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Fan-Fic: Muppet High


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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It's tomorrow!

Muppet High Chapter 15:

(The band is seen onstage...)


And let...love...go!!!

(Crowd cheers...)

Rowlf: Thank you, thank you! Now, it's about time we start to wrap things up, so now, we'll performing our second to last song of the night!

Floyd(to Kermit): Hey green stuff, we don't need ya for this next song, so just go have some water off stage. You okay?

Kermit: Yeah, I'm fine. Let love go. Let love go! Gotta forget about Piggy.
(He glances over and sees Link totally ignoring her for some pretzels) She's way to good for him.

Dr.Teeth: And now, "You can't take no for an answer."

You can't take no for an answer!
You can't take no for an answer!
You can't take no for an answer!
No, no, no.

(The camera drifts to Gonzo who is sitting inside a cannon and holding a walkie talkie...)

Gonzo(to the walkie talkie): Everyone in position?

(Shift to Beau in the rafters...)

Beau: Ready!

(Shift to Fozzie standing behind Kermit...)

Fozzie: Ready!

(Shift to Rizzo and Yolanda holding the chocolate...)

Both: Ready!

(Shift to Scooter holding a rope leading up to the ceiling...)

Scooter: Ready boss!

(Shift to Pepe standing behind Gonzo's cannon...)

Pepe: Si, I am ready. Hokay? But was it really necessary for me to have dis walkie talkie?

Gonzo: It adds dramatic emphasis.

Pepe: Hokay. Whatever.

(Shift to Dr.Teeth...)

Whatcha gonna do when the dimes get tough
and the world's treating you unkind?
You gotta hang on to your optimistic outlook
And keep possession of your positive state-of-mind.

Band: State of mind, state of mind, state, state, state!

(Shift back to Gonzo...)

Gonzo: Alright Rizzo, place the chocolates!

(Shift to Rizzo who runs right under Beau's net, and lays the box of chocolates on the floor, then shift back to Gonzo)

Gonzo: Good, now Fozzie distract Kermit.

(Shift to Fozzie...)

Fozzie: Hey Kermit! Have you heard the one about...

(Shift to Link and Piggy...)

Link: Chocolate?!? I love chocolate!

Piggy: What?!? You're leaving me for chocolate?!?

(Link grabs the box and starts shoveling it in, shift back to Gonzo...)

Gonzo: Pepe, light me!

Pepe: Si! (He lights the cannon and Gonzo flies into the air, then, the cannon flies back on Pepe) Ow! Jew owe me some big moneys! Hokay?

(Gonzo is flying through the air then hits the net and it drops on Link...)

Link: What the...

Scooter: He's under! I better start pulling!

(Scooter pulls the rope and Link is pulled up to the ceiling...)

Link: Hey, get me down from here!

(Meanwhile, Gonzo hits Beau, and knocks him off the rafters and they fall and land on Statler and Waldorf...)

Statler: What is this?!?

Waldorf: It looks like a weirdo and a janitor!

Statler: Well, looks like we get to punish them!

Waldorf: Alright!

Both: Do ho ho!

(Shift to Fozzie and Kermit...)

Fozzie: Hey Kemrit! Is that Piggy standing there by herself?

Kermit: Huh? Where?

(He see's Piggy and hops off the stage and goes to her...)


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Another great installment! You're doing such a great job with all the action taking place! It paints a really good picture and I can totally see it all being act out! Good for you!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Thanks red, but unfortunattley, tomorrow will be the last chapter of Muppet High. I want to take this time to thank all of you one last time for supporting me while I've been writing this, you don't know how much it means to me!:big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Hm... I'll have to focus all my nagging on Beau... MWA HA HA HA HA!

I absolutely LOVED "You Can't Take No For an Answer". EXCELLENT choice. And the whole set up for capturing Link, Awsomeness.

Oh, but if you could find a way to extend it so that the next chapter is not the last chapter... I mean... ok I'm being unrealistic. All good things must come to an end... <sigh>


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Okay, fine Lisa, I've figured out a way to make it into two chapters, which will work better, so don't think your nagging finnally worked. :big_grin: :smile: :excited:


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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HA! I love throwing extra chapters in. I threw extra chapters into my fanfic several times. It came in handy sometimes. So YAY!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Muppet High Chapter 16:

(Kermit approaches Piggy...)

Kermit: Um Piggy, would you like to dance with me?

Piggy: Kermit!!! Oh it's you! Oh Kermie, I'd love to dance with you!

(Shift to Rowlf onstage...)

Rowlf: Thank you, thank you, you've all been a wonderful audience. Our last song will be an old favorite of mine. I'd like to dedicate this song to my student, and friend Kermit the Frog. Kermit, you've connected your rainbows, and then some. And now, "Rainbow Connection."

(Janice walks on stage without her wrist brace carrying her guitar.)

