Hensonville City 2011

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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The members of the Apt 1 scare crew, showered and shaved and sheeted exit the townhouse to the awaiting Countmobile en route to the club so we can watch the big game in little over half an hour from now.

*Hopes Baltimore gets the win as I've been wanting this, in song, as all I wanted for Christmas since 2011.

Skeeter Muppet

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2002
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Kim: Yes! All right! Ravens win the Super Bowl!
Boober: Since when are you a fan of football?
Kim: I'm not. But I'm making an exception this year because one of the Baltimore players is from my hometown.
Gillis: Really?
Kim: Yup. He was actually a year behind me in high school; led our high school football team to the state championship his senior year.
Gillis: And now he's helped his team win the Super Bowl. How exciting!
Kim: Yer darn right.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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To quote Featherstone from The Frog Prince... Great rejoicing.

Yaaaaaaaay! ! ! ! !

The sounds of monsters down at the Bat, Bolt & Skull is deafening. After San Fran went on that scoring tear following the power outage, many of us were screaming it reaked of San Francisco sabotagey. But Baltimore pulled it out in the end, winning Super Bowl XLVII. That means John Harbough is now 2-0 against his younger brother. And #Fifty-Tomb, Raven Louis gets to retire as a champion, as he should with his second title and ring.

The day the music died will now be remembered with great fondness for us blackbird fans. Good fright to you all, whatever you may be.
:batty: :scary: :grr:


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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*Kris, coming back to the flat after a loooong week, sees a large gray furry pile blocking the hallway*
Dangit! Where the heck is Beau and WHY is there a pile of used mops in the hallway?

BMC: Mops? Where? Do they still have goop from the theatre floor on 'em?

Oh. It's YOU. What are you doing out here?

BMC: Waiting for that red curlyhead to get back with more gro--er. Um. Just...waiting. *twiddles thumbs big as softballs*

Uh huh. Riiiiiiiight.

Snookie *pokes head out apt doorway* Oh good, you're back. It's about time. Do you know that Red Fraggle can talk FASTER than ME? I could hardly get a word in edgewise!

Goodness. The nerve, huh?

:news: *snickering*

Snookie: I only meant to stay fifteen minutes and I mentioned I'd hosted several game shows and off she went, blah blah blah about rock climbing and swimming and wouldn't listen when I tried to explain not THAT kind of game and then... *trots into apt still mouthing off*

:news: Uhm. Er. Missed you.

Let's do something about that.

:news: Ahem! Um. Don't you want to, uh, sit up and talk current events? Interesting vote in Britain's House of Commons today...

Talk later. Fuzzynuzzles now.

BMC *ears perking* Fuzzynuzzles? Awk! *Kris's finger jabs into his soft nose*

YOU. Wait out HERE. *door slams* *giggling ensues*

BMC: Shucks...well...guess all I can do is sit here and...hmmm. A pile a' mops, huh? *gets crafty look* Heh heh heh heh...


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Boy I sure am glad Red's foot is all better. That was a long few days of her being laid up.
Rowlf: You can say that again
Beth: That was a long few days of her being laid up.
Rowlf: Very funny.
Beth: Aww, come on, that would be your kind of joke
Rowlf: You're right, it is. I've trained you well.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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on rowing machine and singing :sing:Row Row Row your boat gently down the stream...
:sing: Trow der teechur ovur bored und lissen tu hur screem! :sing: Heehee! Chef stands there with a big grin on his face
getting off the rowing machine I thought you you were out food shopping.
Chef: I wuz. I onlee needid a few things. Yu enjoying det nu rowing masheen?
Well I was until a certain Swede burst in and started singing about throwing his teacher overboard and listening to her scream! :rolleyes:
Chef: Bah waves his hand in dismissalTell me yu didn't sing dat song wen yu were a little kid insted uv der reglar one.
OK..guilty as charged.
Chef :Yep..thought su. I knew yu were nu angel .Anuther thing tu tell Luver Boy! :wink:
Chef.. so help me if you don't knock it off with the "Lover Boy" stuff .....
Chef : Wuld yu teke it ezee? Yu're like a sistur tu me! I ALWAYS used tu teeze my sisturs! I'd NEVUR say enything bad aboot yu tu Hectur okee? Su relaks! Now gu row tu China or sumthing. I gutta fiks dinner.
All right. (this new information about Chef thinking of me as a sister leaves me flattered,yet feeling a bit sorry for his actual sisters.He probably gave them trouble when he was a kid in Sweden.)

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Tosses a life preserver into Apt 2 so Kathy doesn't sink. :stick_out_tongue:

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Boy, it sure has been an off-and-on rainy day today. Hope Mom gets those clothes she ordered last week soon.
:batty: Did you hear about :excited:?
Yeah, Beth says she's doing better, her foot healed up well after that nasty spill.
:batty: Oh good, that's 1, 1 less frazzled Fraggle to deal with.
That reminds me, I need to leave a message at Kelly's to see if she can help with a few members of the haunter party. I'm also interested in what this venture of hers is.
:batty: Hmm, maybe I could send one of the bats to talk to :busy: about it tonight.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Red: All right, I'm finally going to go swimming again!
Beth: This time go slow to get there though ok? No falling down again.
Red: I will. I am leaving plenty early so I won't be late. I do not want that to happen again!
Beth: Well good, have fun!