Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Jan 31, 2005
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*Outside playing in the snow*
Red: Hey Beth?
Beth: Yeah?
Red: Duck! *throws snowball*
Beth: Oh you're going to get it! *runs after Red tackling her as they fall down in the snow laughing*
Abby: Wanda, can you help me with my snowman?
Wanda: Sure, what's it missing?
Abby: I think it needs a nose
Wanda: How about a carrot
Abby: Ok *uses magic wand and instead of a carrot gets a cucumber* Oh no!
Wanda: That's ok, he'll have a green nose *helps Abby stick the nose in the snowman's face*
*the roommates continue enjoying the fresh snow*


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Prairie puts up posters:
Join Us Tonight in Common Room 1
Where "A Christmas Pageant"
(starring our very own Bert as a Christmas Tree!)
Will Be Shown at 7 Eastern Time (or whenever anyone can get there)
Food & Drinks Will Be Served!
So Come On Down!!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Guys I just saw a posted sign outside on the bluntin borad. It says that Prairie is going to be showing an old play she did back in the day.

Herry: What's it called?

A Christmas Pageant.

Grover: Oooooh that was an adorable play.

Cookie M: Me can't remember what me played.

Herry: I played an axeman. I remember those days.

Grover: You hung some candy canes Cookie.

Cookie M: Oh yea now me remember. Me ate almost all of them.

Herry: You also ate the sting of popcorn too.

Cookie M: Those were deloiuse! *whips drool off mouth*

Well I can't wait to see it. I've always loved ya'lls plays that Prairie put together.

Maurice: Me either.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Rosita:Hey...look at the snow outside! Let's go play in it!
Prairie:Sounds great! Wanna come with us Kath?
Oh I would.but I'm doing some last minute packing. Plus I need to finish baking some ahem things for tonight.
Prairie:Awww Kathy....Please?Rosita and I will help you later with the you know whats
sigh OK...OK...I'm coming!
the three of us get our winter stuff on.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bert: (walks outside where everyone else is playing in the bright snow) Aah such a beautiful day.
Ernie: (runs out behind him...) Snow!!! (...and knocks Bert over face first in the soft snow--*thud*) Bert? Bert? Where'd you go, Bert?
Bert: (voice muffled in the snow) Dwmm hmmmrrg!
Ernie: What?
Ernie: Bert, what are you doing down there? Oh, I know! You're making a snow angel! Khekhekhe!
Bert: (gets himself up spitting out snow from his mouth and shaking it from his face) I am not making a snow angel, Ernie. You knocked me over!
Ernie: Oh, gee...sorry about that, old buddy. Hey, come on! Let's go play with everybody! (runs off)
Bert: (sigh) Alright...(starts to follow) Ugh, I think I got slush in my long-johns...

(meanwhile in room 29)
Bry: So what is it that we're making?
Telly: People bake things all the time for friends during the holidays, right?
Bry: Right...
Telly: Well, I'm going to make Christmas cookies.
Big Bird: That's a good idea!
Telly: But not just any Christmas cookies. Triangle Christmas cookies!
Bry/Big Bird: Oooh!
Bry: Well, let's get it all set up.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hmmm... Hope Bryan and Telly decorate those triangle cookies. You know, when giving a gift, you should think about what that person who's getting the gift would like given your knowledge of their personal tastes... Or sometimes, gifts like baked goods are a good present to hand out.
Like the ol' saying goes... Nothing says lovin' like something from the oven.

Hey Count, I'm headed out to the library. I'll be back later in time for the airing of Prairie's pageant.
Count: Vill be counting the seconds until your return.
*Heads off, greeting all the friends playing outside in the snow.

Count: Oh, I do so hope some of the other authors are there and post updates to their own stories as vell.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: *singing* Finals are over, you can be sure of that! Please to put an A in the old prawn's hat! If you haven't got an A, a B will do, if you haven't got a B, that's too bad for you.
Rowlf: I see someone's a chipper little crustacean.
Ryan: Oh, hey Rowlf! Glad you made it over all right.
Rowlf: We live right across the hall.
Ryan: ...Oh yeah. But still, it's great to have you!
Robin: Ryan! Ryan! Ryan!
Ryan: Robin! Robin! Robin!
Robin: Remember last year when we had to do all my Christmas shopping because I forgot?
Ryan: Sure, how could I forget?
Robin: Well I forgot to go shopping again.
Ryan: ...Good grief, what is that half of mine doing to you...*sigh* Okay, who do you need to buy for? Lisa? Rowlf? Chef? Your Secret Santa?
Robin: Secret what?
Ryan: I need to have a good, long talk with that other half of mine...
Swedish Chef: Floor hoop de bluoe sveede.
Ryan: No thanks Chef, I already ate.
Rowlf: That's not what-Oh never mind...
Gonzo: I don't.
Camilla: Bragawk!
Chef: Gobbla gobbla Chreestmus torkey!
Ryan: Oh boy...Uh Robin, let's get outta here before this gets ugly.
Robin: Good idea. *Ryan and Robin head to the store*


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Telly: Hey, Ryan! Are you going to the store? Would you mind picking up something for me while you're out? Pleeeeeeaaaase?! I need some colored icing. Browns, greens and yellows would be great. Ed was right. Decorating the cookies would be good. Thanks a lot, Ry!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Rosita:Brrrrr!!! Wow was it COLD out there!
But fun, huh?
Rosita:Oh,si!Especially making a snow angel!
Prairie:Yep! Kath....can we pleasehave some hot cocoa while we're busy making the things?
Nope...don't think so.
Prairie:But Kathyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!I'm freezing!! too!Por favorKathy?
Hey...I was going to make hot chocolate all along! You know how I like to tease!:wink: we ever!
OK...3 cups of hot chocolate coming up. Want a candy cane stick in yours? Plus a dollop of whipped cream?
Prairie:Yes please!
Rosita:Me too please! cocoa for us. Plus a bowl of warm milk for a kittycat.
Gaffer purrs and does figure 8s around my legs.
You're welcome we have the recipes picked out,ladies?
Prairie:Yep...sugar,chocolate chip...
Rosita:Gingerbread...oatmeal...and others...

Great!We have about an hour to do this before we head to the Common room. On your mark...get set...and...BAKE!
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