*sigh*, he asked for it...
Originally posted by Crazy Harry
How many kinds of Byron are there?
Well, there's Mommy Byron, Daddy Byron, Sister Byron, Brother-in-law Byron, Doggy Byron, Paternal Grandmother Byron, Paternal Grand
father Byron (PGB!),
Maternal Grandmother Byron, Maternal Grandfather Byron, (MGP!), Aunt Byron (1), Aunt Byron (2), Cousin Byron (1), Cousin Byron (2), Uncle Byron (by marriage---not to me, but to Aunt Byron (2) ),
and then ya get into the whole extended-Byron family mess (if you RULLY wanna know, I'll give you as much of a run-down as I can this summer---we have 3 different family reunions---Maternal Grandmother Byron's side, Maternal Grandfather Byron's side, and Paternal Grandmother Byron's side---Paternal Grandfather Byron's family is just now Maternal Grandmother Byron, Daddy Byron, Sister Byron, and me---I'm