*Kris, coming back to the flat after a loooong week, sees a large gray furry pile blocking the hallway*
Dangit! Where the heck is Beau and WHY is there a pile of used mops in the hallway?
BMC: Mops? Where? Do they still have goop from the theatre floor on 'em?
Oh. It's YOU. What are you doing out here?
BMC: Waiting for that red curlyhead to get back with more gro--er. Um. Just...waiting. *twiddles thumbs big as softballs*
Uh huh. Riiiiiiiight.
Snookie *pokes head out apt doorway* Oh good, you're back. It's about time. Do you know that Red Fraggle can talk FASTER than ME? I could hardly get a word in edgewise!
Goodness. The nerve, huh?

Snookie: I only meant to stay fifteen minutes and I mentioned I'd hosted several game shows and off she went, blah blah blah about rock climbing and swimming and wouldn't listen when I tried to explain not THAT kind of game and then... *trots into apt still mouthing off*

Uhm. Er. Missed you.
Let's do something about that.

Ahem! Um. Don't you want to, uh, sit up and talk current events? Interesting vote in Britain's House of Commons today...
Talk later. Fuzzynuzzles now.
BMC *ears perking* Fuzzynuzzles? Awk! *Kris's finger jabs into his soft nose*
YOU. Wait out HERE. *door slams* *giggling ensues*
BMC: Shucks...well...guess all I can do is sit here and...hmmm. A pile a' mops, huh? *gets crafty look* Heh heh heh heh...