Chapter 7 - Zoot's family reunion
It was a rainy day. Lips with his trumpet and suitcase in hand stepped off the bus.
"Woo!" he exclaimed and tightened his coat to warm up. "It's really pouring." He had just come back from visiting his family in Texas and he was so glad to be back home. He had been gone for about 3 weeks. "I have to walk three blocks in this mess." he grumbled. "I hope the band has some gigs lined up for us. I really need to get back into the swing of things." Lips put his coat over his head and ran as fast as he could to the studio the live at. It was hard keeping his coat over his head to keep dry while carrying a suitcase and trumpet case but he somehow managed. He could hardly wait to tell the guys and girls about his three week vacation with his relatives.
"Hey, Floyd. Can you open the door and see how bad it is outside?" Janice asked.
"Sure, baby." Floyd said, opening the door. Lips took out his key and not paying any attention, jammed the key into Floyd's belly. "Hey, man! Watch what you're doing, I ain't no door knob!" he exclaimed as he rubbed his stomach. "That hurts, dude."
"Floyd!" Lips shouted.
"Lips, my man!" Floyd shouted. "Hey, everyone! Lips finally came back from his vacation!" Everyone rushed to greet him.
"Hey, Lips. You missed a very special moment." Janice told him. Leah and Zoot was standing behind her.
"What happened?" Lips asked.
"We're engaged!" Leah said excitedly. She showed him the sparkling heart shaped ruby.
"I can't believe it." Lips said. "I missed it. Congratulations, Zoot and Leah." He shook Zoot's hand and hugged Leah.
"Mail call!!" Dr. Teeth shouted, waving everyone's mail in his hand. He passed it out to everyone. Zoot got a letter and an invitation to his annual family reunion. Leah got a letter from her friends, Janice got a letter from her mom and sister, Floyd got a letter from his brother Lloyd and the good doctor just got a light bill.
"Geez. All I get are bills." Teeth complained. "I don't even hear from my old friends anymore."
Zoot opened his letter. It was from his younger sister Liza. It read
Dear Zephyr,
How are things? I haven't heard from you in a long time. Anyway, our family reunion is coming up and we hope that you'll be there this year. We miss you, Zeph. Give me a call when you have some time. Mom, Juruso, Jo, Ben, and Elise has been asking about you and so have your nieces nephews. We all love and miss you, big brother.
Love your little sis,
Zoot put the letter back in the envelope. He left.
"What's wrong?" Leah asked, concerned.
"Nothing." Zoot answered. "I gotta call my baby sister."
Zoot walked into his room and closed the door. He picked up the phone and punched in his sister's number. It rang 3 times.
"Hello." Liza answered.
"Hey, baby sis." Zoot said.
"Oh hi! How are you?"
"I'm not so bad. How about you?"
"Ugh.. wanna trade lives?" Liza joked. "Danny and Lily keep me very busy."
"I have some news for you" Zoot said happily. "but I want to wait until the reunion to tell you."
"So you're coming this year." Liza said. "Oh, Zephyr! We have been wanting to see you for some time now. How has the band been?"
"Lips just got back from his vacation this morning. Everyone is good. I have a girlfriend. Been with her for 2 years. I want her to meet the family."
"I'll tell you what. Maybe you two can come a week early so she can get to know all of us. I bet she's a nice girl."
"You'll love her." Zoot said with a smile but his smile suddenly disappeared. "I just don't know about mom."
"Yeah we know how she is. It took her a long while to accept my husband because he isn't jewish." Liza said.
"Mom! Mom! Is that Uncle Zeph?" Lily, her 4 year old tugged on her mom's shirt.
"Yes, honey. Mommy's talking to Uncle Zeph."
"Can I talk?" Before she had a chance to answer, Lily grabbed the phone. "Hi, uncle Zephyr."
"Hey, Lily. What's going on?" Zoot tried not to talk his hippie talk with his niece since she was too young to understand it.
"Nothing. Are you coming to see me?"
"Yes I am and I'm bringing a friend." Zoot said gently. "Let me talk to your mom."
