Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Jun 13, 2002
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Prairie:gasp! have goosebumps!Or is that well you know what I mean...pox?
giggling Relax's not *ahem* pox:wink: I just get these happy chills when I'm hearing these Christmas songs.Crazy,huh?
Prairie:Not in the least

Muppet Newsgirl

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Feb 28, 2006
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Storyteller: You haven't posted in a bit, Erin. Have they been running you ragged at home?
MN: Don't you know it. Between wrapping presents, and having that huge party for the neighbors (big success, by the way), angsting over the work vs. grad school question, having a really sticky spacebar on the computer...
Nora: But the quilt! Is it safely there?
MN: Yes, Mom and just I got the confirmation from the shipping company. The quilt finally arrived in Atlanta just after noon yesterday. So I think the quilt people will have by now opened the box and gone ooh and aah. Or something.
Nora: But you sent it out on Saturday.
MN: Yeah, well, we live several states north, and plus there's all the assorted scanning and processing, plus, the system's probably backed up with presents and things from across the U.S. ...but it got there, and that's what matters.
Storyteller: Oh, excellent, excellent...hey, wait a minute, Erin, there's something different about you.
Nora: Holy cow, did you get your hair streaked?
MN: Yeah, I was crazy enough to go out yesterday and get my medium-sandy-brown mane streaked with a chemical shade that the hairdresser called 'caramel.'
Storyteller: Crazy's the wrong word. It looks nice on you.
MN: Aw, thanks. How'd the caroling go the other night?
Storyteller: Oh, it was divine, divine.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: It's time to decorate the dorm

ZOE: Where is the decarations and the tree

LITTLE BIRD: I don't know

PETER: I can put a tree and decerations up okay


(60 seconds later)

LITTLE BIRD: My, that was fast

ZOE: Awesome!!!

PETER: It's beginning to look like Christmas



Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Inside Oscar's trashcan........

Oscar: Lookie here Fluffy. Look at what I found. A painting of something but who cares it's all smeered up. I love it!

Fluffy: *trumpets*

And over here someone gave me a bunch of old wraping paper. Is this trash heaven or what? *starts waltzing around the his trash room*

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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The air is less tense downstairs in Room #1, as a sigh of relief can be heard and the mood has turned somewhat genial in nature.

Haaaaa... Finished, send in my exam, just hope the professor won't be too upset of the lateness it was mailed to him.
Count: I'm sure he'll understand.
Yeah, you're probably fright. You had dinner yet?
Count: Mmmhm... Ewen Fatatatita's had her milk and Batty's out roaming the townsgrounds.
Good... Off to the library then, I can start some reading and not feel guilty for doing so. Also, I'll start my own tomorrow, bit of special meaning as you know.
Count: Yes, I'm avare of the meaning of tomorrow, and vill be there to count the tolls vith you my friend.
Thanks... Now let's go.

The everlit candles lead Ed and The Count to the reading room, their flickering flames gently marking the halls of the dormhouse careful not to burn so low as to extinguish themselves, though these are magical holiday candles that remain lit or relight themselves on their own as the case may be.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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coming in from my bedroom and noticing Prairie watching TV Hi Prairie!What are you watching?
Prairie:Hi Kath!Remember that Christmas pageant where Bert had to play a tree?
Prairie:Well,my dad had filmed it long ago when it was done. We don't have our projector anymore because it's so out of date.Look what I got as a package in the mail!
showing me:
Dear Prairie,
I found one of your plays that I filmed many years ago for you.I figured I'd transport it onto a DVD before the film became all unraveled. Sort of an early Christmas present from me.
See you in a few days,sweetie! And wish Kathy and Rosita Merry Christmas from me and Mom.
Love you!

