Miss Piggy: And they say us pigs are uncivilized!
Ellie: Muffins

*catches two* Look, I can juggle! * attempts to juggle and fails* Oops...*catches 2 more muffins, does not try to juggle this time*
Miss Piggy: And that Robin, *referring to my juggling fail* is called being uncoordinated.
Susie: *hides behind her clip board as not to be pelted with muffins*
Ellie: Aw c'mon Susie, embrace it!
Susie: I hate dodgeball and this is the same but with muffins!
Ellie: But you can eat muffins!
Miss Piggy: Ellie, don't, you know how Susie is.
Susie: Thank you ma'am! *continues to hide behind her clipboard*