Lily gave the phone back to her mom. Danny suddenly started crying. He woke up from his nap.
"Danny just woke up. I'll have to let you go. Let me know if you can come a little early. Talk to you later."
"Okay. Bye." They hung up. Zoot decided to talk to Leah about meeting his family.
"Hey, babe?" Zoot said. Leah and Janice were talking in Leah's room while listening to some Bon Jovi.
"Come in, Zoot." Leah said.
"I got something to talk to you about." Zoot told her. "How would you like to meet my family?"
"Of course I'd like to meet your family." Leah said. "Are they coming here to visit?" Zoot shook his head.
"There's a family reunion and my sister wants us to come early if we can make it in early." Zoot explained. "I'll have to talk to Dr. Teeth about us taking off early."
"Okay." Leah said. She turned to Janice and they started talking again. Zoot closed her door and left to find Dr. Teeth. He was on the stage jamming on his keyboards trying to write a solo song for himself.
"Dude! I need to talk with you." Zoot shouted. Dr. Teeth stopped playing.
"What's up, Zoot my man?"
"Do you have your schedule? Leah and I need to take a trip." Teeth looked at him. "My family is having a family reunion and they want to meet her."
"Well, let's see who's next on the vacation list." Dr. Teeth pulled out his vacation list. Everyone rotated their vacations and they had specific dates and could only be gone a total of 3 weeks at a time.
(I will finish this later. There is a tornado warning and when this mess lifts up, I will be back on here

So until then . . . Rock on!)
Dr. Teeth studied the vacation list carefully. Zoot and Leah were next to take their vacation.
"When is your reunion?" Dr. Teeth asked.
"In a couple of weeks." Zoot answered.
"You and Leah are next to take your vacation. If you want to leave early, then go ahead."
"Okay, cool." Zoot said calmly and left.
The next week, the band loaded up the bus with 2 weeks' worth of Zoot and Leah's belongings. Leah was all nerves.
"What if they don't like me, Zoot?" she said nervously.
"I'm the one you have to live with. Not them." Zoot told her and kissed her. She felt a little better. They finally arrived at the bus station. Janice and Leah hugged and they all said their goodbyes.
"You two have a great time!" Floyd shouted as the bus pulled away. The rest of the band member piled back into the bus and drove back home. While on the bus, Zoot called Liza to let her know that they were on the bus and will see her in about 5 hours.
"5 hours is a long time." Leah said.
"Yeah it is." Zoot said, pulling his hat over his eyes. He laid his seat back and decided to get some sleep. He yawned and he was out. Leah sat back in her seat, took out her notebook and decided to start on the wedding plans.
Maybe we can get Rowlf to play the piano for us during our reception. Leah thought. She wrote down a reminder to call Rowlf as soon as they got back from their trip.
(In case you were all wondering what Rowlf has been up to these days, Ol' Brown ears has been lining up gigs to play at the finest restaurants. On occasion he still plays his piano with the Electric Mayhem but most of the time he plays solo. Now you know

The bus pulled into the bus terminal. Leah gently shook Zoot. He woke up, startled.
"Zoot. We're here." Leah said. He yawned and stretched. They stood up, grabbed their belongings and got off the bus. Zoot looked around for his sister's mustang.
"Look for a red mustang." he told Leah. She nodded. Everyone was pushing and shoving their way around. People are so rude! Leah couldn't wait to meet Zoot's family. Soon a red mustang pulled up to the curb and a short, slender woman got out.
"Zephyr!" she called and waved her arms, trying to get his attention. Zoot turned toward the voice.
"That's my sister." he said to Leah and they quickly walked toward her car as she popped the trunk. Zoot put their luggage into the trunk. "Hey, sis. I have someone I would like you to meet." Leah shyly waved to Liza.
"Hi." she blushed.
"Hi, Zephyr's girlfriend." she said. "Does she have a name, Zeph?"
"It's Leah." Leah said. "My name is Leah."
"My name is Liza. Nice to meet you, Leah." Liza glanced at her hand and gasped. "Oh what a beautiful ring! Where did you get it?"
