Bryan: Well, guys...
Bert: I guess it's time to start packing up.
Ernie: Yeah...
Big Bird: Are we going to see each other again?
Ernie: Of course we are, Big Bird. We all live on Sesame Street, remember?
Bert: Yeah, we're only a few steps from each other.
Big Bird: But not all of us. (looking at me)
Bryan: Come on, Big Bird. This happens every year at this time.
Big Bird: Yeah, but how can you be so sure that we'll see you again. You've been so busy and we may not end up as roommates again next time.
Bryan: Big Bird, I will see to it that everything will be okay and we will see each other really soon. I promise. (hugs the big feathery bird) Cookie Monster, are you all packed?
Cookie: Me have no more room in suitcase! (standing there with a full suitcase and a pile of cookie boxes.) Wait! Me no how to solve problem, me smart monster! (starts devouring every loose and unpacked box of cookies) There all packed! Urp!