In one of the many non-sensical dreams I had last night,
@LittleJerry92 and I were apparently crashing in this really swanky hotel one night. I'm forgetting a lot of the details, even as I type this, but I remember at one point him storming into the room, and going for the bathroom, when I suddenly see the reflections of flashing blue and red lights on the walls. I looked way down out the window, and saw a police cruiser approaching someone in the parking lot; when I passed the information along to Jerry, I could hear him shouting obscenities from the bathroom, so I walk in and discover him wrapping toiler paper around his bloody hand . . . apparently he and the guy the police were approaching down in the parking lot got into some kind of altercation. All I could do was shake my head and say, "Only you, dude. . . ."