"That's what I wanted to tell you, sis." Zoot said. "She's my fiance. We're engaged." They hugged.
"You're engaged?" Liza chuckled. "You always said you were never getting married." She imitated her older brother. "I'm never going to get married." she said and laughed. Leah laughed too. Zoot rolled his eyes and sighed.
"Let's get going." Zoot said. Liza and Leah agreed and they piled into her car.
"So, Leah. Where are you working?" Liza asked.
"Well, I used to be a waitress. Now I'm one of the lead singers for The Electric Mayhem." she answered.
"How did you two meet?"
"It was a funny story." Leah explained. "The band was sitting down to order their food and I was serving another table. I tripped and Zoot got food spilled all over him." Liza laughed. Leah could tell that she and Liza were going to be great friends.
"It's not that funny." Zoot said. "My suit was ruined. She spilled spaghetti on me."
"But you didn't care." Leah told him. "You were too busy making googly eyes at me. Besides, we had it dry cleaned and it looks good as new." Before they knew it, Liza pulled into the driveway to her house. Her husband Andrew was playing outside with their kids. Danny was in his playpen playing with his toys. Her dad was pushing Lily on her swing. When she saw her mom and uncle, she jumped off.
"Mama! Uncle Zoot!" she hollered, running toward them.
"Hi, Lily." Liza said, bending down to pick up her daughter. Lily saw Leah.
"Who is that?" she asked.
"This is Leah. She's Uncle Zoot's friend."
"Are you in love with my uncle?" she asked quizzically. Leah blushed.
"Yes. Very much."
"Have you kissed him?"
"Okay, Lily that's enough." Liza said, putting her down. She ran back to her swing set and climbed the ladder to her slide.
"This is my husband Andrew." she said to Leah.
"Nice to meet you, Andrew." Leah said, blushing.
"You too." Andrew said. "Hey, Brother in law. How's it going?"
"Groovy." Zoot answered.
"Care to join me for some lemonade? Your woman can have some too if she wants."
"Yeah we'll have some." Zoot said.
"Help yourselves. The pitcher is on the picnic table." Andrew said. "I'll take your luggage."
"That's very nice of you." Leah said, pouring herself a glass of refreshing lemonade. Liza picked up her son from his playpen. He started crying.
"WOW!" she said and held him away. "I'll be back."
"Diaper change?" Zoot asked Andrew. He nodded. A few minutes later, Liza came back with Daniel who was happy and fresh.
"Leah, I'll show you where you and Zoot will be staying. Zoot already knows which room you two will be staying in." Liza said. She lead her into the house, through the kitchen and the living room and down the hallway. "Your room is at the end."
Leah opened the door. It was a huge room with a king sized bed and a couple of dressers. "Mom is going to be over later on this afternoon."
"Do you think she'll like me?" Leah asked nervously.
"I think she's going to adore you." Liza told her. "I know that the family is going to fall in love with you." With this coming from Zoot's sister, Leah felt better.
Later in the evening, Zoot's mother came over just as supper was getting prepared. Leah and Liza were in the kitchen sharing stories about Zoot and laughing. They were getting along so well. Zoot was in the living room playing his sax for his niece. She was listening to him attentively and Andrew was playing with Daniel.
"Zeph was so embarrassed!" Liza laughed as she finished her story. Leah had tears in her eyes and was flushed with laughter. "He didn't back to that girl's house for weeks! All because of our brother."
"It was Ben?" Leah asked between giggles. Liza nodded.
"He always embarrassed Zeph somehow."
Zoot was about 15- 16 years old and a new girl moved into a house a few doors away from his. He really liked her but the problem was Ben did too. Zoot and this girl talked and hung out but he never got the courage to ask her out. That is until he saw his brother hitting on her.
"You don't have the guts, man." Ben said to Zoot. "She likes me anyway."
"I heard around school that she's crazy for me." Zoot argued.
"Who told you?"
"Yeah? Well, Floyd don't know nothin'."
