Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Dec 14, 2004
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Uncle Deadly: My, you're off to an early start this morning Ryan.
Ryan: Yup, I promised writing done this week, so I'm writing.
Uncle D.: Mm, frightfully interesting. I can't wait to read it.
Ryan: Me either, that's why I'm off to write it.
UD: Well you better get a move on then.
Ryan: Will do! Be back later Uncle D.!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Sigh... At least that's one letter done with.
Count: Mmm... And 25 vonderful letters left to go.
Along with some batches of questions... But at least the Muppet List's latest version's coming along.
Been here in my room listening to MC Radio and the A's are done. Gonna take a bit of a rest, my family and I are stepping out for dinner tonight.
Count: Ah, it's alvays nice to spend time vith your family.
Yep... Will be back to continue the task when I return under the cloak of night.
Count: Wery vell my fiend, I'll be vaiting here vhen you get back. And maybe ve'll have received some reply to see who should be #2 from the forum friends ve contacted.
Eh, if they do, that's fine... See you guys later. Oh, and knock or leave a message if you need me.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Telly: Ohhh, where's Bryan, I thought he said he'd be back on Tuesday!
Beth: Relax Telly, it's early yet. He might not get back until later.
Wanda: Don't worry guys, you can stay here one more night if he gets back real late
Ernie: Well, I know I've had alot of fun here, how bout you Bert?
Bert: I have to say, it wasn't half bad, you girls are gracious hostesses
Abby: What does that mean?
Beth: It means that we've been very nice to them
Abby: Oh, ok!
Red: Hey Big Bird, want to go play out in the snow with us?
Big Bird: Ok! Hey, can we make snow angels?
Red: Sure
Abby: I'm going too
Telly: I can go for awhile, Beth will you watch Chuckie Sue?
Beth: Sure I will, I've got some work to do anyway
Ernie: I'm going outside too, you coming Bert?
Bert: Nope, Wanda here has engaged me in a lovely game of checkers
Ernie: Ok, see you later!
*the snow lovers leave the room*
Beth: Ahh, nice and quiet
Wanda: Indeed
Bert: It is nice

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Hey Count! I'm back!
Count, walking in from the reading room: How did it go?
It was nice, brought you a bat-burger with bacon bits and BBQ sauce, along with some onion rings.
Count: Thank you Ed, this vill certainly fuel us through another busy night vith the List.
That it will. Say, where were you just now?
Count, wiping his mouth between bites and after he's served and taken a sip of black cherry soda: Just finished Prawny's newest chapter. Oh, it's such a frightful delight.
Rully? Better get there myself. Oh, and we'll be up late, so if anybody wants to talk, our door/PM/E-mail's open.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: Oh guuuuuys!!
Gonzo: Yeah?
Clifford: 'Sup dude?
Uncle Deadly: You called?
Camilla: Bragawk?
Ryan: Guess who's computer's working!
Robin: Lisa's?
Ryan: Well yes, I think so, but that's not what I was looking for.
Rowlf: Uh... Bryan's?
Ryan: I'm not sure, but still, no.
Swedish Chef: Doong fluer de Luelya!
Ryan: ...Don't know what you said, but I doubt it's the right answer.
Uncle Deadly: Out with it man! Who's computer?
Gonzo: WHOOPIE! So that means you're here to stay?!
Ryan: Yup!
Clifford: That's great dude! I say we all go out to eat to celebrate!
Ryan: Here here! Let's go!

Muppet Newsgirl

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Feb 28, 2006
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Storyteller: And then, the fearsome Foxglove Fraggle raised his bony arms over the crowd of terrified Fraggles, and in a terrible voice proclaimed...
(door opens)
Nora: Hold on, someone's here.
(enter MN)
Storyteller: Well, it's about time you got back here, Miss Newsy Floozy.
MN: (snort) And a happy 2007 to you too, Storyteller. It rained like I-don't-know-what in Jersey.
Nora: Yeah, I heard. And didn't they cancel the Mummers parade in Philly?
Storyteller: Mummers parade? What's that?
MN: An excuse for silly creatures to get dressed up in fancy costumes and parade about the city. And I think it just got delayed for a day.
Storyteller: Well, sit you down, dear girl, and listen to my tale of the Foxglove Fraggle.
MN: Sounds deadly. Let me grab a cup of tea and I'll join you. (goes into kitchen for said cup of tea) You know, while my mom and I were out puttering around town on New Year's Eve, we found a chocolate shop that was selling the most divine hot chocolate.
Nora: Oooh, do tell.
MN: (returns with tea) Yeah, the stuff's imported from Italy. Probably costs the owner a bundle, but it's worth it. It's like drinking hot liquefied chocolate pudding, and it's a good balance of sweet and bitter...
Storyteller: Stop it, you're making me salivate all over the sofa.
MN: So tell me about old Foxglove. He was proclaiming something in a terrible voice.
Storyteller: Oh, right, right. (clears throat) And he proclaimed in a terrible voice, "Foolish little Fraggles, you shall regret trespassing in my sacred caves. You shall all pay a terrible price for your transgressions."
MN: Gee, sounds like the head of my neighborhood's homeowner's association.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Oy, am I beat... Hey Ryan, hope the comp's workin' fine, I hexpect some wonderousness out of that fanfic of yours on the morrow.

The dorms were brought to you by the letter B, cause that's where I was stuck with the list.
Count: B for bats and bones and blood.
Yeah, all of that good stuff.
Count: And by the number 15. Cause that's the sum of the numbers in the song I vas humming earlier in the evening hours.
OK, so let's brush those fangs and hit the ol' beds buddy.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Telly, I know why Bryan didn't come back yesterday
Telly: Why? Oh I hope it's not something horrible
Beth: Because he'll back on Thursday, not Tuesday
Telly: Oh yeah that's right...he did say Thursday. Oops
Beth: That's ok.
Abby: That means you get to stay and play with us for one more night!
Telly: Well, I am having fun here
Big Bird: Me too
Beth: I'm glad. Anyone seen Ernie, Bert and Red?
Wanda: They're all at breakfast already
Beth: Oh, what are we waiting for, let's go!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: Ugh... I've never had writer's block this bad before...
Robin: Anything I can do?
Ryan: Well... In the story you've been kidnapped by vicious motorcycle riding pirates and Kermit's going to negotiate with them to get you and Fozzie back.
Robin: Um... Well, I've never actually been captured by vicious motorcycle riding pirates before... Um, maybe Uncle Kermit could ask really nicely?
Ryan: ...You know Robin... That's so simple... It just might work!
Rowlf: Simple is good.
Ryan: You said it Rowlf, alright Robin, c'mon, I'm gonna get this thing written!
Robin: Oh boy!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Of course... The promise that you'll get some more fanfic written doesn't necessarily mean that there's a mutual promise of "posting" what's been written.
Heh, wonder how long it'll take him to notice that little loophole. Oh well, I trust you'll tell us when more's been posted, should it get posted.
Count: Don't vorry, I'll tell you my fiend.
OK, back to the book of Muppety who's who's.
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