Rhonda: What are you doing?

Thog...Wayne and Wanda...the sheep...Droop...Nigel...
Rhonda: Oh. Still working on that list of everyone left out of the credits?

*throws pencil on desk in frustration* It's an outrage, Rhonda! How could they have left out so many Muppets? I mean, Link even had a song --
two songs, if you count "We Built This City" --
Rhonda: I never count that one. Ever.

Well, all right. But I still want answers! The Muppet public wants to know!
Rhonda: Chill already, don't get your plaid in a twist. Look, I'm sure it was just an oversight. They won't do it again.

Not after my expose', they won't! *grabs his notepad* Excuse me. I'm off to interview Link and Wayne and Wanda about this travesty. I'm sure they'll have plenty to say!
Rhonda: You do NOT seriously expect me to watch all of Butkus' interview, do you?

Well, you ARE my editor...
Rhonda: I'm not wading through twenty pages OR two hundred filmed minutes of Wayne-rant for you or anyone! Forget it!

Hey...where are you going? I need the camera!
Rhonda: So film it yourself. I heard there was birthday cake around here somewhere. I LOVE sprinkles.