Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Muppet Newsgirl

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Feb 28, 2006
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(in room 7)

Nora: Lucky clovers, check. Fake rabbit's foot, check. Things arranged in sevens, check.
MN: Oh, Nora, it's nothing. There's nothing unlucky about Friday the 13. In fact, the last Friday the 13 was actually a very good day for me.
Storyteller: (coming into room with ice cream cone) I think it's very silly, myself, all that fretting over a ---whoa! (trips over a lamp cord; ice cream cone falls on the new area rug) Oh, no, Erin, I'm sorry!
MN: Storyteller, that's okay, I can...(in reaching for a rag to wipe it up, sends the teapot flying to the kitchen floor, where it shatters) No...
Storyteller: That's your favorite teapot...the one you got in England that one year.
Nora: (gulps) Four-leafed clover, anyone?


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Dec 14, 2004
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Rizzo: What is it you're tryin' to do here?
Ryan: Write this stupid short story.
Rizzo: Oh.
Ryan: Before Camilla's birthday party.
Rizzo: Oh.
Ryan: Speaking of which, do you think you could run over to Everybody Eats and make us reservations for tonight?
Rizzo: Eh, why not? How many people should I make reservations for?
Ryan: *shrug* Just tell them to expect a zoo.
Rizzo: Will do! *scoots out*
Ryan: *sighs* *goes back to trying to write*


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Telly: (wearing an extra padded helmet, baseball catcher's mask, goodluck charms draped over his neck, holding a baseball bat and pretend soldier's sheild.) Okay. I'm ready!
Big Bird: Telly, what are you doing?
Telly: It's Friday the 13th, Big Bird, and everytime this day comes around I get nervous that something bad is going to happen. Well this time, I'm extra prepared!
Big Bird: Good for you!
Bry: Hey, guys! Not only is it Friday the 13th, but we also celebrate 3 other things.
Big Bird: What's that?
Telly: Yeah, what?
Bry: Ed's 5th anniversary as an MC member and Camilla the Chicken's birthday.
Big Bird: Today is Camilla's birthday? Oh we should do something special. She's one of my favorite bird friends.
Bry: Well, I think there's to be a party later today.
Telly: Bryan, you said 3 things.
Bry: Oh yeah! Well, today is also my day off. So I get to spend the whole day hanging out at home with all of you.
Roomies: Yay!
Bry: You boys want to do me a favor and take these things down to Ed in room 1?
Telly: Will do!
(Telly and Big Bird take a bouquet of lilies and plate of sesame seed honey bars--fresh from Hooper's--to room 1)

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*The Count opens the door and engages Telly and Big B in conversation, receiving the boo-quet and sesame seeded honey bars graciously accepting them in Ed's name as he's currently at the toy shop discussing the first line of figurines based on the castle's haunters.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Murray: *holding a four leaf clover* This should keep me from having any bad luck.

Guys with three things being celebrated today we need to be sure to help everyone around here with the celebration.

Herry: What's is all three of them?

Uh let's see. Ed's anniversary, Camilla the Chicken's b-day and the one most scarest of all.......

Monsters: What?

Friday The 13th! *makes eerie spooky nosies*

Murray hops into Herry's arms

Don't worry guys. It'll be the funnest day ever. Come on. To the store!

Maurice: I have a bad feeling about this. :eek:


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: Alright, Big Bird and I are stepping out to pick up a birthday present for Camilla. Prairie, here are everyone's assignments while we're gone. (hands Prairie a piece of paper with a list). We'll be back soon. Come on, Bird! (leaves)
Big Bird: (follows) Coming! La la la la la...
Prairie: Okay. Now listen up, everybody! Bryan has placed me in charge while he is away. And why shouldn't he? I am one of the senior most responsible residents here.
Bert: What about me?
Ernie: What about you, Bert?
Bert: I'm responsible. (proudly) I make my bed every morning.
Ernie: Hmm.
Prairie: *Ahem* are everyone's assignments to prepare for the party tonight. (looking at the list) Bert and Ernie, you will be responsible for picking up food and supplies for the party. Here is your shopping list. (hands Ernie the list).
Ernie: We have to get 13 of everything on this list?
Prairie: Yes, and be sure to follow that rule closely. It is very important.
Ernie: (shrugs) Okay.
Prairie: Rosita and Telly, you will be helping The Count and Uncle Deadly with the decorations and party preparation.
Rosita: Okay!
Telly: Whoa whoa! Wait a second. Decorate with Uncle D-d-d-deadly?
Ernie: Come on, Telly. Uncle D's not so bad. Remember?
Telly: But he's still scary, aaaaaand it's Friday the 13th! Eeeextra scaaary!
Rosita: (Patting him on the back) Don't worry, Telly. Everything will be just fine.
Prairie: Okay! Everyone got their assignments?
Rosita: What about you?
Prairie: Me?
Telly: What will you be doing?
Prairie: Oh. job is to supervise. Yeah! To see that everything runs smoothly and you all do your jobs.
Others: Okay...Hmm...if you say so...I see.
Prairie: Okay. Now break!
(They all scurry off in there respective directions but running into each other before going the separate ways)
Prairie: And remember...13! Oh dear...(to Gaffer who has snuggled up to her arm) I tell ya's not easy being a born leader.
Gaffer: Meow!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: ...Well, I'm glad someone put Prairie in charge. She's certainly much more suitable for the job than I am.
Clifford: You're just lucky Gonzo's kept Camilla out on the town all day.
Ryan: You're telling me.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(Prairie knocks on Ryan's door)
Prairie: Ryan? Hello! It's me, Prairie Dawn! I am just making sure you are doing your part!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: *gulps* Uhh... yes, I've done my part by keeping Camilla out all day so you could plan. *innocent smile*


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Everyone from room 26 heads to Ryan's room

Hey Ryan and Clifford. Hey Prairie! We and the monsters fixed up some "Peach Cobbler" for Camllia party and got some neat little decrations.

Murray: *now wearing a green hat with a four leaf clover in it*

Maurice: What are you wearing?

Murray: A hat with a green leaf clover. Don't want anything to happen to me while....(whispers)....friday the 13th.

Maurice: Why are you whispering?

Murray: I really don't know.

Grover and Herry should be here with the drinks i can't remember what the other thing i sent them out for?

Maurice: Don't worry. You'll remember when you see it.

I hope so.

Maurice: Where do me and Murray need to put these decorations Prairie?
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