Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: *yawns* Essay's done...
Uncle Deadly: Time to Trip now?
Ryan: No... Still got a test to study for.
Uncle Deadly: THEN time to Trip?
Ryan: Then three geometry assignments.
Uncle Deadly: ...Do we Trip then?
Ryan: And then I sleep.
Uncle Deadly: *mutters*

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Hears muttering from Ryan's roommate... Well, maybe he'll like what were scheming for the date on the calendar one week from yesterday. At least that's got me motivated to write something. If only I could finally decide and get rid of those ol' couning blues. Oh well, it'll get sorted out hopefully.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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At Charlie's..........

Well that was good.

Herry: I just love how Charlie makes their hamburgers.

Maurice: There really great but I have to say I love their soup.

Good too.

FilFil: I can't get enough of their cookies.

That reminds me of when Cookie was with us.

Herry: Yep. All those cookies he would eat.

Hours later............

*finds note* Lookie at what Ryan sent over for inviting him along yesterday.

Herry: What?


FilFil: Oooo I just love muffins.

Good. Well have these for our dessert for tomorrow night.

Maurice: Well I'm going to head to bed. I have to start my new job tomorrow.

What? You got a job?

Maurice: Yep. I'm working at the flower shop with Prairie.

Cool to hear that. *hugs Maurice* Good night.

Maurice: Thanks Kyle. See ya'll in the morning.

I'm glad to see Maurice is growing up. He's got a job! Woooooo! *sits down and watches some TV*

FilFil: I'm going to head down to the Fan Fic Library.


FilFil: Wanna join me Herry?

Herry: Nah. I have to do some work. I have some paper work to get in tomorrow.

FilFil: Ok. See yea.

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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Storyteller: Well, the mad scribbler here does have a fanfic in the hopper, but it doesn't involve Mrs. Farley taking a swan dive off a ladder.
MN: Yet.
Storyteller: What are you working on, anyway?
MN: It's still in the early stages, but it's about a museum theft and a supposedly cursed statue. I'm going to try to get some proper work done on it soon.
Storyteller: Nora's gone to bed early. It looks like she saw what happened.
MN: Yeah...she's a tough kid, Nora is, but I think having her boss get seriously hurt right in front of her is rough on her.
Storyteller: Any word from the shop?
MN: They've got a few techs from the crime lab down there looking at the ladder. They're treating it as "accidental, with suspicious circumstances."
Storyteller: And Mrs. Farley?
MN: They X-rayed her. Hairline fracture to the collarbone and contusions on her right shoulder. For us non-medical types, it means she came in with quite a bruising.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Hmmm... I onder if Leland and the team down at M.U.P.P.E.T. are already hard at work on this developing investigation. Oh well, there'll probably be something in the news later today about it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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*making breakfast and humming a tune*

Maurice: Good morning Kyle.

Good moring Maurice. When does your job start today?

Maurice: 9:00. I'm going to take a bath.

Ok. By that time I'll have breakfast ready.

Minutes later.........

Maurice: Finished. *hickup*

You have the hickups. Don't worry. Just drink some water. *hands Maurice a glass of water*

Maurice: Thank you. *glups it down* Ahhhhhhh...thats bet...*hickup*....Oh this is going to be bad. I can't show up today with this.

It's alright everyone gets..

FilFil: What's...*rubbing eyes*...going on?

Maurice has the hickups.

FilFil: *yawns* Oh I see. Ooooo scrambled eggs. Can I have some?

Sure. I made enough for everyone. Alright Maurice. We have another salutation.

Maurice: What's..*hickup*...that?

To hold you up side down.

Maurice: I guess we can give it a try.

Another few minutes later.........

Maurice is not standing on his head while Me and FilFil hold him up. What will become of Maurice's hickups? Will they go away before he goes off to work or will he still have them. Find out next when they try something else.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Must write, must write, must write
Wanda: You don't have writers block already do you?
Beth: Oh no, not at all. I just don't have time!
Wanda: Is there anything I can help you with?
Beth: Sure, could you pick up in here a little bit?
Wanda: Oh sure, that's no problem
Red: Is there anything Cookie and I can do?
Beth: Um, not make more messes?
Red: Gotcha, sorry about that
Cookie: Me sorry too. Red and me were playing Candy Land and it was messy
Beth: How in the world?
Red: It was interactive
Beth: Gotcha
Wanda: You go write, we'll take care of all this mess
Beth: Thanks guys

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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MN: (walks in reading newspaper aloud) Louise Farley, 44, was admitted to St. Nowhere's Hospital yesterday after falling off a ladder at the Coming Unbound bookshop at 33 West Henson Street. (pause) Authorities suspect that the ladder might not have been properly secured to the wall. (lowers paper) How's Nora doing?
Storyteller: She's taking the day off from classes so she can help out more at the shop. Her professors gave her permission.
MN: (sits down at table) I've heard tell that M.U.P.P.E.T. might be getting involved.
Storyteller: Then it's very serious, then.
MN: Of course...and since we're Nora's friends, I think we'll help work the case from our end. I've got friends in the police ranks.
Storyteller: Excellent...we need to go to the shop later today.
MN: Yeah. I want to get a look at that ladder, and we'll have to ask Nora who all came in there that day.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hmmm... Didn't see any mention of the incident in today's new issue of SJW (Slanderous Junk Weekly). Then again, I wasn't really interested in this week's cover so I pretty much passed it by. I'm worred that Melissa, our resident RN hasn't come back since the new year started. You don't suppose whoever caused Mrs. Farley's accident removed Melissa from the scene previous to this "accident"? Sure hope not.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Herry: So did ya'll finally get Maurice over his hickups?

Yes. It took longer then we thought.

FilFil: He had to call to let the boss know he was going to be late.

I hope that his boss doesn't think he's a caller in-er.

Herry: Nope.

Nope what?

Herry: I went down there just a few minutes ago to pick some flowers for my mom's vantines day gift and he's doing fine.

Great! *calls Maurice* Hey Maurice! I heard your doing fine.

Maurice: *on the phone* Yep. Prairie been showing me what to do.

That's good. Well just wanted to congratulate you on you doing a wonderful job.

Maurice: *on the phone* Thanks Kyle. I have to go. See you later. *hangs up phone*

*hangs up phone* I can't believe our Maurice is growning up.

FilFil: Me neither. Now lets go play.

Alright FilFil. Race yea! *shoots out the door*

FilFil: Hey! I wasn't ready! *grabs coat*

Herry: Wait for me.
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