Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Jun 13, 2002
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setting things up in Common Room 1
Prairie:Kathy?:concern: You think people will show up?
Yeah...I'm pretty sure of it Prairie.No one would want to let you down.patting her head
Rosita:stick_out_tongue:rairie...please don't worry.When I watched the pageant with you last night,I couldn't stop laughing!:big_grin:
Prairie:Well...this is true,RositaYour laugh is catching!
Yep..Both your laughs are catching!

Muppet Newsgirl

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Feb 28, 2006
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Nora: Got all your presents wrapped?
MN: Right. The ones for the rest of the dorm are out in the common room. The ones for my family are safely under the tree at home.
Nora: How'd you get them there so fast?
MN: A transporter. Got it from the old Star Trek set.
Storyteller: I've done enough damage with these legend anthologies. I feel like some cocoa and popcorn.
MN: Same here. Fire up the kettle and the popper.


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Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: Are you ready to go to the Common Room for Prairie's old pageant that she's going to show



ZOE: Me Too!

PETER: That aired on Sesame Street years ago and I want the other dormies to show my Connecticut TV skeds from 1961-83, 1985-88

BABY BEAR: Good for You!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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We're here!

Grover: I can not wait for my adorable scene.

Maurice: I was in the audience when your dad filmed this Prairie. I just loved your playing.

Cookie M: Anyone have any popcorn string?

Herry: Come on Cookie. Don't make that a tradition.

Cookie M: Why not. Me love the stuff.

I brought some cookies that I had left over from something else. *places the plate down on a table*

Oscar: *pops out of a trashcan* Figured I could heckle the film. Heh heh heh heh heh.....

Fluffy: *trumpets*

Oscar: I know don't worry. (whispers) I can't wait to give everyone a shower...heh heh heh heh....HEY start the film.

Grover: We have to wait grouchie. Everyone is not here yet.

Oscar: So!

Oh Oscar.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Prairie:Great! People are starting to get here!:excited:
Excellent!Welcome guys! OK...most of you remember a while ago Prairie put on one of her famous plays,and her dad was kind enough to salvage this one and put it on a DVD.So...without "A Christmas Pageant"!
(No eating all the cookies Cookie Monster!I see that fuzzy blue hand of yours!:wink: )


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Cookie M: Yes mama.

Herry: She really means it Cookie. Don't eat them all.

Cookie M: Ok. Me not touch them.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Erine81981 said:
Cookie M: Yes mama.

Herry: She really means it Cookie. Don't eat them all.

Cookie M: Ok. Me not touch them.
Cookie...I'm sorry I was bossy. Here...have some but please don't go overboard OK?giving Cookie a hug
Prairie:AHEM??tapping foot
Sorry Prairie. Go ahead.
Prairie puts DVD into DVD player Let's roll 'em!


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Jun 13, 2002
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Bert: Hey, ah, what part do I play in the Christmas pageant, Ernie?

Ernie: It’s the lead, Bert.

Bert: [gasp] The lead!

Ernie: You’re going to be the star of the whole play.

Bert: Ooh, me!? What’s the part, Ernie?

Ernie: We took a vote and everybody voted for you, Bert. How ‘bout that?

Bert: Yah, how about that! Well, well, who do I play?

Ernie: Bert, we said who could play this part better than anybody?

Bert: Yah …

Ernie: And who got every single vote?

Bert: Yah, who?

Ernie: Old buddy Bert, that’s who.

Bert: Me?

Ernie: We said old Bert’s the only one who can play this part.

Bert: Oh, wow. Oo oo, what do I play, Ernie? Santa Claus. No, no, an angel.
The spirit of Christmas past, right? Well, who, who, who, who?

Ernie: A tree.

Bert: I knew it.

Ernie: You just stand here and hold your arms out, sort of tree like.
Hold out your arms there, Bert.

Bert: I knew it.

Ernie: Oh, that’s good. Um hm. Now don’t move, Bert.
Keep your arms out and try to think like a tree.

Bert: Ernie.

Ernie: Shh, Bert.
Okay, Prairie.

Prairie: Oh .. okay.

Ernie: Okay, Grover. Open the curtain. [Audience claps] Hold still now, Bert.

