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Muppet Central the Movie!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Are the Muppets real in "The Muppet Movie, Great Muppet Caper and Muppets take Manhantten?" Explain that for me. I think that Christy is in a computer world not a real world. So she's been sucked into her computer. Look at all those other movies about computers. Its movie magic. Just that.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Actually, most movie magic is explained, but, if you don't want to use my story-line idea, please do go on with your story without it.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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1)forgive the double post. I'm gonna post a chapter right after this.

2) Lemme explain where Scooter and I are. Together Again basically had it right. We're in cyberspace searching for Cindy. While in here, Snidley is trying to trip us up using anything that JHC has done. Thus the reason why odd characters will pop up. Also, this is the reason why Kermit is running a puppet show starring himself as a puppet being performed by Steve Whitmire. In other words, the only "real things" are me, Scooter, and my cellphone.

3) Since the other plot totally confuses everyone....I say let's continue the story for now. Also, Beau and Vibs, stay with us. The more the merrier.

4) I miss being here on the weekends too Count. I was lucky enough to run to the library during my break while at work. I'm gonna really miss this place during my move....Now on with the story.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Ok Christy, you continue and me and Vibs will find another place to drop in. Ignore anything I have posted before now.

And, one last questian, since this is MC the Moive and King Agrippa is an intergral part of my MC personality, can I play him to some degree? He can be a henchman.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Back with the story...

To catch ya'll up. Me and Scooter are still in the Muppet Theatre filming an episode of a Muppet Show of some sorts. I am trying to reach Ryan on my cell phone. However, I get an unusal answer...

Me: *cell phone ringing* C'mon Ryan....Pick up!
Me: You! What have you done with Ryan?
Snidley: My ground my rules remember? I'm just monitoring your progress.
Me: Oh you mean the torture fest I'm in? I'll have you know I love it. Oh yeah and using hollograms of muppeteers was a stroke of genius.
Snidley: How do you know they're just a hollogram? They could be real?
Me: Yeah, but when you accidentally swing a puppet's arm too wide and it just sails right through Frank Oz's head...it's obvious.

Ryan: Hello?
Me: Ryan! It's me.
Ryan: Christy! Where the heck are you?
Me: Cyberspace, again. You see Snidley kidnapped Cindy. Scooter and I went inside the computer to go and look for her.
Ryan: Lemme get this straight, Snidley has got Cindy? Have you found her yet?
Snidley: No she hasn't. Nor will she ever.
Me: Ryan, meet the pain in the backside Snidley.
Ryan: Charmed, not. Anyway, where's Cindy's room
Me: 214 in the hotel that we drove up to before. Me and Scooter are doing fine in here. However, I'm worried about Dan, Diana, and the gang that's still at Fraggle Rock. Have you heard from them?
Ryan: No, I haven't. Actually, until you said something, I had forgotten about them.
Me: Well, try and find them. We'll get to Cindy. You know my cell number. I warn you...You know who listens to all my conversations though.
Ryan: Gotcha. Be careful girl.

Kermit: Hey kid! We're waiting.
Jerry: Hey kid c'mon. You're dancing with me in this next "At the Dance" scene.

Me: I gotta go. Call me back as soon as you find anything.
Ryan: Did I just hear Jerry Nelson and Kermit???
Me: Uh...yeah. No time to explain *I hang up*

Ryan: Christy???


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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It was raining....after all this was England what more would you expect?

It was pouring...ok, so, it was drizzeling, but, let's just say it was pouring for dramatic emphasis....It was pouring down, and fog was streaked with the pale lights of moving boats. I was shivering, my raincoat securly around my shoulders, and my souester (sp?) sending dashes of rain everywhere. Oh why, oh why had I volenteered to join the guys on the boat? They were jut going for quick rid in the motorboat, and I didn't want to go, but, I didn't want to stay on the beach by myself either. So, I volenteered to join them.

Then the rain had come, then the fog, then the dark....then the hat going over teh edge...then the stupid me leaning out after it...then the splash, the gurgle, the drowning feeling, and the scarf fluttering in front of my.

"Grab it!" Someone was shouting.

"The scarf?" I called, unbelievingly, my head breaking through the tough waves.


So, I did. And I was dugged aboard a tiny sailign boat, and met the Danish gal who'd been out by herself. "Hi, I'm B. Regard," I said.


"I'm a Muppet Fan."

For a second I thought she was going to push me right back out the boat, like most people do when I first introduce myself as such. I prefer to get it over with quickly. But instead she yelled. "I loooooooove the Muppets!"

