>>>luke: >>>and strangely enough it always turns out happy and positive at the end - my god - it's like we have to be positive all the time like the 'Happy Little Elves' <<<<
Hey, thats the new happy shiny MC for ya^_^
luke: >>>Drat, i love flame wars ! <<<
*sigh* the good ol MC days of yore...one of us has gotta write a book on that.
luke:>>>Personally i feel that if a persons Muppet experience is limited to Muppet Central then they are really missing out on some stuff and seeing quite a limited viewpoint. There needs to be a lot more to the Muppets than just one website and thankfully many more are planned.<<<
Oh yeah...I see MC as kind of the straight facts...and Danny's TP news as kind of the edgy forest for the trees look...it might not always be pretty but it is sure darn entertaining. Now TP as a forum...well i guess its like boca raton florida...where all the MC veterans go

But youre right...if you just limit yourself to one source, well thats a bit one dementional.
Warrick: >>>I think that there is a race somewhat with Posts and i think its just killing the forum, And another thing killing it is all the newbies who come just to chat about the figures.<<<
agreed. so how do we get this mo'fo back to the old fun days?
fellow:>>>a lot of things have happened online in the last, say, four years, some of it before me, and some of it after, to get things to the point where certain TP members like to poke a little fun at MC from time to time. It would take ages to explain it all, and would just dredge up old business which is not really worth going over (you could always go read the old forum "civil war" thread... if it is still there, haha), and it might spoil things for you a bit anyway<<<
*brings back old memories* Fall of 1998 and 1999 respectively...oh man I dont know how anyone came out of those flame wars unscathed...and of course I think you might be refering to the ones from last year on there. Oh boy!
Yeah, I seriosuly didnt know about a TP forum on delphi(just the TP site) til a few months later. I know a lot of veteran MC'ers while M.I.A. here, can be seen on there. Lots of *interesting* posts on there for sure...a few of them get imported over here.