Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Hey Kyle, I'd love to sing with you! How 'bout you guys?
Lou: Of course! We are fraggles after all!
Wembly: Well sure, I'm up for it!
Gobo: Sure, it's what we do!
Okay then Kyle, strike up the band!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Alright guys. You guys should know this one. *starts humming some bars from "Rockin Robin"* Ok. Here we go. Hit it Gobo!

*music starts*

Two little birds: Tweedily deedily dee, Tweedily deedily dee,
Tweedily deedily dee, Tweedily deedily dee,
Tweedily deedily dee, Tweedily deedily dee,
Tweedily deedily dee, Tweedily deedily dee,
Tweet, tweet, tweet tweet

Me *clapping hands to the song* : He rocks in the treetops all day long,
Hoppin' and a-boppin' and a-singin' his song.
All the little birds on J-Bird Street,
Love to hear the robin go tweet, tweet, tweet.......
Take a hit guys!

*music continues*


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Gobo, with all of us singing backup: Rockin Robin
tweet, tweet, tweet
Gobo: Rockin Robin
tweet, tweedily dee
Gobo: Go rockin robin 'cause you're really gonna rock tonight!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Erine81981 said:
Oscar: So all those things you threw away was all from you?
Telly: Well...uuh...yeah. I'm sorry, Oscar. I wanted you to have the best present for Christmas and I messed up!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Bobo: Jalapeño's, Jalapeño's...Oh, oh, hi there FM (sorry, I can never remember your non MC name...). Ooh, a jar of...well, these are just greeat FM! And know I can dip them in this honey.
Bo: Gross.
Beau: Gross.
Bobo: And...I could add sme grease, great idea.
Bean: Oooh, what are these?
Bobo: Jalapeños.
Bean: All red and green and CUTE! Can I eat one?
Bo: *sniggers*
Beau: *blinks*
Bobo: Sure, sure little fella'.
Bean: *eats one and blows up*
Bo: Nice...

Skeeter Muppet

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2002
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Kim: Well guys, should we go hand out our Secret Santa gifts?
Boober: Yeah, before they send out a lynch mob or something.
Tosh: Boober! *smacks him*
Kim: (dryly) I'll take that as a 'yes'. All right, go get your presents, and we'll split up and give our gifts. Then we'll meet back here.
*everyone am-scrays*
Gillis: Ah, there you are Gobo! This Secret Santa gift is for you. Its a durable canvas backpack for when you go on long exploring excursions. It has many nice pockets so you can carry everything you need, like your maps and pencils.
Tosh: And Lou, I got you these cool elastic ties for your pigtails. See, they've got different things on them - this one has radishes, and the baubles on this one look like Fraggle pebbles!
Boober: *walking by* Thanks for the Simple Green, Wembley! I really love it!
Tosh: Yeah; he's started using it already.
Gillis: Tosh...
Tosh: Sorry.
Boober: Mokey, my present is for you. Its a book about Georgia O'Keefe; she's a well-known Silly Creature artist. Actually, her works remind me a little of you. Merry Christmas, Mokey.
Betty Lou: Hi, Zoe! I'm your Secret Santa this year! I got you a ballerina teddy bear. Right now she's got on her practice outfit, but she has other dresses for different ballets. There's one for Swan Lake and another for The Nutcracker, and one for Sleeping Beauty. Merry Christmas, Zoe!
Tosh: Hi, Baby Bear! Beast picked you as his Secret Santa person; I'm just along to translate for him.
Beast: *hands Baby Bear a package and mutters something*
Tosh: He says, 'Merry Christmas, Baby Bear. I know how much you like to draw about Hero Guy, so I got you a sketchpad. Now you've got plenty of paper to take Hero Guy on more adventures.
Beast: Re-ry Ris-mas!
Tosh: Merry Christmas, Baby Bear!
Kim: *knocks on door* Hey there, Erin. Guess who picked you as their Secret Santa? :wink: Anyway, I know how much you love mystery stories. So I got you both volumes of the Complete Cases of Sherlock Holmes. Hope you enjoy them, and Happy Holidays.


Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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MN: The Complete Cases of Sherlock Holmes! (takes first volume and quickly leafs through a couple of pages) Excellent, most excellent! Thank you, Kim! (turns to another page) Oh, good, it's got A Scandal in Bohemia...Holmes had feelings for Irene Adler; he just wouldn't admit it.
Nora: I guess I know what you're going to be reading over the next couple of days, gumshoe.
MN: Too right. And Storyteller, if you would be good enough to put down your new quill for five minutes, let's go drop off our presents at room 33.

Outside room 33, sometime later:

Three packages, with a note attached:

For Diana, from Storyteller, a musical note patterned sweater. For Janice, from Nora, a collection of autographed Joni Mitchell LPs. For Floyd, from Muppet Newsgirl (aka Erin), a set of autographed Eric Clapton and George Harrison records. Merry Christmas and keep on grooving, from the gang in room 7.

Nora: Hey, Erin, can I borrow one of the Sherlock Holmes books when you're done?
MN: Sure. But I'm heading to New Jersey tonight for New Year's weekend, so don't hold your breath. You're blue enough as it is.
Nora: (mimes drumroll and cymbal clash) Good luck dealing with the relatives, okay? We'll hold down the fort here.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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BEAR said:
Telly: Well...uuh...yeah. I'm sorry, Oscar. I wanted you to have the best present for Christmas and I messed up!
Oscar: I don't know what to say? *looks around* Uh....Telly....could you keep a secret?


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Guys I sung with the famous fraggle Gobo, Wembley and Lou. There all great singers. Even Kate.

Grover: Well then that had to be fun.

It was. We had a blast. I think I'm going to watch some TV. Wanna join?

Grover: Nah....I have to go to work.

Ok Grover. I'll see you later tonight.

Grover: Ok. Talk to you later. Bye.

Bye. *turns on TV and watches the Pax Channel*


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Ernie: (getting out of bathtub and drying off before heading back to the room) La la da da de dee... (back in room 29) Hey, Bert, these new monogram bath towels sure are great. Nice and fluffy.
Bert: Aww, I'm glad you like them, Ernie. And hey, this lint roller is really nifty!
Bry: Where's Telly?
Big Bird: With Oscar I think.
Bry: Hey, Big Bird, did you get anything from your Secret Santa yet?
Big Bird: No, not yet. I hope they didn't forget about me.
Bry: I'm sure they didn't, Big Bird. You'll get something soon. By the way, guys, I'll be going out of town for New Years starting tomorrow. So I'm going to see about having Kyle look after you all while I'm gone.
Big Bird: How long is your trip?
Bry: About 5 or 6 days.
Big Bird: That's a long time!
Bry: If you think that's long, wait til you see how long I'll be away starting in March.
Big Bird: Don't remind me.
Bry: Don't worry, old friend, it'll all be okay. Say, how do you like the new electric blanket I gave you for Christmas?
Big Bird: Love it! Nice and toasty!
Bry: Well, I saw your old one was getting a little worn and well...old. Haha!
Big Bird: Yeah, and did you see what I got from Bert and Ernie?!
Bry: No. What?
Big Bird: Rollerblades!
Bry: Bert and Ernie got you rollerblades?!
Bert: Ernie got him rollerblades. I got him the helmet.
Bry: But you already have rollerskates.
Ernie: Yeah, but rollerblades are so much cooler!
Bry: I see. Well, as long as you teach him how to do it. It's not as easy as rollerskates. I wonder what's keeping Telly. Oh well...let's go get some lunch!
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