Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Jun 13, 2002
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Rosita: Maurice was really excited to start at Fran's Fragrant Flowers today.
Yeah...I'm glad he took over for me. Rosita ...I just didn't think it was fair for Fran to keep me since all these things have happened.
Rosita: I understand,Kath. I don't mean to make you feel bad,but Fran misses you.
Awww.... Maybe I'll call her & see how she's doing.
picking up the phone and pressing Speed Dial for Fran's Fragrant Flowers.The phone rings twice.
Fran:Fran's Fragrant Flowers...Fran speaking.
Hi's Kathy.
Fran:Kathy!How wonderful to hear from you! How are you doing,sweetie?
Eh...been better.Wishing that this black cloud would just pass over me.
Fran:I understand.But these things happen.Soon the sun will shine again for you.I can guarantee you that much.
Thanks. How's Maurice working out?
Fran:He's an excellent worker.then lowering her voice:But all of us here miss you
I miss you all too. I'll be in touch.
Fran:OK Kath...take care of yourself.So long.
Bye Fran...and thanks!hanging up
Rosita: You feel better now that you talked to Fran?
Rosita:Good...let's have some burritos for lunch.

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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MN: (hangs up phone) That was Fran's Fragrant Flowers. They've delivered that bouquet of freesias and lilies that I called in.
Storyteller: Is Nora still down at the shop?
MN: Yeah, she won't be in until later. Now, let's go over the notes. Accident took place not too long before closing time, 5 p.m. Nora was in the mystery section, setting up that display on local authors.
Storyteller: She says that she heard a funny snapping noise, and a scream and a crash in the horror section. Came running over to find Mrs. Farley on the floor, and the ladder yanked out of its track.
MN: Jerry and Richard, who were just coming into the shop at the time, called the police and the rescue squad.
Storyteller: Bless them...and they also sent flowers to Mrs. Farley.
MN: (drops notebook) Now, let's see...I had a look at the wheels that were on the top of the ladder. The wheels keep the ladder in the track, see, and they're supposed to be held there with screws...but the wheels had come off, and the screws had been snapped in half.
Storyteller: Yeah...and it looks like the only thing holding the screws (and the ladder) together was a bit of super glue. (makes a face)
MN: But those can't just snap those in half. You'd need superhuman strength or a metal saw. And it looks like those screws were sawn in half, not torn.


Storyteller: That ladder was rigged, Erin. Rigged so the first person to climb up on it would take a nasty tumble.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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The town clock chimes away the hours, each bell resounding loud and clear and mournful, a voice from the great beyond entombed within Beth's Clock Shop. Fanfic has been posted, though only one story, the denizens of darkness clamoring for more to soothe their souls. And yet, there's a palpable air of worry while assorted Muppets file out under an eerie vibe from St. Nowhere Hospital, it's offices located within the same building as St. Lovelady's Hospital at the opposite corner of the hamlet called Hensonville. Some wend their way back to their apartment homes, a few meander off to Rainbow Connections Moviehouse hearing the music of the midnight matinee Scooter quieted down so as not to disturb the neighbors, and one particular blue-braided Whatnot girl stumbles on the beaten path back to the dorms... Unsuspectful of the danger that befell her employer, unknowing that it might even pose a threat to her friends gathered inside the shelter of that colleged sanctuary. She feels the wintery wind rustle her braids... The trees sway to and fro, chilled to their roots... Disconcerting violin music plays as...
Count, quietly: Ah, vhat do I spy from here in my shadowy seat. 1, 1 pale blue spectre!
Traditionally, thunder erupts out of nowhere and lightning flashes across the Plutonian shades of nightly sky. The young girl, frightened by the reaction, turns and emits a piercing shriek.
Count, realizing his mistake: Oh, Nora! Please forgive me! I thought it vas just a fiendly spirit, my intentions vere most definitely not to give you the fright of your life. Come, let me at least valk you back to the dorms. There have been some whispers of lingering lurkers, it's not safe for a body to be out unescorted so late at night.
The two link arms and promptly resume their steps along the cemented silent sidewalks, admitted into the welcoming arms of the academic abode.

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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MN: That's right, St. Lovelady and St. Nowhere are sister hospitals.

