Rhonda *yelling up at the Count* And it was YOUR cigar we found -- oh never mind. *grins*
Sheesh. Bad Mel Brooks references ahoy!

Er... who's Mel Brooks?
*stares at Newsie a moment, then grabs his tie*

Urk! Wha--? Wait!
Nope. Come on. Rhonda, make some popcorn. I declare a movie day. *sets up dvd of "Young Frankenstein" with "Blazing Saddles" on tap next*
Rhonda: Kewl. Ya want the salsa popcorn or the jalapeno cheddar?
Mix 'em. I'll grab some cokes. YOU, sit right there and take notes, Muppet boy. There WILL be a quiz.

Uh...er... *mutters to self* I hate school. There'd better not be a cafeteria involved here.
Rhonda: Why? Lemme guess...you got milk dumped on you every day.

And then the lunch lady would blame ME!
Uh...relax, Newsie. No lunch ladies. Promise. *opens window and yells out* HEY! It's Cultural Expansion Day! BYOB! Everyone in! I'll give dark chocolate marshmallow creams to anyone who can quote BOTH films in entirety!
Rhonda: Hah! Those creams are so MINE.

Do I get anything for sitting still for all this nonsense?
Yes. A cuddle.

*blushing* Eeep...