It's a strange but reassuring feeling to know that your special meant-for-you sweetie is not only out there, but probably wondering where you are at as well. That's how I feel about myself. I can almost feel her out there, somewhere in the ether...wondering where I am. Perhaps she is curled up reading a book...the soft hush of a cat next to her. Clearly, life will reveal ourselves to eachother when the moment is right, grooving to the beat of nowhere in particular.
Well, that's my belief anyways. To me you should only be with someone if they fill you up with complete meltyness, and you inspire eachother with all sorts of inspiration for creativity; as well they get your sense of humor and get you period on all sorts of levels where others may not. Then again, sometimes I am too much of a dreamer. I do wish to find a girl before I would ever be successful with my goals in life.
unclematt said:
William, what it really comes down to is I am one of those pathetic saps who has fallen in love with his best friend. I have a great relationship with her, we do everything together and I would never want to ruin that. I approve of her boyfriend and am glad that she has found a man that treats her so well and is not intimidated by the fact that her best friend is a guy. I love her so much that I will be happy as long as she is happy.
Man tho, that stinks to have fallen in love with a close female friend...someone you know deep down gives you those melty feelings. The question is, objectively, does her boyfriend give her the kind of meltyness you would give her if you were together? It also highlights my theory that guys and girls cannot be just friends without one or the other developing feelings...unless 1) both find eachother very unattractive or 2) both are taken