Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Happy Valentines to everyone here at the Dorms.

Grover: *dressed like cupid*

Herry: Who are you spoused to be?

Grover: Cute furry adorable cupid.

Maurice: That's the kid witht he wings who shoots people with arrows and they fall in love.

Herry: Now I remember him. Stay away from me Cupid.

Grover: There not real Herry. Do not worry. I will not shoot anyone.

FilFil: Hey guys. Hey Grover. Cute outfit. *sits down and turns on TV* Oh yea. Don't shoot me. I'm not ready for love yet.

Grover: Oh come on. I want to shoot something.

Herry: Why not shoot Oscar?

Grover: Good idea. I will tell him that I have a card from his mother.

Herry: Good idea. Go!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Hmmm... Wonder if Grover has his quiver filled with gold-tipped arrows or lead-tipped arrows.
Count: Vhat's the difference?
Well... Not many people know this, because they just concentrate on the fact that Cupid is a symbol of love-bringing... But back in ancient Greco-Roman myth where the character originated, he had two types of arrows The golden ones were the ones used to cause people to fall in love with each other...
Count: And the lead ones?
If yu were shot with those from Cupid's bow, then it would cuse the opposite effect... You'd become disinterested in your significan other. Course, some tend to take it to the extreme of gold arrows are for love and lead ones are for hate, but it's not rully hat grim a proposition.
Count: Vell... Cnsidering it's Oscar he's going to shoot...
You're fright. Now come on, let's watch a bit of TV before I have to leave for my evening classes.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: Happy Valentine's Day gang!
Clifford: Wait... Did you just wish us a happy Valentine's Day? You, the kid who hates Valentine's Day?
Ryan: Aw, Cliff, c'mon, I wouldn't say I hate it exactly...
Clifford: Uncle D., could ya roll back the tape from this morning please?
Uncle Deadly: Certainly my fiend. *Uncle D. pulls out a tape recorder and presses play, Ryan's voice is heard saying "Ugh! I hate Valentine's Day! I hate being single! They should change the name of it to 'Singles Awareness Day!' GAH!"*
Ryan: ...Okay... Well... Hug day today at school made things better.
Uncle Deadly: I'm sure.
Ryan: It did!
Clifford: Mmhmm, we can tell by all the stickers all over you.
Ryan: Oh yeah. Anyway... Where's Gonzo and Camilla?
Uncle Deadly: Out.
Clifford: Buyin' each other gifts.
Ryan: Ah, good on the two of them. They goin' out tonight?
Clifford: Of course.
Ryan: Ah, figures. How 'bout you, Cliff? You and Skeeter got a date?
Clifford: Heh, you bet dude.
Ryan: Figures... Uncle D., you don't have a date, do you?
Uncle Deadly: Of course not my fiend. I'm here for you.
Ryan: Oh good. Movie night then?
Uncle Deadly: I was hoping more of Trip could be written first...
Ryan: ...We'll see.
Uncle Deadly: Indeed we shall.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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in the First Floor's Rec Room:
Are we all set for the party tonight? blowing up some balloons with a helium machine
Prairie:Yep...I know I am.You,Rosita?tying the balloon and handing it to Rosita on the ladder.
Rosita:Sure am!taping the balloon to the wall
Did you see Gaffer with her kitty toys today?I'm telling you she looked like she looked like she went to Kitty Heaven when I gave her that squeaky rubber mousie!
the 3 of us laugh
Prairie: She likes the catnip too.
Right,but don't give her too much. Otherwise she'll be running around like Miss Hyper Kitty tonight when we're trying to sleep.
Rosita: Yeah...that's true.My abuela's cat used to do that until Abuela got smart and gave the catnip to her in little bits.
Your abuela's smart Rosita. blowing up another balloon and handing it to Prairie
Prairie:I was going to inhale a bit of this helium...
PRAIRIE!Don't you dare!!Are you crazy??:eek:
Prairie:Let me finish!Sheesh! I heard that even though inhaling helium makes your voice sound funny,it can cause brain damage.
WHEW! Glad you know that. Let's finish getting the stuff ready for the party.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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theprawncracker said:
Ryan: Uncle D., you don't have a date, do you?
Uncle Deadly: Of course not my fiend. I'm here for you.
Ryan: Oh good. Movie night then?
Uncle Deadly: I was hoping more of Trip could be written first...
Ryan: ...We'll see.
Uncle Deadly: Indeed we shall.
Prairie:EEK! Be right back!Ryan!Ryyyaaaannnnn!!!! Tonight we're having a joint party for UD,Gaffer and a couple of others that have birthdays today. You gotta be there!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Grover: Oh grouchy? I have something for you.