"I'm going to go to her house right now and tell her how I feel." Zoot said. Ben left a few minutes after his brother did. He knew a shortcut to her house and he got there a couple of minutes before Zoot. Ben had a plan. He was going to spray Zoot's pants so it looked like he wet them. He turned on the hose. After a long while of dawdling and thinking about what he was going to say without making himself look like a babbling idiot, he stepped onto the doorstep and rang the bell.
"Coming!" the girl called. Ben quickly sprayed Zoot's pants. Zoot felt a cold gush of water from the hose and next thing he knew, Zoot's pants were wet. He looked like he wet himself. She opened the door. "Hey, Zoot. Dude, did you wet yourself?"
"I. . . uh." he stammered, embarrassed and she started laughing really hard. The embarrassed Zoot ran home and stayed in his room the rest of the day. The next day at school, he saw her with his brother Ben.
"Sorry, bro," he said. "She doesn't date guys who wet their pants." He burst out laughing. Zoot clenched his teeth out of anger.
*end of flashback*
"Every time she came over to visit Ben, Zoot stayed in his room. He was too embarrassed to look at her in the face." Liza finished.
"Did she ever find out that he didn't really wet himself?" Leah asked.
"I told her." Liza said. "I told her everything and come to find out, she liked him too. They ended up moving before she and Zoot officially started dating."
"What about Ben?"
"She broke up with him when she found out the truth." Liza told her. "She said she didn't want to speak to him again and that was cruel and immature of him to do such a thing." The doorbell rang. Andrew got up and answered it.
"Hey, Ma's here!" he bellowed.
"Grandma!" squealed Lily. She got up and headed to the door. She wrapped her arms around her. "Hi, Grandma!"
"Hi, Sweetheart." Mrs. Simms said, hugging her granddaughter. Mrs. Simms was a tall, slender lady with long curly blue hair with green blue skin and a yellow tear drop shaped nose. She looked kind of like Zoot. She saw her son on the couch playing his sax. "Well, some things never change, do they." she said and smiled.
"Hi, mom." Zoot said and put down his sax. He gave her a hug.
"Hi, son. It's been a long time. How are things?"
"It's groovy." Zoot said. "I have someone I want you to meet." He motioned to Leah. She walked out of the kitchen, all nerves. "This lovely lady is Leah. She is my bride to be."
"Hello, Mrs. Simms." Leah said nervously.
"No need to be formal, dear." she said, hugging her. "Call me Martha."
"Okay, Martha." Leah said. "How are you?"
"I'm doing good. Zephyr, you picked a really nice lady." his mother said. Zoot smiled and hugged Leah. Before he could answer she announced that it was time to eat. Liza put the baby in his high chair and rounded up everybody at the table. They all exchanged stories and laughed and talked and had a great time. After Leah and Liza cleaned up the table, Andrew got out a deck of cards.
"Let me get the kids down for the night." Liza said.
"I'll help. " Leah offered. "I can bathe the baby for you while you get Lily ready for bed."
"It's okay, Leah." Liza said. "You hang out with mom and the guys. It won't take long to get Danny cleaned up and Lily can get herself ready for bed."
"I'm a big girl!" she said stretching out her arms to show everyone how big she is.
"Yes you are, honey." Liza said. "Say good night to everyone."
"Good night, everyone!" she hollered. "Good night, Uncle Zoot and Aunt Leah."
Leah, Liza, and Zoot were surprised she said Aunt Leah. Liza took the kids to the bathroom so she could get them cleaned up for bed.
Andrew got out the deck of cards and drinks for everyone. Martha took the cards and dealt them.
"So, Leah." she said. "How did you run into my handsome son?" Both Zoot and Leah blushed.
"Well, it's a funny story actually." Leah started to say. "I was serving a table their food,"
"Spaghetti actually." Zoot piped up.
"I tripped and spilled spaghetti all over Zoot but he didn't mind." Martha laughed.
"That is a funny way to meet someone. Zephyr was always easy going." she told Leah. "He was a very quiet kid."
"Really?" Leah asked.