(Prairie plays the piano as she sings-speaks the lines)

Prairie: Welcome, oh welcome, to our little play.
We’re so very glad that you joined us today.
To celebrate Christmas, we must find a tree,
So come to the forest with Herry and me.

Herry: Here we are, Prairie and Herry, marching through the forest, looking for a Christmas tree.
March. March. Look. Look.

Prairie: Oh see, we have found one, so straight and so tall.
We’ll take it, and set it, right in our front hall.
It’s green and it’s lovely, why nothing it lacks.
It’s perfect, dear Herry, so get out your axe.

Bert: Hold it. Stay away from me, Herry.

Herry: Oh, don’t worry, Bert. I don’t have an axe, anyway. I’ll pull you out by the roots.

Bert: C’mon, Herry. Put me down.

Herry: Shhh … I got to carry you home. It’s part of the play.

Bert: [Wimpers]

Harry: Now fancy the tree, now they like it a lot.

Ernie: Ooo, look at that.

Prairie: It’s soo beautiful.

Bert: [Wimpers]

Ernie: Now that is what I call a Christmas tree. See how it comes to a nice point on top?

Bert: Ernie.

Ernie: Shhh, Bert. Trees don’t talk.

Bert: Alright, alright.

Herry: Oh fancy a tree, now they like it a lot.
I take it and stuff it in a flower pot.

Bert: Ohh …. Herry!

Herry: Then pack in some dirt.

Bert: Herry, what are you doing?

Herry: You gotta put a tree in dirt, Bert, or it will die.

Bert: Herry ….

Herry: That’s why I pulled you out by the roots, Bert, so I could transplant ya.

Bert: Alright, alright. But, hurry, my arms are getting tired.

Herry: Yah, yah, yah, yah …. then pack in some dirt, and pour on some water.

Bert: Ahhh!

Herry: Gotta water a tree, Bert.

Bert: Yah, but it’s cold. There’s mud in my saddle shoes!

Herry: Shh shh … and pour on some water, and transplant a Christmas tree just like I oughta.

[Audience claps]

Prairie Dawn: Grover …

Grover: Oh, hi, Prairie.

Prairie: It’s your turn.

Grover: Oh oh oh oh …
And these decorations we hang on the tree,
Make it cute and adorable, not unlike me.
I throw on the tinsel, it glitters and glows,
And hangs from each branch, not to mention Bert’s nose.

Bert: Quit it …


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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This is so cute. I'm enjoying.

Grover: Lookie at how adorbale I am putting up those thingies.

Herry: I was a good Axeman.

Cookie M: Look theres me. Me so handsome.

Herry: Some am I.

You look great Herry.

Maurice: Ohhh I remember this part.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Prairie: Cookie. Now you, Cookie.

Cookie: No.

Prairie: Yes.

Cookie: Oh oh …

Prairie: [Sighs]

Cookie: Me hanging up candy canes, me got a whole bunch.
One for tree, one for me, then me save one for lunch.
Arrhhh! [eating candy canes]

Ernie: Then we add Christmas balls, all shiny and bright, and long strings of popcorn.

Cookie: Uh, me ate them last night.

Ernie: Cookie!

Cookie: Sorry.

Bert: Ernie, my arms!

Ernie: Shh, Bert. This is almost the end of the play.
Next to last come the lights, wound around and around,
From the tippy tip top, right on down to the ground.
A hundred bright lights, coloured bright green and red.
And last comes the star right on Bert’s pointy head.

Bert: Oh, Ernie.

Prairie: Our tree is all finished and so is our play. Just one more detail.

Bert: My arms feel like clay!

Prairie: Shhh, Bert. Turn out all the lights. Be as still as can be.
Now it’s dark, now it’s quiet, now turn on our tree.

All characters: Ooohhh!

[Audience claps]

Prairie: You’re the strongest, most handsome Christmas tree I ever saw.
[Kisses Bert]

Bert: Mmwwaaaa … meh eh eh [Bert’s “machine gun” laugh]

Grover: Close the curtain, Herry!

Ernie: Hey, Bert, you were wonderful.

[Sound of crashing as curtain literally falls]

Herry: Oops. Pulled a little too hard. Sorry, Bert.
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