Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Dec 14, 2004
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Robin: Wow, that was fun writing with you Ryan.
Ryan: Yeah, and look, we finished just in time for lunch!
Robin: Oh good! I'm starving!
Ryan: As well you should be, you do live with the Chef after all. Hey Gonzo, wanna come with Robin and I to lunch?
Gonzo: No thanks Ryan! The Chef's cookin' something up!
Rowlf: In that case... Mind if I heel?
Ryan: Not at all Rowlf. What about you Cliff?
Clifford: Sure, why not?
Uncle Deadly: Not me thank you, I'll stay here and read your latest update my fiend.
Ryan: Alright Uncle D. Camilla?
Camilla: Brawk, bawk bagawk.
Ryan: ...On second thought, we can't fit anymore in the car.
Camilla: Brawk bawk!
Gonzo: Oh my little sweety poo, we'll be fine here. Go on Ryan! Have fun!
Ryan: See ya Gonzo, thanks.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Ungh... Only half-finished with the C's... But a new chapter of Ryan's fanfic and some date cakes with a glass of milk... Yeah, that's the lunch break I needed.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Prairie:How's your tooth feeling,Kath?
Still hurting like crazy!
Prairie:sigh You poor thing. Want something to eat?
If it's from the Swedish Chef,I'll pass.
Prairie:No....actually I made it.It's cherry Jello.I made it a couple of hours ago.It's all gelled and not too cold.So it won't hurt your mouth.
OK...I'll have some. To be honest,I had some ice cream last night ,and boy was my tooth hurting afterwards from it being so cold!:eek:
Prairie:Yikes!NOT a smart move on your part! This'll be better for you.
OK Mommy.:wink:
Prairie:Wise gal!:stick_out_tongue:
I'm sorry Prairie. Thanks for the Jello.
Prairie:That's OK...I knew you were kidding.Enjoy the Jello.

Muppet Newsgirl

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Feb 28, 2006
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Nora: I heard something about Kathy having a bad tooth or something.
MN: Yeah, a rather painfully-positioned molar which will probably require the services of an oral surgeon.
Storyteller: Dear, dear. Might I recommend a moss pack and some rockbeetle nest tea. It's the best thing for a toothache.
Nora: And maybe some chocolate pudding as well?
MN: Yeah, as long as it's not too hot or cold. The cocoa and cornstarch are in the far left cupboard, and use one of the smaller saucepans under the stove. I'll get to work on a get well card.
(Storyteller starts brewing tea and prepping a cool moss pack, Nora unearths ingredients for pudding and MN opens up her art supplies box)
Storyteller: So what'd everyone do today?
Nora: They're adding on a new wing down at Coming Unbound. So I had to help put a lot of the books into storage.
MN: Had to check on next semester's tuition and buy my books. Can you imagine how hard it was to track down a copy of Anna Karenina?
Nora: Ergh. Mrs. F. says a lot of high school and college kids have been buying that book lately. Must be on a lot of reading lists.
Storyteller: I'm concerned. Beige Fraggle and his little sister were supposed to bring over a history of the Terrible Cave Quake, but they never arrived.

(sometime later, group knocks on Kathy's door)

MN: Kathy, you in there? We've got some pudding, tea, moss packs and get well cards for you!
Storyteller: Yeah, good for what ails ya! And maybe I can get my cousin Filch to bring up his favorite set of pliers...
Nora: Oh, you're NOT helping, Storyteller.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Muppet Newsgirl said:
(sometime later, group knocks on Kathy's door)

MN: Kathy, you in there? We've got some pudding, tea, moss packs and get well cards for you!
Storyteller: Yeah, good for what ails ya! And maybe I can get my cousin Filch to bring up his favorite set of pliers...
Nora: Oh, you're NOT helping, Storyteller.
Oh...thanks ladies!Very sweet of you. I'll pass on having Filch bringing his pliers in to pull my tooth.Thanks for thinking of me though.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Uncle Deadly: Ryan?! What are you still doing up?
Ryan: Waiting.
Uncle D.: Waiting? For what?
Ryan: Lisa.
UD: ...Lisa?
Ryan: She's been gone two days. I will catch her Uncle D. I will catch her.
UD: Ryan, you're scarier than Clifford's hair in the morning.
Ryan: She owes me reviews Deadly, I'm not letting her get away without them.
UD: *backs away slowly* I think I'll sleep down in the lobby tonight...
Ryan: Take my bed. I won't be needing it.
UD: *gulp* Good night Prawn O' Doom.
Ryan: Night.
UD: I feel so sorry for Lisa...

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Heh, Ryan's the one you should be worried about instead Uncle Deadly. So, he thinks he's going to wait and catch her because she owes him reviews to his fabulous fanfiction? Good luck. She still hasn't told me if she got past Chapter 12 of Muppet Family Gathering. And that was finished what, five months ago? Ryan, go to bed, she'll come in when she comes, not sooner and not later.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Big Bird: Bryan comes back today!
Beth: He sure does
Telly: What time did he say he'd be back
Ernie: I don't think he did
Bert: Don't worry Telly, has he ever let us down before
Telly: No
Abby: Want to play with me in the meantime Telly?
Telly: Ok!
Beth: Those two sure had alot of fun this week
Wanda: They sure did
Red: I think we all did!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: *coming back from fan-fic library with Rowlf* How did she DO that Rowlf??
Rowlf: Do what?
Ryan: How did Lisa post a chapter while I was wide awake??
Rowlf: Your other half works in mysterious ways.
Ryan: *mutters* I'll get her... Oh, I'll get her...
Rowlf: *pats Ryan on shoulder* It'll be okay Ry, just have some breakfast.
Ryan: Fine, fine.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: I hope your Secret Santas liked the presents you guys got them

BABY BEAR: Sure do, Maurice likes the poster of Kermit that i gave him

ZOE: And Elmo likes the Crayons

PETER: Thank you Maurice and Herry for the gift that I sent them

LITTLE BIRD: And Big Bird can do some more birdwatching with those binoculars

PETER: I went into Boston and I got some more TV Skeds

ZOE: More!!!!

PETER: Yes Vermont from 1971-72, 1974-80 and 1982-88 and New Orleans from 1972-88


LITTLE BIRD: I'm very impressed

PETER: Why don't we go swimming

BABY BEAR: Okay and have something to eat at Everybody Eats!
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