(door opens)
Nora: Thanks, Count. (comes slowly in)
Storyteller: And where in heaven's name have you been? Do you realize how late it is?
Nora: I'm sorry, Storyteller, but I had to help with a lot of bookkeeping at the shop...and I had to visit Mrs. Farley...
MN: Nora, listen. I don't think the shop is really safe anymore.
Nora: But I've gotta go there! Mrs. Farley's depending on me!
MN: Nora. Someone had it in for Mrs. Farley. Someone sawed through the bolt holding the ladder up.
Storyteller: And put it back together with some glue to hide it.
Nora: What...oh, no. No. (sinks down into chair)
MN: Nora, we're going to need your help. Of the three of us, you're the one who's most familiar with what's going on in the shop. We need to know who came in there that day, who might have had a grudge against Mrs. Farley.
Nora: But that'll take forever.
Storyteller: Doesn't Mrs. Farley keep customer names in a book everytime they buy something? That should help.
Nora: (sigh) We had about 18 customers, and five people who were there on official business. It was a slow day.
MN: Then we'll start with them. Tomorrow, go down to the shop and get their names.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Count: Any time Nora... Have a good night's sleep, you look like you need it.
Oh good, you're home safe.
Count: Yes, did you do some story nagging?
Just finished it all. And Dave's doing a third MCS.
Count: That's vonderful. Vill you send in a photo this time?
Sure hope so, already have the idea of what I want the pic to show, a few Muppet friends or fiends, to coin a phrase. Need to see if I can coax a few of the bats out of the belfry to pose with us though before the deathline comes and goes. Maybe I'll put up an announcement here tomorrow.
Count: Ah vell... Pleasant dreams Edvard.
Thanks, and may you rest in peace as well Count.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Prairie:Well good afternoon sleepyhead!
Very funny,wise girl!:stick_out_tongue:
Prairie:Yep...that'd be me!Want some pineapple juice?
Yes please.Did you have breakfast already?
Prairie:Uh huh.....some of us wake up at normal times.:wink:
:rolleyes: Hey missy...I'm entitled to sleep late.
Prairie:This is true.Hey Kath?
taking two plastic glasses and putting them in front of her eyesDoodley-doo-dee-doo!
gigglingCute Prairie!The Chef would be impressed that you can do that as well as him.No throwing popcorn though,OK?
Prairie:You've got a deal there.Here's your juice.setting it down in front of me and a bagel with cream cheese.
Mmmm..delish!Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Unlce Deadly: Ryan! What have you done?!
Ryan: Pardon?
Uncle Deadly: You posted a new chapter and didn't tell me!
Ryan: Oh, yeah, sorry 'bout that.
Unlce Deadly: *shocks Ryan* Take that! *runs to read*
Ryan: ...Ow...
Gonzo: Some Prawns have all the luck...

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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MN: (plunks down phone) I think we can rule out the customers. Our crook is more likely to be one of the people in there on official business.
Storyteller: Do you have the list, Nora?
Nora: (shuffles through backpack) Here's three of the names so far.
MN: Thank you, Nora. (adjusts glasses and starts to read) First person: Hugh J. Fracas. Local author of horror and suspense novels. (pause) Mrs. Farley did fall off in the horror section.
Nora: He's in the shop all the time, checking on sales of his books. Latest one's about a cursed Egyptologist. It's called "Mummy Dearest."
MN: Oh, yeah, I read that.
Storyteller: Did you like it?
MN: Fell asleep halfway through chapter one. (looks at list) Second person: Trudy Malfait. Owner of another bookshop, Writing on the Wall, in Fall River.
Nora: She and Mrs. Farley were both trying to buy some set of rare books or something. It was at an auction.
Storyteller: Let me on the list, Ted Threadbolt, mechanic and contractor.
Nora: I think he helped Mrs. Farley install the rolling ladders.
Storyteller: Hmm...they all seem like worthy suspects.
MN: Too true. But then, everyone's a suspect unless they've been ruled out. Let's get to it.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Uh... Erin, I heard from a nervous Beaker and Swedish Chef earlier today. You might want to snap up a copy of the local Hensonville Observer, I think they ran the article about the pending Muppet subversive plans to "take Manhattan" as they termed it. Sad when even lovable characters are thought of as hardened subversives...

*OOC: Check out the thread started by Andy Wonkanobi titled "Lovable Characters" in the Classic Muppets section, you'll know what all the laughter's about.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hey Kathy, letting you know I read and replied to your mewssage. Hope you have a good night's sleep.
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