She found my a spare raincoat and hat, and we went on through the water discussing the aspects of muppet cannon, and how the Muppet Babies fitted the series.

It was some point about then, that we saw the streak of light from a lighthouse too late, and hit a rock...

I didn't remeber anything after that until a dog was barking by my ear.

"What is it Sproket old boy?" An older man was asking, then a concerned silence. "Oh my goodness, we should get you inside."

Warm, and dry, Vibs and I sat at the table drinking scoldign tea from mugs, while Doc scurried around. My eyes fastened on a jagged hole on one wall. "Is that...?" I began.

Vibs looked at me. She'd seen it too.

It was a Fraggle Hole...

To be continued...

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Just posting quickly, got a class in half an hour.

1 Personally, I have no problem if King Agrifa is a henchman of Snidely's. The problem I had before was that he was being brought in as a dueling master villain when we already had Snidely. Don't get me wrong, there are great movies with dual villains, but this started out as the story of MC against Snidely. bBesides, there'll be time enough for dual villains in MC the Movie 2, if we ever finish this first movie.

2 Christy, I understand that you guys started up the Steve Whitmire Admirers thread, but... You're gonna be stuck in cyberspace with the Muppets and the Muppeteers appearing at the same time, and there's no Jim Henson to perform his own classic characters?
What's up with that?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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(out of charcter, ok, thanks Count. He can be a henchman, not a dueling villan.)


Doc scratched his stubbly beard, and rubbed Sprocket's head. He had come in from checking on the storm, and found his two visiters missing. Sprocket kept pointing at the Fraggle Hole. "Don't be ridiculous, Sproket," Doc said. "They never would have fitted."

But, the English Doc did not know the truth of Fraggle Magic, the magic that caused multiple Fraggle realities to co-exist, that allowed Uncle Matt to live among the Silly People without being noticed, that allowed B. Regard and Vibs to dive down a Fraggle Hole too small.

As they leapt at the entrance with a Fraggle beleif that spanned continents and deeper, it swirled it a spiral of a million colors, and they found themselves falling in a what seemed like a pipe of swirled-paints falling dropping rising spinning walking flying streatching believing.


For the second time that day, B. Regard opened his eyes not entirely sure where he was.

"Hello," the voice said again.

And he looked up into the bright, inquisitive eyes of Red. A hand gently moved Red's face away from his, and B. saw Gobo upside down, or rather, he was upside down an Gobo was the right way.

Gobo nodded. "Another silly creature," he said.

Boober chimmed in. "Don't touch it, they have germs."

"Oh, but they really are cute," Mokey added.

"Excuse me..." That was a female voice from a small way away. "But I'm not sure if we have time right now."

"Where is this?" B. asked.

"Why, Fraggle Rock of course. The better questian is, who are you?" That was booper.

"I'm B. Regard. I come in peace."

"And I am Vibs, and I come from Denmark."

They all turned around to Vibs, having not seen her before.

"I am Diana," came the female voice again. "And I'm going to come to pieces if you people don't get your behinds over here and give us a hand."

"This is a computer cave," gobo explained. "We got an entrnce into the Net, but a vicious virus may be trying to get in, and if it does,we could be in big trouble."

"That's right," Wembly said, hanging upside down from the roof. "Which is why we are trying to get a patch on this thing."

Dan jumped down from a stepladder. "Without much success."

"Well then," B. Regard said. "You've come to the right place. I am a computer expert."

A voice shouted, echoing around the cave. "And I Am King Agrippa. Sent To Make Sure This Fraggle Portale Remains Open."

And a hologram flickered to life...

To be continued...


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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The Count said:
2 Christy, I understand that you guys started up the Steve Whitmire Admirers thread, but... You're gonna be stuck in cyberspace with the Muppets and the Muppeteers appearing at the same time, and there's no Jim Henson to perform his own classic characters?
What's up with that?
Patience, my friend patience. No worries, Jim will show up. The reason why I have don't have him in the thread is....Well if I told you then it wouldn't be a surprise then would it :wink:.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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*(might I join in?)*

"Lisa, the internet should be working again" came a voice from the first floor.
"YAY!" Lisa shouted. She couldn't help being excited. It seemed like ages since she had last been on Muppet Central.
The voice from downstairs continued. "I just got called out to work. I have to go to Spring Valley, so I won't be home for a few hours."
"I'll see you later"
"Bye daddy! I love you!"

