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Hensonville City 2011


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Sitting on the couch in the living room and watching TV
Grover: Are you feeling all right? I can get you your lunch if you want.
sighing Grover...you guys are very sweet.But I SERIOUSLY don't think we're going to have a repeat performance of yesterday afternoon. Robin is mad at me for sending him to school today because of what happened with me yesterday. I'm just going to take it easy today and that's it.
phone rings twice and I pick it up: Hello?
Hi..this is Robin's teacher Mr. Rodriguez may I speak to Kathy please?
Hi Mr. Rodriguez it's Kathy.Is Robin OK?
Hello Kathy...I hate to bug you but Robin's been a bit inattentive today like something is bugging him at home.I don't mean to pry.But maybe you can help me shed some light as to what's going on with him?
I'll be honest with you Mr. Rodriguez .Yesterday when he was at school I got sick and he worries when I'm not feeling well. He didn't want to go to school today because he was still worried about me. There are adults here that take care of me when I'm not feeling up to par.
I see. How are you feeling now? Seizures and headaches again? You had mentioned to me you have a seizure disorder.
Just some unexpected seizures. I have a mild headache today. No seizures today...thank goodness. Please tell Robin that it's only a couple of hours til he comes home and to please concentrate on his school work and you talked to me and I'm fine.
I'll tell him. I need to go pick him and the other kids from lunch. I'll talk to him during recess . He's normally a good student I just couldn't understand what got into him. But now I do. Meanwhile you get some rest.
*chuckling a bit* Everyone here is practically waiting on me hand and foot. I think I scared them. I'm glad Robin was at school when I had a seizure yesterday.
Sounds like like you have a good support system there. Anyway. I'm running late. Take care of yourself,all right?
Thank you.You too.Thank you for calling me Mr. Rodriguez.
Call me Hector.
Hector. So long.
Bye. Kathy..
hanging up the phone and getting myself a sandwich from the kitchen
Prairie: I could've made you a sandwich Kathy.
Nope...I'm fine. I just talked to Robin's teacher. poor kid was so worried about me today that his school work was suffering. So his teacher wanted to know if everything was okay at home.
Prairie: You're not mad at Robin are you?
No...there's no reason to be.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Returns from lunch and getting a few kitchen supplies with the family.

No worries Angie, is s'okay.
*Puts the things we bought away in the common room cupboard, no bags this time.
*Leaves a get well card for Kathy.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Robin comes in and gives me a big hug Mom..I'm sorry I was angry at you this morning! But I worry about you when you don't feel well!
Awww Robin...hugging him back Thank you sweetheart. But I'm okay. Nothing bad happened today .Did Mr. Rodriguez talk to you?
Robin: Yeah. And I felt better after he did. I paid better attention in class after he did.
Good boy. giving him a love tap on his little butt Robin..I know you worry about me but I want you to remember that school is your job and you have to pay attention while you're there. I'm in perfectly good hands if you're not home .Are we understood?
Robin: Yes. Am I in trouble?
No. Now go get something to eat and then start your homework .If you need help with it, I'll help you out.kissing him on the cheek I love you.
Robin kissing me back Love you too.and is just about to go off to the kitchen when the doorbell rings. It's Uncle Deadly .Robin and Uncle D talk for a minute and then Robin comes back with a card Mom...the Scare Crew sent you a Get Well card.
That was sweet of them! I better open it slowly in case one of their bats decided to hitch a ride in the card.
Robin laughs and makes his way into the kitchen
Meanwhile I open the card and no bat(didn't think so :wink:) It's signed by Ed, The Count, Uncle D & a pawprint from Fatatita. Very nice of them!:smile:


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2010
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Angie: *adjusting her fedora* ... meh...

Annie Sue: What's wrong, Angie?

Angie: Oh, Annie Sue, I'm self-doubting myself again. Feelin' depressed. I'll be all right later, hopefully... =/

Annie Sue: Aw. *gives me a hug* <3

Angie: *hugging Annie Sue* Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Rhonda: Eek! She's back! Quick, hide the liquor!

:news: What are you talking about? What liquor?

*Rhonda looks overly casual as Kris walks into game room*
Rhonda: You're back, huh?

For the moment, yeah...what are you two up to?

:news: Why would we be up to anything?

Rhonda: *whispering* Very good. You're a natural at this, sunshine!

:news: A natural at what? Honestly... Well, you missed one seizure; an offer from the Chef, who apparently wants to make you a romantic dinner; Wayne's abduction by person or things unknown; indiscriminate piggyback rides; and one -- wah-wah-wahCHOOO! *sniffle, scowl* ...One perfume dousing.

The Chef wants a romantic dinner with ME? Are you sure? Uh...pass...

Rhonda *rolling eyes*: One too many blunt force traumas, I swear... No. Chef offered you a trade for the table-dance footage. For NOT sending Kathy a copy.

Oh... *considers it* Uh...I already posted it. It's gone viral.

