Me: (walking to our new room when I suddenly don't hear small feet behind me) Ojo? Ojo, where are you?
Ojo: (runs up to me with Snowbear) Sorry! Sorry! I was just a little, uh...
Me: You're nervous about meeting Phoebe, aren't you? Don't worry. You two will get along great. She's already there, thanks to that special key of hers. I'm surprised it works here, too. (shrugs)
Ojo: O-okay. Um, she's a monster, right? D-does she eat little bear cubs? (holds Snowbear tightly)
Me: No! Of course not! She's only 7 and really sweet! Besides, you know Elmo, right? She's cousins with him. (gets to the room) Ah. 2nd floor, Apartment 6. (opens the door and Phoebe is lying on her bed) See? Nothing to worry-
(an elephant trumpet is heard)
Ojo: T-Tabby, what was that?
Phoebe: (sees us) Oh, hello!

It's just my friend Ellie the Elephant. She helped bring everything up to our room. Well, all the really heavy stuff, anyway. She said that everything is done and she'd like some peanuts. (chuckles) She's always hungry for peanuts. (throws some peanuts out the window and you can hear a happy trumpet and foot stomps fading away) Bye, Ellie! Thank you! Ha ha.
Me: Phoebe, this is Ojo the bear cub. We've been room mates for a long time. Ojo, meet Phoebe. She's staying here for a while to get some ideas for the Furchester Hotel. That's where she lives and works.
Phoebe: And I can talk to animals! It's nice to meet you. I hope we get to be great friends.
Ojo: (shyly) H-hello, Phoebe.
Phoebe: Wow. This place is a lot different from the Furchester already. I was welcomed with batty bats instead of furry arms!