part of the last version of last term's roster. If you do not receive a copy, as it may bounce back per my messaging service's inability to deliver it, please refer back to this post. Rules of dorms' gameplay will be posted then.
Thank you for understanding and have a good day.
Ed "The Count"