I just broke the top ten!


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Just take it as a joke between a few bums who have nothing better to do than sit around the forum and talk about the Muppets. If you read over to the left, just under your name it says 'Moderator' - that represents some seniority does it not ?

I'm sorry that some members didn't give you a rosey welcome when you first arrived at MC, it was certainly better than some others have got though. On the new forum, we have an opportunity (and i mean ALL members) to help out the newer members and make sure they are welcomed, so that we don't have those feelings at this forum. There are millions of these forum scripts on the net that group different member categories by how much people post (Veteran, Senior Member, Grand High Poobah, Chief Wiggum) and i think people just take it as a bit of fun. Relating seniority to post count on this forum is misleading anyway because looking at the top 10 posters - quite a few have been here less than a year and there are plenty of people from the old forum who have been around much longer and been much more active in the past than us.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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It just started to be less of a joke in my eyes and more or a statement.<<<

You mean when you got bumped out of #1?


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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>>>Just take it as a joke between a few bums who have nothing better to do than sit around the forum and talk about the Muppets. <<<

what??? theres nobody like that on here:wink:

If you read over to the left, just under your name it says 'Moderator' - that represents some seniority does it not ?

I'm sorry that some members didn't give you a rosey welcome when you first arrived at MC, it was certainly better than some others have got though. On the new forum, we have an opportunity (and i mean ALL members) to help out the newer members and make sure they are welcomed, so that we don't have those feelings at this forum. <<<

exactly. I HAVE NEVER seen such nice welcomes to newbies than on MC. Ive been on a TON of forums, and not one has been as cordial to newcomers as this one.

There are millions of these forum scripts on the net that group different member categories by how much people post (Veteran, Senior Member, Grand High Poobah, Chief Wiggum) and i think people just take it as a bit of fun. <<<

yeah, usually customed for what the group is about. ive seen chief wiggum on the simpsons forum. its just a fun way to see who has been posting or been on the longest. also,
MC only has 3 levels i think...jr, member, and sr...well, of course theres moderator and administrator:wink: i wonder if there is uber member?

Relating seniority to post count on this forum is misleading anyway because looking at the top 10 posters - quite a few have been here less than a year and there are plenty of people from the old forum who have been around much longer and been much more active in the past than us.<<<<

Ive noticed quite a few old time MC'ers have some of the least posts. I just cant wait til we get 1000+ active members!


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Nah - I'm quite glad that a non-staff member is the top poster. I was waiting for it to happen and didn't expect it to come so soon. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I can not believe that you are putting on your "moderator hat" here to claim that you were just looking out for the feelings of new members when you said
The whole seniority thing is moot to me. Has it gotten to a point where some members are looking so hard for reasons to dislike and disrespect others?
It is not even reasonable to think that these "new members" whose feelings you are so keen to protect would even be reading a silly thread entitled "I just broke the top ten". New people mostly read the Muppet threads at first... why would they bother slogging through 12 pages of a running joke about folks with enough time on their hands to post into the 700s? Frankly, I think you got your nose out of joint, whined about it, and then had to make an excuse as to why.

As for the welcome that new people receive on the forum, one needn't do more than browse for a minute or two to find plenty of evidence to support the fact that new people are *always* embraced with opened arms. As they were on the Delphi forum. (I know for a fact that you were indeed given an enthusiastic welcome from most people when you joined in 2000.)

Since Luke usually does his share of welcome wagon duties, you must certainly not be referring to him when you say that you "did not receive a friendly welcome from some "senior" members when (you) joined". So really, you mean me... and a few other people who are barely active anymore. And you are right! I can't speak for them, but as for me, it is posts like these last few that made me lukewarm to say the least about your arrival. I never pretended otherwise, and I certainly do not go out of my way to alienate new members. You and I rub each other the wrong way. You know it. I know. Everyone knows it. So there is no point in constantly inserting veiled references to it in your posts. we were just having a bit of fun here, and not at your expense either. The end.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I don't see why you have so much venom for me. I find it very unfortunate. I think you really are over-analyzing things, but that is certainly your prerogative.

There was no whining in any of my posts on this thread and I have been informed by plenty of members who were afraid to post for months when they came to Muppet Central. Knowing how I felt when I joined up I find it important to make sure that new members find the forum accessible.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Originally posted by frogboy4
I don't see why you have so much venom for me. I find it very unfortunate. I think you really are over-analyzing things, but that is certainly your prerogative.
Mr Frogboy ! :big_grin:

Things seem to be getting a tad hypocritical and silly in multiple places at MC lately. You seem to jump on Jessica (oo'er) for doing stuff that you yourself (and many others, including me) do and get away with. I'm not saying you don't have a reason to do that, but it's just the way its done that suprises me.

It was your over-analyzing that turned the thread into this yet you accuse her of over analyzing things, you complained there were too many 'seniority' comments and that the idea of this 'post race' was being made too much off but it was you who did the big 3,2,1 thing when it was coming upto your 1,000th post and strung it out as long as possible. It was fun, we laughed - but apparently you don't think it's funny anymore.

Over in another thread you again make a statement (invisibly but obviously aimed at Jessica) that she is not being positive about the figures and continously making anti-remarks about them. She has made some very positive comments about the mini's but yes, it was true of you to say she hasn't been massively overwhelmed when it comes to the Palisades line overall and wasn't always entirely constructive. The thing is as she pointed out, you were pretty much the same when it came to one of your own pet peeves being discussed - the MTI DVD being full frame. There was plenty to be positive about there with extra features but you continually bashed the ratio (which IS a very important point admittedly) and pretty much got flamed off Toughpigs when Danny made the same criticism at you that you've made at Jessica. I expect that you didn't like it that you got bashed for airing your own personal opinions, and to me - it's cool that you said openly what you thought and stuck to your guns. I think everyone should just be able to have their own opinion and air it as they wish. I guess it just touched a raw nerve on you because it was about the figures, i've yet to see you get excited as much about the Muppet panties - but it shouldn't suprise you that lots of people get bored with the constant figure talk, many people are just too afraid to say it, and it doesn't particularly mean that they don't like the line as a whole.

What i'm saying is that i think the venom (to use your words) goes both ways and neither person is right over the other. You two lovebirds obviously have a problem with each other that goes way back but the difference is that she kinda tells you openly what she thinks, and you make whatever excuses you can to post against her without saying openly what you think, and strangely enough it always turns out happy and positive at the end - my god - it's like we have to be positive all the time like the 'Happy Little Elves' - i just think if people say what they really feel and be honest then things will be better around here. Anyway, i say this in a friendly peacemaking attempt from ol' Stinky The Dwarf !!!!! :stick_out_tongue:


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Originally posted by Luke

Nate, just so we can get this problem you so obviously have out into the open what the heck are you trying to say about me here ?
I'm just poking fun. I'm not starting a flame war or anything else, just poking fun. I know ya can take it! :stick_out_tongue:


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Originally posted by radionate
I'm just poking fun. I'm not starting a flame war or anything else, just poking fun. I know ya can take it! :stick_out_tongue:
Drat, i love flame wars ! :frown: Seriously, what were you trying to say ? I think you may have got a little mixed up on the facts if it's what i think it is.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Just that you visit the "other site". That is all