"Oh yes. He stayed in his room most of the time and played that saxophone of his. His dad never liked it. He wanted him to become a doctor. You know, make something of himself."
"Where is he now?"
"We divorced, dear. I don't know where he's at now and don't care to know." Martha turned to Andrew and said, "I'll never know why you named my grandson after him." Liza walked into the dining room.
"I named him after dad because he's our dad, mom. Now please drop it." she said irritably. "Leah, Lily wants you to read her a story. She kept telling me she wants you to read to her."
"I don't mind." she said, getting up from the table. "Go ahead and play without me." She kissed Zoot and went to Lily's room. She was laying in bed, cuddling her teddy bear and had a book already picked out.
"Can you read this to me, Aunt Leah?" she asked. Leah smiled, picturing herself reading to her own child while rocking him or her to sleep.
"Okay, Lily." She looked at the book. It was a book about Kermit the frog.
"Kermit's my favorite but nobody tops my Uncle Zoot!"
"You know Zoot knows Kermit. They worked together." Leah told her.
"They did?"
"Uh huh but I'll let Zoot tell you that story." Leah said, grabbing the book. She opened it and started to read.
In the dining room, Liza, Zoot, Martha, and Andrew were talking about Leah.
"Son, you found yourself a nice lady." Martha said.
"You're not going to ask if she's Jewish, are you?" Zoot groaned. "She's not in case you do ask."
"Zephyr," Martha said. "I don't care about that anymore. I came to realize that religion doesn't matter as long as your significant other treats you good. Liza pointed that out to me a long time ago. She married a wonderful man."
"You did pick a good woman, Zeph and I'm happy for the both of you." Liza told him. "Why did you wait so long?"
"She was worth the wait."
"What about Janice?" Andrew asked him. "She was nice."
"She is a nice girl." Zoot said. "She just decided that Floyd was more her type of guy. That's all." Soon Leah walked back into the dining room.
"Liza, Lily is asleep."
"Thank you, Leah." Liza said. "I appreciate it." She sat down next to Zoot.
"Honey," Martha said. "I want to say that I'm really happy for you and Zephyr."
"Thank you." Leah said, blushing. "I never showed you the ring." She held out her hand and Martha's jaw dropped.
"That is a gorgeous ring! Zephyr sure knows how to pick them out. We should throw these two an engagement party."
"That's going to take awhile to plan isn't it?" Andrew asked.
"It will but it'll be worth it." Liza said.
"We haven't discussed wedding plans yet." Zoot told them.
"We can help with those too if you want us to."
(More to come . . .)
"We can always use suggestions." Zoot said, leaning back in his chair with his arm hanging over the back.
"Leah and I can go to the bridal shop and look around for dresses." Liza said excitedly. Martha looked at the clock. It was getting late.
"Goodness! I need to get home." Martha said. "I'll be by again tomorrow afternoon. It was lovely to meet you, Leah." They hugged. Martha said her goodbyes and left. Liza, Leah, and Andrew cleaned up while Zoot went to bed.
On his way to the guest bedroom, he heard Danny starting to wake up. Zoot walked in and picked up his crying nephew. He didn't have the baby smell he normally does. In fact, he smelled horrible! Zoot started to panic.
Oh man!" he said holding the crying infant away from him. He turned on the light so he could see better. "How does your mom deal with this?" Daniel's response was his screaming. "Ah, this must be where your mama changes you." he said as he spotted the changing table. Forgetting about his nasty diaper, Zoot put his hand on his bottom, supporting it. Danny let out a high pitched scream that could have shattered Zoot's ears. "Chill out, little man! Uncle Zoot has you." He laid his nephew down on the changing table. The smell was worse. Zoot stood arm's length as he took off the baby's pajamas.
Downstairs, Liza heard loud screaming coming from her son's room. Liza dropped what she was doing and hurried upstairs. She stopped at Daniel's door and giggled quietly. She tiptoed downstairs and motioned for Leah.
"Girl, you gotta see this. Zephyr is attempting to change Daniel."
