Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Muppet Newsgirl

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Feb 28, 2006
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The Count said:
Uh... Erin, I heard from a nervous Beaker and Swedish Chef earlier today. You might want to snap up a copy of the local Hensonville Observer, I think they ran the article about the pending Muppet subversive plans to "take Manhattan" as they termed it. Sad when even lovable characters are thought of as hardened subversives...

*OOC: Check out the thread started by Andy Wonkanobi titled "Lovable Characters" in the Classic Muppets section, you'll know what all the laughter's about.
I did read it, and I did get a few grins out of it.

On the other is a sad day when such wonderful people/things like the Muppets are thought of as being subversive and dangerous. It's the McCarthy hearings all over again, mutter...mutter...

Storyteller: Hey, news lady, isn't it a little early to be having a journalist's rant?
MN: What? Oh, sorry, Storyteller, didn't realize you were still sleeping.
Storyteller: And when are we going to get those other two names from Nora?
Nora: (opens door) I'm working on it, I'm working on it!


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: It's performance week, yea!
Red: You're excited about that?
Beth: Yes I am because soon, the show will all be over
Cookie: What show?
Beth: The one at my church
Wanda: When are the actual shows again?
Beth: Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Dress rehearsals on Wednesday and Thursday though
Red: So we won't be seeing much of you this week
Beth: Probably not
Wanda: What about your story?
Beth: Oh, I'll still be writing, I'll still have some time
Cookie: Me glad to hear that. Me hungry.
Beth: Me too, let's get breakfast.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Ugh... Another long Monday done with. *Reads through calendar, slaps hand to forehead quite loudly.
Count: Vhat's wrong?
I am soooooooooo sorrrrrrry! Completely forgot that Uncle Deadly had a B-Day on January 27 and Gillis had one on January 30.
Count: Anybody else?
Well, The Storyteller's Dog had his on January 31, but since Melissa hasn't checked back in, I'm wondering if he left for his old home at the Storyteller's abode.
Count: Mmm, that's entirely possible. So vhat do you plan to do about it?
Well... Gaffer and Christy, you know, my cyber-sister share a B-Day this Wednesday... We'll just celebrate theirs and Gillis's as a late birthday all o the same day.
Count: And Uncle Deadly?
*Smiles evilly, I happen to have a surprise for that spook, I only hope he happens to like it as a wonderous birthday preent.

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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MN: Okay, here's Threadbolt's statement: "I came in to repair that squeaking ladder in the mystery section. I swear on my grandmother's dentures that I don't know what happened to the one in the horror section."
Storyteller: "I swear on my grandmother's dentures..." I like it.
Nora: Got you the other two names.
MN: Okey-doke. (reads) Fourth name: Sy Kopath, owner of the Shriek, Rattle and Roll horror publishing house just outside of town. Publishes Mr. Fracas' books.
Storyteller: Oh, interesting, interesting. And the fifth?
MN: Fifth name: Moll Content...treasurer of the Hensonville Cliffhangers. The rock-climbing club.
Nora: Oh, yeah, Mrs. Farley joined them last year; she's the secretary now. Miss Content came in to see about the club's next expedition.
MN: Well done. We'll see about contacting them before long.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Somebody has a birthday on Wednesday!scratching Gaffer under the chin
Gaffer:Purrrrrrrrrrrrrr...rubbing her head against my hands and licking them
Yep...that'd be you Miss Gaffer! C'mon...ready to go nite nites?
MC Dorms were brought to you by the letter C & W,and by the number 8! MC Dorms are a production of Muppet Central. Goodnight!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Grover: Everyone in room 26 just watching the "Sesame Street Old School Vol. 1." Great stuff to see on that DVD too. If you have not already bought it then buy it now. Hurry before you can never find it again. Good night everybodieeeee!


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: Good Morning

ZOE: Good Morning, Peter

BABY BEAR: Um, Is it okay that after classes this afternoon, we get some Valentine Cards and all sorts of stuff

PETER: Sure thing, Baby Bear

LITTLE BIRD: I'm going to get Big Bird something for a Valentine!

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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MN: Ms. Malfait proceeded to yell at us that she had nothing to do with Mrs. Farley's accident, but that the "priceless antique set of neo-Gothic romances rightfully belongs to me and not that beehive head at Coming Unbound..." (lowers statement) Ouch. I don't think she likes your boss, Nora.
Storyteller: Sounded like Ms. Malfait's got a few bees in her bonnet.
Nora: She's always like that.
MN: In the meantime...hey, did you guys hear that we've got another engagement over at the RHLC?
Storyteller: Oh?
MN: Yeah, Will and Carrie are officially engaged.
Nora: Wow...that's so sweet, I mean, meeting each other on the Muppet forum and...
MN: (chuckles) Yeah, love comes to Koozebane...
Storyteller: Oh, stop it with the Koozebane jokes, news lady.
MN: Come on, you know I mean it as a gentle jest. I'm happy for the both of them.
Nora: what did Hugh Fracas say when you talked to him?
MN: We're getting to that.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Count: Vhat are you doing back here so early?
Me: Dern library was closed... And since my class isn't until later tonight, I got someone to pick me up and here I am.
Count: Vill you be here for the party tonight?
Me: Not sure... But I can count on you and Kathy to get everything ready for the party for Uncle Deadly, Gillis, Gaffer and Christy?
Count: Of course my fiend.
Good t know. Now then... Off to do some errands, and to plot Uncle Deadly's surprise.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Happy Valentines Day guys!
Red: Same to you!
Beth: I got you guys presents!
Cookie: Presents? Oh boy!
Beth: For Red, doozer dust cookies
Red: Yum! *looks at Cookie* These are mine.
Cookie: Me not say anything
Beth: For Wanda, some chocolate truffles
Wanda: Yum!
Cookie: Those look yummy
Beth: And for Cookie, chocolate chip cookies
Cookie: Cowabunga! *gobbles them up quickly*
Beth: Hey girls, you'd better do something with your treats before he gets them!
*everyone laughs*
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