Interesting Gulf War News

Baby Animal

Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2003
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Well, it was getting squishy and gooey in here, but the Houstonians attacked and made it all tense again. Don't use those words!



Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Originally posted by tomahawk
So muppetsrule do you know who writes for these so called unbiased websites. And I've got an idea. For all of you pro-Bushers out there that are under the influence that this war is just and that they are fighting for YOUR American way of life, boycott all of the artists works on the website. COME ON!!!! WALK THE WALK AND TALK THE TALK you upstanding citizens you. And that goes for all you Star Wars/Indiana Jones fans. Yes Harrison Fords name is also on the list. And don't ever listen or buy another album from R.E.M. or the Dave Matthews Band. All of those un-patriotic artists.DARN THEM, DARN THEM STRAIGHT TO HECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, it's McCarthy-ism all over again....

If someone's against bombing other countries, they ARE terrorists.... that is just annoying....

I feel that it's unpatriotic to quash all of those against the war. I mean, speaking out and such about the government is what makes this country great...

But I want to say I'm dropping out of this.... I hate people in charage of any country anywhere, and that's all I can say about that....

I don't care if anyone's for the war or against it, just don't speak of it.

But *** is up with 60 and 70 year old people complaining about those who speak out against the war? I mean, it's not like they'd fight them... They just want to see the youngsters get their comeuppance for those "dang, new fangled video game machines, and their Elvis music!!!! I hate those old farts... sooo much... Even Statler and Waldorf are much nicer to be around....

Now I shall take my anti-war views and keep them to myself so as not to fan the flames of haterid and the flames of human stupidity (face it, humanity is sooooo flawed if we even can consider war, am I right?) and go talk about Sesame Street or something eles....good day!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Just because someone supports war or what we are trying to do in Iraq doesn't neccasarily mean they are Pro-Bush. It's an Allied Coallition, and the Iraq crisis has been going on longer than Bush has been in the Whitehouse.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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This is a friendly reminder to people on all sides of the issue to be mindful of others.

Please state your perspective without speaking for the members who oppose it. Also, please, don't insult others as having a lesser intellect, substance abuse problem or any other sort of insult because they disagree with your position. This has been going on from members of all perspectives in this debate. A better case is made on the issues without belittling others.

If you have something new to add, please do, but please don’t filibuster the same statement throughout the thread. This will keep the discussion productive no matter what your stance. I think we've all gone off on a tangent or two, but let’s get this back on track. Thanks.:smile:


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Originally posted by DirthNader
Wow, is it tense in here or isit just me.....
Oh yeah. Remember when the biggest debate was Disney buying the Muppets? Ironic how that's moved from "debate" to "acceptance."

And yes Luke, you should kick yourself everyday for starting this thread.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Originally posted by BoyRaisin2
Oh yeah. Remember when the biggest debate was Disney buying the Muppets? Ironic how that's moved from "debate" to "acceptance."

And yes Luke, you should kick yourself everyday for starting this thread.
Can I kick him?

Oh wait, that would be mean... haha... sorry Luke, but someone has to fill the abuse void in your online life.... IM is taking care of it IRL.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2002
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I don't want to kick anyone's behind for starting this thread, but I WOULD like to take a moment to tell certain members (left unnamed, thank you) that I did NOT write the article.

I even stated in the message that I did not write the article, nor did my husband, so please, don't give me any credit for it.

I received it from him, I thought it was good, I passed it on to our message area here because I thought others would find it interesting. End of story.

If anyone has issue with the article or what was written in it about any of the people, please take it up with the author. Her name is right next to the title.

As for Texas being "hillbilly" country, I always thought that was Kentucky's honor, or West Virginia's. I had always heard of the "hillbilly music" that came from around that area when I was a kid, but I never knew it was from Texas! I always thought they gave us that cowboy stuff that John Revolta ... I mean TRAVOLTA ... danced to in "Urban Cowboy."

And by the way...those "60 and 70 year olds" don't want their kids and grandkids to go to war like they had to, believe me. And to say that they wouldn't fight is pure *.*., because they went WILLINGLY for their country, and even volunteered to go.

I don't see you doing that; just flapping your gums about how horrible your life is because you have the freedom to stand up and say how you feel. And that goes for ALL countries whose eldery fought and died for those freedoms.

Do you honestly believe you'd be able to do that if those men and women who are "60 and 70 year olds" HADN'T gone out to fight and die for the likes of you?

I think you might want to start engaging your brain before you let your fingers run off with your mouth...

Sorry if I may have gone against the rules here, but when some childish person who doesn't know what the heck they are talking about when it comes to war speaks like this, it really makes my blood boil. Fortunately the only thing that gets hurt is my keyboard for all the backspacing and deleting I have to do...


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Originally posted by wolfy
I don't want to kick anyone's behind for starting this thread...
Oh well I don't really want to kick Luke or anything... that was just a joke.

(or *do* I?)



Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I'm willing to bet *Yes*



*Sheesh AND i'm a faithful reader of her web journal (which is more like a soap)*