Why are there so many songs about rainbows?
And what's on the other side.
Rainbows are visions, but only ilusions.
And rainbows have nothing to hide!

So we've been told and some choose to believe it.
I know they're wrong wait and see!

Someday we'll find it,
The Rainbow Connection,
The lovers the dreamers and me!

(Shift to Gonzo, Beau, Statler, and Waldorf who are walking towards Rizzo, Yolanda, Fozzie, Camilla, Pepe, and Scooter.)

Statler: You're all in so much trouble!

Waldorf: You better bring a magazine, because you'll be in there for a looong time!

Both: Do ho ho!

Scooter: Welll, you better start punishing, because the clocks about to strike 10.

(Everyone glances at the clock which reads 9:53 pm)

Gonzo: So, either you punish us for the last seven minutes of high school we have, or, you let us dance with our dates and enjoy the rest of the night.

Statler: Oh shoot!

Waldorf: Fine, go enjoy the night.

Statler: You know Waldorf, sometimes I think we're to soft on these kids.

Waldorf: Maybe we should retire!

Statler: Sounds good to me!

Both: Florida here we come! Yay Bikinis!

(Shift to Kermit and Piggy dancing...)

Piggy: Oh Kermie, I'm sorry I didn't listen to you when you tried to ask me to this dance.

Kermit: That's alright Piggy.

Piggy: Oh Kermie, I think I love you!

Kermit: I love you to Piggy, I love you to.

(Gonzo and Camilla, Fozzie and his Ma, Rizzo and Yolanda, Beau and his mop, Scooter and Pepe, who aren't dancing)

Scooter: Hey Pepe why aren't you dancing?

Pepe: My date es not here. Hokay?

Scooter: Well who is she?

Pepe: She es a very pretty lady from my home en Mexico. Hokay?

(A tall atractive woman walks in...)

Pepe: Der she is!!! (He runs over to her) Hola baby!

Woman: Hola mi compadre! Como estas?

Pepe: Come again? Hokay?

Woman: Pepe, como estas?

Pepe: Ai mios dios, she only speaks Spanish!

(Shift to the band...)

Like have you been half asleep?
And have you heard voices?
I've heard them calling my name!

Is this the sweet sound that calls the young sailors?
The voice might be one in the same!

(Shift back to dancing group...)

I've heard it to many times to ignore it!

It's something that I'm s'posed to be!

Kermit and Piggy:
Someday we'll find it the Rainbow Connection,
The lovers, the dreamers, and....



Sam Eagle: That is why this senior class is so special, they've persurvered, and defined themselves as true Americans!

(The class is seen sitting behind Sam, all in their caps and gowns. In the front row is Kermit, Piggy, Gonzo, Fozzie, and Rizzo. Second row is Pepe, Scooter, Link, Clifford, and Crazy Harry. Third row is Dr.Teeth, Janice, Floyd, Animal, and Zoot. Fourth is Crazy Harry, Angle Marie, an empty seat, Wall eyed pike and Old Tom.)

Sam Eagle: And now, I present the senior class of Grosse High School!

(Shift to the audience where Sweetums, Lew, Statler, Waldorf, an empty seat, Rowlf, and J.P. Grosse are sitting, and aplauding.)

Gonzo(whispering to Fozzie): Where's Dr. Honeydew and Beaker?

Fozzie(whispering to Gonzo): I don't know, that's a good quesiton.

(Bunsen and Beaker burst through the gym doors wheeling a large machine...)

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Nice. But wait, this is the Senior class? Hmm, thought they were sophomores at the most, that way you could extend the fanfic into a multi-year series. Oh well, good story, bring on whatever's left.

Oh, and you have Crazy Harry repeated in the class seating arrangement: He's the last one in the second row, and then again as the first seat in the fourth row? And who's the empty seat for in the fourth row? And where's Camilla? Or doesn't she attend Grosse High School?
For the answers to these and other questions stay tuned till next time when we hope theprawncracker will give us the info we seek.
This the Newsman signing off for GHS School News.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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"Oh Kermie, I think I love you!"


"I love you too Piggy, I love you too"




I love it, though. I absolutely love it. <sniff>. And did I mention that I love it? Because I love it. I'm not really crying, by the way, it's just... well, my mom would be crying, most definately... um, I think I'm sort of painting myself in a corner here... um...



Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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The Count said:
Oh, and you have Crazy Harry repeated in the class seating arrangement: He's the last one in the second row, and then again as the first seat in the fourth row? And who's the empty seat for in the fourth row? And where's Camilla? Or doesn't she attend Grosse High School?
Didn't mean to repeat Harry, change the Harry in the fourth row to MTI's black dog. The empty seat is Beaker. And no, Camilla does not attend GHS.

I'm gonna finish the story today at 1:30. So, brace yourselves!