:news: *turns pale* Ohpleasetellmemybosshasntseenityet.

*Rhonda chuckles as Newsie scurries off to his room to check*
Rhonda: Good one. Did you really?

No. But I did email a copy to everyone in the townhouse. Honestly, he needs to lighten up a bit... He looked so cute with his tie around his forehead and Angie's pompoms...and Chef is, er, um. Very...Scandy manly?

Rhonda: The word you're dancing around is hirsute.

How would you know what that means?

Rhonda: Like rats don't know from hairy.



Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2011
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Susie: Ellie, are you feeling better D: ?

Ellie: *has once again been confound to the couch by Susie assuming she's sick when she isn't*

Susie: Well?

Bert: Susie, I think Ellie is fine now, you might be overreacting.

Ernie: And Bert would know, he overreacts all the time!

Bert: ...thanks Ernie -_-

Ernie: Oh, lighten up Bert!

Ellie: Thanks guys and see Susie? I'm just fine! A little asthma trouble has came and gone and now I'm fine! Chillax girl!

Susie: You make it sound so simple D:


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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A day off! I have a day off tomorrow! woo hooo!

:news: That's good, I guess...? Um. How do you plan on spending it?

Writing. All froggin' day.

:news: Wonderful! What are you working on?

Er...um. Stuff.

Rhonda *snickers*

Don't you DARE.

Rhonda: Should I mention the art trade you just got into? 'Cause I can't wait to see THAT one.

Shut UP, rat. I know when you sleep.

:news: Are you writing about rats?

Uh....yeeeess. In part.

:news: *giving Rhonda The Scowl* Please put into your article the fact that SOME rodents leave their fur in the tub. Oh, which reminds me, can you pick up some more Clorox?

Sure, Newsie.

*Newsie nods and goes to work on his news presentation for tonight*

Rat, so help me, keep my story away from him. He'd be shocked. And I don't want him shocked...yet.

Rhonda: Twenny bucks, chica. Or I show him THAT one.

*meanwhile, two many-chenille-tentacled things materialize in Apt 7*
Pink: Merrrrr merp merp merp awwww.
Blue: Murr murr murr murr. Aw. Yip. Yip yip. Look.
*both peer curiously at Sam*
Blue: Book! Book book.
Pink: Book book book.
*they consult their guidebook, peeking at Sam as they do*
Pink: Mm. Chick-en. Chiiicken.
Blue: Chick-en. Yiiip yip yip yip.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Pink: AWWW!!! *flails wildly at Pew*
Blue: Med-ic! Med-ic! *gets in Sam's face* MED-IC!

(back at No. 12)
Rhonda: Soooo...Valentine's Day is coming up.

I know. Already bought my Muppet Valentines. Now I just need stamps.

Rhonda: Well?

Well what?

*beat, staredown*

Rhonda: Do I have to spell it out?

Oh, of course I'll pass out cards for everyone. Even you.

Rhonda: Cute. Very cute. Come on, clue a girl in! Whaddaya planning?

Hmm. Well, I can probably afford cookies too...which reminds me, gotta send Ru my mincemeat cookie recipie...

Rhonda *tapping foot impatiently in designer shoe*: Come off it! I KNOW you're not as oblivious as the Golden Boy.

He's not oblivious.

Rhonda: Oh, wanna bet? *sharp whistle* Hey Plaidtastic! Come out here!

*Newsie pokes his nose out of the study doorway*
:news: I'm guessing you've invented that one for my benefit, hm? What is it?

Rhonda: Kris has something she wants ta say ta you.

:news: Okay...yes?

Uh...Just forgot to tell you earlier, I like the new jacket. Red and yellow plaid is so...um...festive.

:news: Oh! Thanks. Anything else?

Nope. Nope nope nope.

*Newsie vanishes back into report studying*

Rhonda: YOU. Are a complete :cluck:!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Has no idea how much longer I'll be on due to recent power outtages.

*:batty: serves up some goulash/gumbo he made earlier, just the thing for a rainy day like today.

*Uncle Deadly sneaks out in the middle of the night, he has an appointment at the MMN Studios as a last-minute guest for Worst Spooks in America.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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LOL May I use that, Ed?
Hope power outs don't last long.
Ghoulash! Vunderbar! Hmm...wonder if I can cook something this week. I haven't actually cooked in a while. Hey, if I threw a potluck next week, would anyone like to chip in here? I'll volunteer...oh...hm...how about spicy veggie soup and Russian black bread? For next Fri and Sat so everyone can drop by when they feel like it? What sayeth all?

:news: Er...I can't cook. But I could make coffee. I've had a lot of experience with coffee.

Rhonda: *eyeroll* Like nobody noticed, Captain Emphatic.

(in Apt 7)
Blue: Awwww! Bad! Bad man! *he grabs Pew by one leg*
*Pink grabs Pew by his scraggly beard*
*both make weird humming sounds, and suddenly vanish with the pirate*