Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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May 21, 2005
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Bry: (clips a message to a pigeons wing and sends it on its way) Here you go. Thank you! (the bird launches and flies off) Carrier pigeons...What a wonderful form of postal service late at night. I hope the guys are well.

(the carrier pigeon delivers the following message to the Muppet College Dorms, Room 3:smile:

Dear Gang,

How are you? Are you having a fun time at Beth's? Well, I have good news and then some bad news. The good news is that I'm back from my trip, but the bad news is that I am going to have to be gone again for a couple of days. I'm so sorry. I know you are in good hands though and I will be back again very soon. I promise. Have fun and stay out of trouble! Happy new year!

Love, Bryan


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Bert: Hey guys, there's a note here from Bryan. He's going to be gone a couple of more days
Telly: Oh no! What if we never see him again?
Beth: Relax Telly, he'll be back. We can still have fun in the meantime.
Telly: That's true, I am having fun with you guys
Red: Well good, cause we're a whole bunch of fun!
Abby: Yeah!
Ernie: I'm kind of hungry, should we go get breakfast?
Big Bird: Ooh, me too!
Beth: How about Everybody Eats, they should be able to please this crowd
*chorus of yes from everyone*
Beth: All right, I'll head up the front, you head up the rear Wanda
Wanda: Roger!
Telly: I thought her name was Beth
Wanda: It is, it's just a way of saying...oh nevermind

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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(crash in the kitchen)
Nora: (startled) What was that?
MN: I knocked the teapot lid onto the floor. (mutters something under her breath)
Storyteller: You clumsy girl, don't you realize the dangers of leaving breakable objects so close to the edge of the counter?
MN: Yeah, well, I do now. And this was the pot we got in England...
Nora: Ergh, double header.
Storyteller: So go put some really strong glue on it and let it sit. But don't glue your fingers together.
(MN heads off in search of glue)
Nora: Anyone heard from Kathy yet today?
Storyteller: Last I heard, she was coping.
Nora: Well, she seems to be taking it better than I would be.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Rosita:Hola Kathy.How's your tooth feeling?
Hi Rosita. Still hurting,unfortunately. I get it extracted in a couple of weeks.
Rosita:Extracted?What's that?
Taken out.But they'll be giving me something to sort of put me to sleep while they're taking the tooth out.I'll need to eat soft food for a few days afterwards.
Rosita:Like mashed potatoes?
Yeah...and Jello. I'll probably go home for a few days to recuperate.
Rosita:Pobrecita Kathy.sigh*hugging me*
Thanks Rosita.hugging her back I'll be okay...don't worry.


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Jun 13, 2002
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Prairie:What's up,Kath?
I ordered some DVDs by mail & they came today!:excited:
Rosita:Ooh great! Which ones?
"The Electric Company" volume 2 and "The Nanny" Season 2.
Prairie:Hey great! Can we watch them now?
Sure!Which one?
Rosita:The Electric Company.
OK...ask and you shall receive!
putting DVD in and "HEY YOU GUUUYYYSSS!!!!" blares in the room loudly!
Er...guess I should turn the volume down?:embarrassed:

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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And here I've only watched my SS Old School DVD's. Haven't had time for anything else, the work on the list's draining with all the little recalibrations. And now it looks like I've lost two days, since I'll have to redo all the totals I had up to the L's all over again. Oh well...
Maybe I should delegate some dorm duties to someone responsible, who I know will be here and post and get things done. If anybody's interested, namely any of you members of the admissions committee, please LMK ASAP.

Have a good night guys, I'm headed off to get some sleep, cause I can't stay awake long enough to do the work that's needed on the ol' list.

Muppet Newsgirl

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Feb 28, 2006
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Nora: So when do classes start up?
MN: A week from Monday. Three English, one history and an art course. This plus work at the paper. And I've got my schedule arranged so that I can get a little more sleep this semester.
Nora: I'm taking a course on 19th century British literature.
Storyteller: And down at the Rock, I'm teaching a course on Fraggle legends from the time of the Tenth Drafting.
MN: Which would be when...
Storyteller: Oh, about 1976 or so. (shuffles through stories) There's a lot in here about a bunch of silly creatures who worked with puppets in a theater in England...


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Telly: Bryan, you're back!! (runs down the hall and hugs me)
Big Bird: See, Telly? I told you he would be! Hi, Bryan!
Bry: Hey, guys. I am back, but only for the night.
Telly: Huh?
Big Bird: Where are you going now?
Bry: I'm helping my girlfriend move up north. She's going to be doing a show up there for a few months and I'm helping her move in and get settled. We're leaving early tomorrow morning.
Big Bird: Rats.
Bry: I'm sorry. I really miss you all. Things are just kinda crazy right now. I'll for sure be back home on Friday though. I hope Beth doesn't mind watching you til then. Are you having fun with Red, Abby and Wanda?
Big Bird: Oh we're having a great time. Beth is really getting the hang of making my birdseed milkshakes. They're a little different from you and Kyle's, but still delicious!
Telly: Yeah, and she even lets me keep Chuckie Sue's cage on her desk!
Big Bird: It's just not the same around here without you.
Bry: Thanks, Big Bird. Well, I better get busy. I have a lot of packing to do. You should go back downstairs so Beth doesn't worry too much. It's starting to get dark. Hmm...might even pay an old friend a visit tonight before I go to sleep. Well, goodnight. See you really soon. (gives both roomies a hug before heading to room 29)


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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*Big Bird and Telly come back in with long faces*
Beth: Hey guys what's the matter?
Telly: We just saw Bryan
Beth: But that's great!
Big Bird: It would be, but he's leaving again until Friday
Beth: Oh, well you're still welcome here with us
Telly: We know, we just miss him
Beth: I understand, he's a good guy, I miss him too
Abby: Telly? Would it make you feel better if I let you play with my wand?
Telly: Oooh, maybe for a little bit
Abby: Be careful though, my mommy says I don't get another one if it breaks
Beth: I'll make you a milkshake if you want Big Bird
Big Bird: Ok! I was just telling Bryan that you're getting good at them!
Beth: I'm glad to hear it. Wonder where Red, Wanda and Ernie and Bert are
Abby: They went to the movies
Beth: Oh, I hope Ernie's behaving himself this time. He always seems to have trouble there. Oh well. Come on Big Bird, let's go to the kitchen
Big Bird: Ok!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: *cries*
Gonzo: ...Ryan?
Ryan: I have to go to school tomorrow, Gonzo!
Gonzo: ...Yeah, so?
Ryan: So?! SO?! I won't be able to write as much!
Gonzo: You've barely been writing at all!
Ryan: ...Good night Gonzo.
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