"What's so funny about that?" Leah curiously asked.
"He has never changed a diaper in his life! This is just too funny. You gotta see!" Curious, Leah followed behind Liza. The girls watched from the doorway as Zoot had out the diaper and wipes. Danny's pajamas were wet and smelled really bad so he threw them into the clothes bin. Danny kept kicking as Zoot opened the diaper. It was as if Daniel was trying to kick it off.
"Oh, man!" He wanted to stand back even further but he was already at arms length. He cleaned up the baby, and opened the new diaper. The ladies giggled as they watched Zoot's reactions to Danny's stinky diaper. Zoot powdered Danny's behind as the baby played with his toes, cooing happily. Zoot closely examined the clean diaper, trying to figure out how it's supposed to go on him. He slipped it under Daniel. "How does your mother do this, man?" he asked the baby. Danny just looked at him, cooed, and kicked his feet. He brought up the front of the diaper and undid the tab on the left. He secured it and did the same with the one on the right. Zoot examined the diaper. Danny kept cooing and kicking. He let out a happy squeal. As he kicked the diaper moved around loosely but Zoot thought it was tight enough to stay on. He picked up his nephew and the diaper slipped down his hips. Danny kicked and the diaper fell. Zoot frowned. "Kid, you gotta stop kicking or that thing won't stay on." Suddenly his shirt felt wet. Danny laughed. He looked down and saw the big wet spot on his shirt. "Aw, man!" Liza started laughing out loud and Zoot turned around. Leah was laughing right along with her future sister in law.
"Nice try, big brother." she said.
"Zeph, you did fine but you put his diaper on too loose." Liza told him as she took her son from him. "Let me show you." She laid him back down and quickly put the diaper on him, explaining how to do it. "If you can fit two fingers into the front, then it's tight enough. You don't need it so loose that it rubs against him as he's kicking. It can irritate his skin." Leah wrapped her arms around him and kissed him.
"At least you tried." she said, resting her chin on his shoulder.
"Babe, if we do have kids," Zoot said. "You can be the one to change them. I'm not touching another dirty diaper again." He shuddered as Leah grabbed his hand.
"Let's get ready for bed, honey." Leah said gently. The next few days were going to be busy for the family.
(Next the family reunion. So until tomorrow, Rock on!)
The next morning, everyone woke up early. Liza and Leah were going to have some girl time while Zoot and Andrew watched Daniel and Lily. Andrew got breakfast going and changed the baby. Zoot helped out by feeding him.
"So the wife tells me that you tried to change Danny." Andrew said with a laugh.
"It was a disaster." Zoot told him giving Daniel another spoonful of baby food. Daniel started fussing. "Chill out, Kid! I can't feed you that fast!"
"Yeah. You gotta be fast when you feed him. He can be a real porker. Have you and Leah talked about having kids?" Zoot shook his head.
"Subject hasn't come up." He shoved another spoonful of baby food into his nephew's mouth. Lily handed her uncle her brother's bottle. "What's this for?"
"He drinks out of it, silly." Lily said, giggling. "Uncle Zoot is silly!" Andrew served breakfast and sat down.
"Help yourself, bro." Zoot got up and served himself and the two guys ate in silence.
In the car, Liza and Leah were trying to decide what to do for the day.
"What was Zoot's childhood like?" Leah curiously asked. "He hardly talks about his past." Liza raised her eyebrow.
"Well, "she said, thinking. "he didn't have much of one. Our dad walked out on us when he was 15 or 16 years old leaving mom to take care of us. Zephyr was the man of the household."
"That's terrible!" Leah exclaimed.
"Well what do you do when you don't have many choices. Our mom worked 2 jobs to support us and on her nights off of work, he played his sax on the street corners to help out with bills. He always tried to get a gig at least 2 nights a week."
"Did he graduate?" Leah asked. Liza shook her head.
"No. He eventually dropped out. His grades were suffering and it was too much for him to go to school and take on the role of dad. Mom doesn't like to talk about it."
"Wow." Leah said. "He could have gone places with the way he plays the sax."
