Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: Hey Uncle D. did you take Ed his present?
Uncle Deadly: But of course my fiend. I'm sure he appreciated a copy of all your marvelous works of pen.
Ryan: Works of keyboard.
Uncle D.: ...I'm sure he'll like it either way.
Ryan: I wish I thought that way about these finals...
Uncle D.: Shall I shock you again?
Ryan: Between you and Gonzo I get shocked enough already thank you.
Uncle D.: Indeed.
Ryan: Ugh...Back to studying.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Hey guys... Thanks Maurice, the bat cookies are great. You guys want some carrot cake? There's enough for all. Hey Count, come on... Movie night at Kyle's.
Count: Ah ha! I love movie night, especially vhen it's a good movie.

Good thing Uncle D got us Ryan and Lisa's collective works of pen, er keyboard. Got those and a few others to peruse once I finish my last final tomorrow. Good thing is I can type it up and send it via E-mail to my professor.
Count, in the elevator going upstairs to Room #26: And then?
Yes... Then... We can start our own little fic project. Course, there's one little detail to hammer out with Beth and/or Cath, but I'm sure we'll hear from them as soon as we drop off the message.
*All arrive at the warm lodgings of Kyle and the Monsters, known as Room #26, where we sit down for a viewing of Ice Age 2.


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Mar 11, 2003
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*pass the popcorn* Here Ed.

Grover: Oh how cute. Those fuzzy little adorable possums are so cute.

Herry: They are Grover but Manny is big and tough. *picks up coffee table*

Put that down Herry! We're trying to watch the movie.

Herry: Sorry. Got carried away.

Cookie M: *eatting down more of the bat cookies* Mmmmmm Maurice makes really good bat cookies. *slurps down a soda*

Maurice: Thanks Cookie Monster. *pops a cookie into mouth*

Oscar: *pops up* What's going on in here? And why is Dracula in here?


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Ernie: Hey, guys! I heard that Kyle and the monsters are having a movie party in their room.
Bry: Oh right. For Ed's birthday.
Ernie: Yeah. We should go!
Bert: A movie night? Oh boy! Hey, I wonder what they're watching. Maybe it's One Flew Over the Pigeon's Nest!
Ernie: Khekhekhe! I dunno, Bert, but I think they've already started so we should go soon.
Bry: Okay. Hey, Big Bird, do you have the present for Ed from us?
Big Bird: Right here! (holds a box under his wing)
Bry: Good. Come on!
Big Bird: Are you coming, Telly?
Telly: No thanks, Big Bird. I don't have time for parties right now. I have a Secret Santa present to tend to.
Big Bird: Oh, okay. Bye!
Bry: See ya later, Telly. You know where to find us if you need anything.
Telly: Thanks.

(Bry, Bert, Ernie and Big Bird arrive at Kyle's room)
Bry: Hey, Everyone! Hope we're not too late.
Ernie: Ooh! Ice Age 2! This is a good one!
Bert: Are there any pigeons in it?
Ernie: Bert. Sshhh...(signaling him to keep his voice down)
Bert: (whisper) Sorry.
Big Bird: Happy Birthday, Ed. We got you this present. Hope you like it.
(in the box is a beautiful handmade scarf with rich shades of red and green to wear for the holiday season)
Bry: Telly wanted to come but I guess he has some stuff he's busy with right now.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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*gets up* Hey Bryan. Ernie. Bert. Big Bird.

Grover: Ernie!

Herry: Hey Big Bird.

Maurice: Hey guys. Nice for ya'll to come.

Cookie M: Ernie! Me have cookie for you. *holds up half eatten cookie*

Oscar: What is this? Movie night at Kyle's?


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Big Bird: Hi, Herry!
Ernie: Hey, Grover! (takes half eaten cookie) Gee...umm...thanks, Cookie Monster.
Bry: Yes, Oscar. It's a movie night at Kyle's. You don't have to be here if you don't want to.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(In room 29)
Telly: (talking to his pet hamster) Bert and Ernie gave me a great idea for my Secret Santa present. They said to make something and give them something I'd like. So, I've decided to paint a picture of of you, Chuckie Sue! What's that, Chuckie Sue? (rests the side of his head on the cage as if to listen) Of course! He loves animals! He has so many pets himself too.(Gathers up brushes by a large easel) It was nice of Big Bird to let me barrow his paints. Now just hold still, Chuckie Sue, while I paint your portrait. (dips brush and begins to paint) Beautiful! Oh, he's gonna love this! (Telly paints for a while and is finally finished) There! All done. (he holds up the paper to show Chuckie Sue. It basically looks like 2 big brown circles with 2 lines sticking out of each side, 3 dots for the nose and eyes, a small line for the mouth and 2 small circles for the ears) What do you think? Yeah, I like it too. You were a great model. (puts paper back down) I think I'll open up the window to help the paint dry faster. (opens up the window and a big gust of wind comes through blowing the painting around the room and face down on the floor.) Nooo!! My painting!!!!! (he picks it up off the floor and the paint is completely smeered making it even more difficult to tell what it was supposed to be a painting of) Darn that wind!!! It's all messed up now. (defeated once again, Telly crumples up the ruined painting and tosses it in the trashcan of the common room) Back to the drawing board (sigh). (Telly goes back to room 29)


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Big Bird: (knocks on the door to room 1) Ed, are you awake? Ed, it's me! Big Bird! (opening the door) Oh good, you're not asleep yet. (walks in the room ducking his head under the doorway) Wow, everything looks so festive in here! I like what you've done to the place. Anyway...I know we already gave you a birthday present earlier, but there was something else I wanted you to have. Here. (hands Ed two beautifully made crafts each with a metal hook attached.) They're the letter and number of the day made out of sunflower seeds. See? (showing him)That's the letter J and the number 2. I made them in my arts and crafts class. I thought maybe you'd like to hang them from your Christmas tree. Well, you should probably be in bed right now. It's so late! See ya later! (goes back to his nest upstairs)

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Hey guys... Just want to thank you all for the presents, but more importantly for what you did last night.

Kyle, thanks for the movie night.
Bryan, thank you for the vibrant Christmas scarf.
Kathy, thank mew for the singing telegram.
Big Bird, thank you for the ornaments, they look beautiful on the tree next to the other Muppet ornaments up there. Gee, I hope he liked the hug as a thank you.
And hey, if Oscar gets a bit cross... Well, it may be my birthday, but I have a few presents for him.
*Stuffs ripped wrapping paper and tattered bows into trashcan in Floor 2's common room.

Now then, off to the library for a quick fanfic jaunt, breakfast, and then I must get to writing this thing for my finals.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Did anyone bring Ed his birthday present yesterday?
Red: Oops
Abby: Oh I hope he's not mad!
Beth: I'm sure he's not but we'd better get it down there
Red: I'll go, I'm fast
*Red runs to room 1 with a birthday card, picture of the Count drawn by Abby and a descriptive book about bats*
Red:*returning* Whew!

Wanda: I hope he likes it
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