Wait a minute.....
Originally posted by Tomahawk
1. God Fearin' - What's a matter with God Fearing? I personally am more for Bush because he is a God fearer. I was extremely disappointed in Clinton because he claims to be a Southern Baptist, but really did everything to show he wasn't a God fearer. Has there been an athiest president? The closest thing was Jefferson, a Diest. Is God something that's good to use to get into the presidency but not good enough to follow once you get there?
2. Backwood Hillbilly - It's great to hear that Texas is the backwoods and hillbilly land. I always thought of that being more somewhere like.... oh, Arkansas.
3. Warmongering - Does he have to have war? He had 60+ approval rating before Iraq even came up. I don't believe he needed the war. Our country needs the war though. It's amazing, 1 day after our attack begins, Sadaam decides to shoot a weapon that he didn't have at Kuwait City. Was Roosevelt a warmonger for fighting back from the threat of both the Japanese and the Germans? Afterall, only the Japanese attacked us. No. He did what was necessary to keep America safe. So is Bush.
4. Court-appointed - Everytime I hear this arguement, I can't wait for the next election. Get it over with. I would much rather have Bush in office than Al Gore after September 11th. No saying what Al Gore would have done, but judging on the history of the Clinton administration, we probably would have shot a couple of missiles into Afghanistan trying to take out some rocks where Bin Laden was hanging out a week before. Bush has backbone, even when the people say no, he does what is right with all the conviction he has. That is a great president.
5. Chickenhawk - Derogitory term, not much to say here. Is it the fact that this should be connected with Warmongering because he is a "Hawk" or is he the opposite and a chicken? If I remember my loony toons right, the chickenhawk always got his chicken. That's silly, but so is the term in this sense.
6. President - Agreed. He is the president and he is doing the job that is necessary. There is a reason he is the president and you and I aren't. Mainly, because we didn't run.
Ironic... shouldn't you change your name to Scud?
Love us Californian liberals.