
I wasn't aware a Butkus was running for office.
Rhonda: Can I write that one down in my laughable quotes book? *jots it down in a tiny notepad* Butkus...office...got it.

*waving flyer someone stuffed under the apt door* I mean honestly! Wayne has the Japanese teenagers on his side already! Won't that swing the primary?
Rhonda: In California, maybe. Lemme see that...you idiot. This is Rick Santorum.

That's what it SAYS. But he looks like a Butkus, doesn't he?
Rhonda: You want I should do lunch with Scribbler? If I pick up the tab he'll dish on any unsavory Butkus connections.

What? NO. I have no interest in gossip! That's not even real news!
Rhonda *shrugs*: Well now I'm kinda intrigued. *pulls out cell phone* *beat* Fleet! Baby! Long time no gab! Listen, you free for happy hour? Great. Uh...how about at Juhl's in twenty...oh. Still banned from the town limits after that walrus burlesque thing, huh? Yeah, okay. One hour. See ya.

actually have him on speed dial.
Rhonda: Take your sources where they fall, sweetheart. Why don't you go take a poll around the building, see who everyone's voting for?

Punditry isn't hard news either! Hmm...but I suppose I could ask what Muppet-related issues people most want to see addressed by the White House next term, no matter who's in office...
Great idea Newsie. Here's a fresh clipboard for you. Why not start with the new kid?

Oh...you don't think going right to Wayne first would be the smarter move?
Not if you actually want to have time to interview anyone ELSE, no.

Good point. *heads down to Apt 8 to begin his survey*