"You're telling me." Liza agreed. She pulled into the mall's parking lot. "There's a bridal shop here. Do you want to look around?" Leah nodded. They entered the bridal shop. Leah gasped.
"These dresses are just gorgeous!" she exclaimed.
Back at the house, Zoot got out his sax.
"Can I hold it?" Lily asked.
"It's kinda heavy." he told her. Daniel was on the floor on a blanket watching his uncle polish his instrument.
"Lily, leave your uncle alone." Andrew shouted.
"Can I? Please?" Lily pleaded.
"Lily, this thing is bigger than you are." Zoot told her. "I really don't think you should."
"Lily Marie!" Andrew boomed. She looked at her father and he pointed to her room and said, "Go play!" She obediently went to her room. Daniel stared at the shiny sax. He struggled to get up on his hands and knees. (Yes, he was at that age.)
"Mmmmmm!" he said and cooed. He was trying to figure out how to crawl and he really wanted that sax! He scooted across the floor. Zoot was too busy polishing to notice. He grabbed the bell of the instrument and pulled himself up. Daniel started tapping it and squealed with delight.
"When is the reunion?" Zoot asked.
"Tomorrow." Andrew answered. "Everyone will be there. Liza asked me to start making the dishes. We are all supposed to bring something."
"Leah and I don't have anything to bring."
"Don't worry about it." Daniel lost his balance and fell down. SPLAT! Suddenly the men started sniffing.
"Something smells disgusting." Zoot said, looking around. Daniel got back up. His diaper was smashed. "I think it's the kid."
Andrew scooped up the baby and checked him. "I'll be right back." Zoot sat back on the couch and started playing.
Now Leah and Liza were at the grocery store getting food to make for the reunion.
"Our family is going to love you." she told her. "Just watch out for Ben."
"He always tried to steal Zeph's crushes. You know about the one that lived a few houses away from us."
"Oh don't worry." Leah said. "I've handled men like him. I found the one I'm going to marry."
(Family reunion coming up tonight! Stay tuned and Rock on!)
The next morning, everyone woke up early to get ready for the family reunion. It was a big day. Zoot hadn't seen his cousins, aunts and uncles in a long time and Leah was a bit nervous. Liza got Daniel out of his crib and fed. Soon after he needed changed.
"Zeph, can you please change Daniel for me?" she asked as she handed the baby off to her older brother. "I have to get the food into the van."
"Uh I guess." Zoot said. "Come on, little guy." Daniel grabbed for Zoot's shades but he took his hand away. "No, Daniel. These are your uncle Zoot's." Once again, Zoot laid the baby down and unfastened his diaper. He held his breath and opened it. "Oh good." he said. "You're just wet." He got out a clean diaper and once again he put it on a bit too loose. It slipped a little off his hips. "It's good enough. Now to get you back to your mom." Zoot put his shorts back on him and carried him downstairs.
"Just put him into his car seat." Liza called. "It's in the van." Lily was sitting in the van waiting patiently for the others. Zoot buckled Daniel in while Leah and Liza secured everything as Andrew brought out the last dish. They were ready to leave.
An hour later, they arrived at the park the family reunion was taking place at. All of Zoot's relatives were there. They were sharing stories, hugging each other, talking, laughing, and having a good time. Ben was standing in the shelter talking to his cousin as he saw Liza's van pull up. Her family got out and Andrew got out the food.
"Hey, little sis!" Ben shouted and gave Liza a bear hug.
"Hi, Ben." Liza said. "Guess who we have." Zoot and Leah walked around the van hand in hand.
"Zephyr!" Ben said. "It's been too long! Who is this beautiful lady you have with you?" Leah blushed.
"Hey, man." Zoot said. "Don't get any ideas about this one. We're engaged and her name is Leah." Ben stuck his hand out to shake hers.
"Nice to meet you, Leah. I'm Ben. Your other half's younger brother."
"It's nice to meet you." Leah said. Ben didn't seem so bad.
"So what are you up to, Saxman?" Ben asked. "You decide to move back into the old neighborhood?"