Oh Prairie!How great!
Prairie:Yep!I was thinking of gathering everyone to the Common Room tomorrow to watch it. Good idea?
Excellent idea Prairie!:smile: I'm kind of tired right now,so I'm going to bed & watch TV. Ready for bed Gaffer?
Gaffer:standing up..yawning...and stretchingMeow!Purrrr
Good girl.Nite Prairie.
Prairie:Nite Kath.I'm headed for bed soon myself.Nite Gaffer!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: Wow, what a long day! Hi, guys!
Telly: Hi.
Bert: Hello!
Ernie: Hi there, Bryan! How was your rehearsal?
Bry: Good. Long, but good. It was our last one before we officially open next week after Christmas. It's nice to be done for the holidays though. I'm ready for Christmas and time to relax.
Ernie: Relaxing is good, but so is play!
Bry: Let me relax first, then I'll have the energy to play.
Ernie: Sounds good.
Bry: Thanks. (plops down on the couch and puts feet up on the coffee table.)
Big Bird: (walks in from his nest outside, singing) Gone away is the blue bird, here to stay is the new bird. La la-la-la la, la la-la-la walking in a winter wonderland! Oh, hey, Bryan! I'm glad your home! Hey, did you notice that it's snowing outside?
Bry: I did. It's beautiful!
Big Bird: Yeah. I love sitting in my nest and watching the snowflakes float down from the sky.
Ernie: I hope there's enough on the ground tomorrow to build a snowman!
Bert: Yeah yeah! I love building snowmen!
Ernie: Me too!
Bert: (laughs) Eh-eh-eh!
Big Bird: Bryan? I was wondering if you could help me with something.
Bry: What's up?
Big Bird: Well, I taught the birdkateers today how to make chocolate covered birdseed and I need help wrapping up the little bundles I was going to leave on the doors of our dorm friends.
Bry: Sure. No problem.
Big Bird: Oh good. Thanks!
Telly: (a light bulb appears over Telly's head--*ding*) Hey, that gives me a terrific idea for a Secret Santa gift!
Big Bird: You wanna give them some of my chocolate covered birdseed, Telly?
Telly: No, not quite that. This'll be good though! Ahaha! (skips to his bedroom)
Ernie: Where are you going?
Telly: To sleep! I gotta get up early!
Bert: What for?
Telly: That's when all the good bakers start! Hehe! (goes to the other room)
Bry: (sigh) Well, I guess that means I have to be up bright and early too. Big Bird, I'll help you with these tomorrow if that's alright.
Big Bird: That's fine.
Bry: Goodnight, everyone!
Roomies: Goodnight!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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The Count, in voiceover while the sleepy time version of the theme plays: The dorms vere brought to you today by the letter I and by the number 20. Nighty-night... And don't let the batty bats bite.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Downstairs in Room #1, Ed gets up noting the importance of today's date and goes to get what he needs for this moment. The Count, also awake, helps him by gently striking a match as he proceeds to light a rememberance candle in honor of Ed's dad.
Count: Today's...
Me: Yes, today's...
A moment of silence passes as Ed softly strokes Fatatatita nestled in his lap.
Count: How many years?
Me: Too many my friend.

They both continue to stare at the silence between them, joined as they count fourteen solemn tolls of the Bell of Doom issuing from the town's clock tower.

Me: Thank you for being here with me Count, you too Fatatatita.
Count: Think nothing of it Edvard.
The roommates shake hands and hold the embrace tightly, before braking the lock and moving off to have some breakfast, the little black cat following in toe as they leave the dormhouse transporting themselves to Everybody Eats, pausing on the sidewalk to take note of the little details decorating the town for Christmas.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Returning from the restaurant, back in Room #1, it's occupants are somewhat in merrier spirits.

Sure is good to be here with friends and family. Loving the music from MC Radio's Christmas cavalcade.
Count: Any good songs?
Yes... There's a version of "O Christmas Tree" sung by Prairie. I like it very much, as it's from 1998 and yet it has her classic singing voice. Her voice has aged a little, just like all of us, but it makes me feel good when I hear it. Not to mention the chuckle I get from when her performing voice breaks into informal slang at the Christmas pageant.
Count: She inwited us to see that pageant in one of the common rooms.
That'll be nice... Hope she tells us when, I'll be fright back, gonna heat up some popcorn and get the humus for our pita chips.
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