And with that Lisa bolted back to her room. She hit the shortcut she had set up on her keyboard to automatically go to Muppet Central. It had been so long, she was sure she had hours of posting to do. And surely the various fanfics had progressed, she would have to...
But something was very wrong. Instead of the familiar Muppet Central Forum, Lisa was greeted with a skull and crossbones and some sort of message. She didn't really read the message, but immediately opened her email account to see if there was anything new. She would figure out the muppet central problem later.
There was a new email, a random tidbit from her sister. She immediately hit the "reply" button, and typed a quick message. But as soon as she hit "send", she started feeling dizzy... the room was spinning... there were flashes of color and light...
And just when Lisa felt like she was going to pass out, everything stopped. She looked around, but she was no longer at her desk. But she could see it... pens, pencils, dvds, loose change... It took her a while to realize that she was looking at her desk from the other side of her monitor.
The other side of... but...
But before she had time to get scared, or even begin to comprehend where she was, the world began to spin again, with the flashes of light and color and now there was the addition of ones and zeroes flying around. It seemed longer this time.
But it finally ended. Lisa was almost afraid to open her eyes. She decided to explore with her other senses first. Let's see... she seemed to be on some sort of floor. It was hard, and cold. Probably stone. She could hear some sort of whir... a fan... no, several computer fans. That much she could recognize. But there were no distinctive smells, and certainly no tastes. She would have to open her eyes.
Bars. That was the first thing she noticed. Bars. Another moment and she knew she was in a cell. Some sort of jail cell. And there was a face. An evil looking face with dark beady eyes.
"hello" the face said.
Lisa sat up. She rubbed her eyes, then her aching head. "hi." She said. She had a bad feeling about this face. As well as the head, neck, and body it was connected to. "what's your name?" She asked, trying to sound more polite than afraid.
The face laughed. "Is that really your main concern at this moment? My name?? " he sneared.
Lisa felt her nerve returning, and with it, her sarcasm. "I was using my manners," she said glaring at him. "Please excuse me if it was rude of me to do so."
The face laughed again. Oh, she was starting to hate that laugh. "I am Snidely. I have taken over Muppet Central. And you- TogetherAgain, is it? You have made the mistake of trying to send an email without my permission after entering my control." He sneared. "You see, once you go to Muppet Central, you are mine. I control you." He turned and stepped towards the dozen or so monitors that were in the room on the other side of the bars. "I control your friends as well, although they have not been very co-operative. I've had to give them several obstacles, I'm sure they'll give up soon. Still... very un-co-operative." He indicated a monitor that seemed to be displaying the inside of the muppet theater. it was filled with muppeteers and muppets- in both the puppet and living form.
Lisa glared at Snidely. "You expected them to WANT to be controlled? Of course they're not cooperating. And don't think for a minute that I intend to, either!" She hoped she sounded more confident and brave than she felt.
Snidely turned to face her. "You, my dear, have no choice!" He came towards the bars and leaned his disgusting face towards her. "I'm not taking any chances with you. you are locked safely in your cage. And because I have heard of your song writing skills" he sneared, "I will have you stay in your cage and sing!"
Lisa was starting to realize she was in big trouble. Still, she didn't want to give in. "And if I refuse to sing like the pet parakeet you seem to think I am?"
Snidely grinned. "perhaps you have not yet noticed your cell mate."
Lisa turned to see an almost dragon looking creature that looked like it could swallow her in one gulp without even trying. Worse, it looked like it WANTED to swallow her in one gulp without even trying. She gulped, and turned to Snidely.
"how about a compromise?" She said, thinking quickly. "You see, if I were to sing, well... let's just say my voice is a bit of a disapointment. But since I don't particularly feel like being someone's lunch, how about if I tell you a story?" please work, please work, please, please, please work. it has to work, please work. she thought.
Snidely thought a moment. "I don't believe you, about your voice." he said hesitantly.
oh, no...
"But" he went on, "I will let you tell me ONE story. But only one!" he said, glaring at his captive. "And then you had better sing!" he snarled.
Lisa quickly made her plan. She had to admit, it was fashioned largely on last year's fall play. But if Sheherezad could do it, then why not?
She settled herself in her cell and prepared to tell Snidely a long, complicated tale. The tale of Muppet Central. It could take days, even weeks the way she planned to tell it. She would include every piece of history, every RPG, every game, every conversation-turned-adventure, every birthday, every fanfiction, and every single thread she could recall, with as many details as she could think of... right down describing every avatar and signiture. All she could do was hope that Snidely wouldn't stop her, that it would distract him from "creating obstacles" for the other members of the forum, that all of them were ok, and that somebody would stop him before she ran out of story. A thousand and one nights? It wasn't just a play now.
She wondered what her family would think if they found her missing. She pushed the thought away, and began to weave what she hoped would be a tale to save her life.