"We're just visiting for 2 weeks." Zoot told him.
"So you're still with The Electric Mayhem." Ben guessed.
"Why wouldn't I be?" Zoot asked in a defensive tone. Ben laughed.
"Hey, no need to get on the defensive side." he said. "You're a very talented guy. You know how to make that sax talk. I figured you would be famous by now. Well, talk with you later, bro." Ben walked away. Jo, Zoot's baby brother, was talking to Liza and Andrew. Jo was shorter than Zoot but had more hair. He was an awkward guy when it came to talking to girls. Which explains why he doesn't have a girlfriend. Every time he tried to ask a girl out that he liked, he would get very nervous and wet himself. Zoot and Leah walked over to them.
"Hey, Jo. How's it going, man?"
"Zephyr!" Jo shouted and threw his arms around his older brother. "I'm doing good. How are things?"
"It's all good, man. I'm engaged to be married." Zoot turned to Leah. "This is my main squeeze Leah." Suddenly, Jo got very nervous.
"H - hi, L - Leah." he said nervously. He suddenly crossed his legs. Oh no! Not here, not now! he thought. "I gotta go!" He dashed to the bathroom as fast as he could run.
"Well hello to you too." Leah called to him as he ran off. She turned to Liza and Zoot. "What's with him?"
"Don't take it personally." Liza told her.
"He gets that way around beautiful girls." Zoot told her. "He's an awkward guy."
"Oh I see." Suddenly a tall man dressed like a cowboy walked over.
"Zephyr?" a deep voice said. Zoot jumped.
"Wha-?" he started to say.
"You don't remember me?" Zoot shook his head.
"I'm your cousin Juruso!" the tall guy said. "We used to hang out alot when we were kids." Zoot searched his memory. That was years ago! "Who is this lovely lady?"
"I'm Leah."
"Hi, Leah. That's a beautiful name." My oldest daughter's name is Leah but we call her Lee for short."
"Oh, Juruso!" Zoot said. "Now I remember! My memory is fuzzy from those days."
"Oh it's okay." Juruso laughed. "We have a lot of catching up to do." He and Zoot went off together to talk for awhile. Leah sat down and helped herself to some food and a glass of pop. She watched Lily play with the other kids on the swing set. She started daydreaming about the day she and Zoot have their first child.
"Hey." Ben said making Leah snap back into reality.
"Hey." she said.
"Isn't it kind of rude of Zoot to just walk away from you like that?"
"He's a big boy, Ben and he hasn't seen his family in a long time. I don't need to be by his side all the time."
"You wanna get to know me?" he said smiling. Leah looked at him in disgust.
"Benjamin Simms! You don't talk to her like that!" someone yelled. It was Liza. "She's going to be your sister in law! Grow up and stop hitting on her." She shooed him away. "Leave her alone." Liza sat down. "Are you okay?"
"I just feel a bit out of place." she told her. "I'm just bored." Suddenly Lily ran up to Leah in tears.
"Aunt Leah! Aunt Leah!" she cried. "I scraped my knee!" Leah looked at Lily's boo boo.
"Is there a first aid kit?" she asked Liza.
"In the van. We never leave home without it." Liza told her. "Lily knows where it's at."
"Come on, sweetie." Leah said taking the sobbing Lily to the van. "Aunt Leah will fix it."
"Kay." Lily said wiping her tears. Andrew was standing in the back of the van. He was changing Daniel.
"She scraped her knee, Andy." Leah explained. Andrew gave her the cream and band-aids.
"Never leave home without them." He smiled. She bandaged up Lily's knee.
"Can you kiss it to make it better? It still hurts." Lily asked, standing on one leg.
"Sure, sweetie." Leah kissed it. Lily smiled and walked to the tables to eat.
"Leah," Zoot said. He was watching her the whole time. "You're going to make a groovy mom." Leah smiled. That evening, everyone said their goodbyes, exchanged numbers and emails and left for home. Both Leah and Zoot had an awesome time.
(More to come tomorrow! Rock on!)