Oscar: *pops up* What do you want?

Grover: I have somethng I am gong to give you.

Oscar: What?

Grover: This. *points arrow at Oscar*

Oscar: *eyes widen* Watch where your pointing that thing!

Herry, FilFil and Maurice watch from the doorway

Grover: Ready?

Oscar: Ready for what?

Grover: For this. *closes eyes and shoots the arrow*

Oscar: Oh my! *ducks back down*

The Arrow flies at Oscar's trashcan but bounces off it. It then flies down the hallway.

Grover: Whoa! *runs down the hallway and falls to the floor*

Herry: Watch out!

FilFil: What? *sees arrow* Oh I see! *ducks back in*

Maurice: Wait for me!

The Arrow then flies off down into the basement of the dorms. From there it flies around the stairwell and keep bouncing from door to door.

Herry: That was close.

Grover: *opens door* What an arrow.

Maurice: Where did it go?

Grover: I do not know.

FilFil: Good. We don't want it in here.

All of a sudden the arrow comes flying out of the vents in the room

Herry: *sees it* WATCH OUT! *throws himself on top of FilFil, Maurice and Grover*

The arrow shoots right at Herry and sticks to his back

Grover: Are you alright Herry?

FilFil: You hurt Herry, Grover.

Maurice: No he didn't. Look.

Herry: What happened?

FilFil: One of Cupid arrows shot you.

Herry: For real?

Grover: Sorry. I never can do it right. I am a bad little cupid.

Maurice: No your not. Your the cutest one I've ever seen.

Herry: *pulls out arrow* He's right. Come on. Let's go to "EveryBody Eats."

Grover: Sounds good to me.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: Okay, in honor of Valentine's Day, we got a lot of valentines cards we got to give to everyone at the dorms!, Baby Bear and Zoe, your going to be Mail Carriers

BABY BEAR: Yes, Peter

ZOE: Yes, Man

PETER: And Little Bird, you are going to play Cupid

LITTLE BIRD: Oh!, Boy I get to be Cupid!!!

PETER: Let's deliver some Mail!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2006
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Emmet: Happy Valentines Day!

Ally: Happy Valentines to you, too! *reaches under bed* Oh! Emmet, I got you a present! *She hands him a red box of chocolates, tied up with a bow, and a few assorted Valentine-themed pens and pencils.* Hope you like it, it's not much, but I just felt as though I needed to get you a little something...

Emmet: Oh, thanks! I got you something as well! *He takes a small necklace from the drawer by his bed, with a gold colored chain and a sculpted metal leaf on the end of it.*

Ally: Wow, thank you! I wasn't expecting something like this.. infact I wasn't expecting anything to be honest! *She ties the necklace's gold chain around her neck.* It's great, Emmet!

Emmet: Thanks, so.. what's are plans for tonight? *He shrugs* I'm kinda' in the mood to go out to eat.

Ally: That sounds like a plan, I could kill for some fries and a shake right about now!

Emmet: And some pie for desert!

Ally: Yeah, let's go, bud!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Ah, home again. The party's tonight, for Uncle Deadly's B-Day (January 27), Gillis Fraggle (January 30), and Gaffer and Christy (February 14). Don't think my surprise for ol' UD will get posted tonight, but maybehopefully tomorrow. Gonna take care of some errands on campustomorow and also try to buy the tickets for the concert I hope to attend this Saturday. Busy, busy, buy... Take care gang.

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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MN: Everyone have a good Valentine's Day?
Storyteller: Oh, yes, my fellow storytellers and I spent the day reciting and discussing love poems and legends down in the Cuddling Caverns.
Nora: I visited Mrs. Farley in the hospital, brought her some flowers and candy. And then she told me that she had bought me a necklace with an inkpot-shaped pendant on it before the accident, and that I could find it in the safe in the back office.
MN: I helped deliver a discussion on Wuthering Heights (dark romanticism and all that) and I had a nice long dinner with a group of friends.
Nora: I noticed that necklace sitting in a box on your desk...
MN: Yeah, I bought that at the campus art fair two days ago. Thought I'd treat myself.
Storyteller: So, a good day all around...but what about that horror author?
MN: Oh, him. (grabs notes) Let's see. He said he was in there to see about sales of his latest book.
Storyteller: Nothing new.
Nora: Yeah, well, he was also in there to try to get Mrs. Farley to set up a display of horror novels in the window, and a table of them in the store, and...
MN: So it says here.
Nora: In fact, he and Mr. Kopath have been begging Mrs. Farley to turn the store's focus from all books to mainly horror and suspense books.
MN: Hmmm...methinks we need to pay a call to Shriek, Rattle and Roll soon.
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