(At the Hensonville Hooper's Store...)
Bryan: (Wipes down the counter and starts to set up the laptop computer)
(the bell rings)
Big Bird: Hi, Bryan!
Bryan: Oh, morning, Big Bird!
Big Bird: Hi. Umm...Bryan?
Bryan: Yes?
Big Bird: What are you doing?
Bryan: Oh, I'm just getting ready to listen to the new Muppetcast episode.
Big Bird: Oh really? Can I join you?
Bryan: Sure! How about a bowl of Birdseed Krispies while we listen?
Big Bird: Sounds good. That's my favorite cereal, ya know.
Bryan: (smiling) I know it is. (pours the cereal in a bowl for Big Bird)
Big Bird: Umm...better pour another bowl for Radar.
Bryan: For...Radar?
Big Bird: Yeah, he needs breakfast too. He's a growing bear!
Bryan: But...(looks down at Radar's little teddy bear face and plays along) okay. (pours another bowl and sits it on the counter right in front of Radar) There you go, Radar.
Big Bird: He says, "Thank you."
Bryan: Well, he's very welcome.
Big Bird: (light laugh) Hehehe.
Bryan: Okay, let's start up this podcast!
Big Bird: Oh, Bryan?
Bryan: Yes, Big Bird.
Big Bird: Can we please have a banana with our cereal?
Bryan: A banana? Sure. One for Radar too?
Big Bird: Let me ask. Radar, would you like a banana with your cereal? (Pause and Big Bird listens for an answer) He says, "Yes, please."
Bryan: Okay... two bananas coming up! (grabs 2 bananas and gives one to Big Bird and one to Radar) There you go.
Big Bird: Thanks.
Bryan: You're very welcome. Now...onto the Muppetcast! (is just about to hit the button on the computer...)
Big Bird: Oh, Bryan! Wait wait!
Bryan: (sigh) Yes, Big Bird...?
Big Bird: Sorry to interupt again, but Radar likes to have his banana sliced up and put over his cereal.
Bryan: Sliced up?
Big Bird: Yeah. I'd do it myself, but I'm not allowed to use a knife. And you're a grown up. Would you mind? Please?
Bryan: Not at all... (peels Radar's banana and slices it up and scatters the pieces over the cereal.) There. You too, Big Bird?
Big Bird: No, thanks. That's all.
Bryan: Okay. Anything else I can get you both?
Big Bird: No, that's all. Thank you.
Bryan: Are you sure?
Big Bird: Yes, I think we're ready now.
Bryan: Okay. Now, let's just listen to the Muppetcast, okay?
Big Bird: I've been looking forward to it!
Bryan: Me too. (Finally starts up the podcast and they listen)