During the last couple of seasons Fraggle Rock ran on HBO, I would have a recurring dream wherein the characters would host the networks inter-show segments. You may recall that from about autumn of 1986 through till past the time the network stopped showing reruns of the show, they used an outer space theme for the bumpers. As it was in this dream, the Next on HBO slide would begin as normal, but then just as the announcer would be at the point of saying who was starring in the next picture, it would pull back to show Doc, Sprocket and our heroes standing on the deck of what was apparently a spaceship (I always assumed it was inside the big silver HBO monolith from the long-running Feature Presentation bumper), watching the whole thing run. Apparently they generated it with the spaceship's controls, for Doc would press a few buttons to cause the bumper to switch to an end. He would then go on with the first of various speeches about HBO fine quality programming (which of course it was back then and then some), with an appropriate Fraggle responding with the description of each show. They would then discuss each subsequent movie/special/series promos (to generate these, Sprocket would strike with a hammer a large blue O, as in the standard HBO logo O, that was near the viewscreen in front of them with a large sledgehammer), pointing out the merits of each one to each other before and after they ran, and usually with at least one negative quote from Boober on how he doubted people would watch something like that--occasionally if it were a borderline film Wembley would agree with him (there was no relation to any actual promo order on HBO that I can recall; indeed even a few fake films, like one about giant spiders walking down downtown Miami). Once the inter-movie block was over, they'd comment on how it was time to get back to the next feature (somehow it was usually Gobo delivering these remarks), followed by Doc flipping a few more control switches to activate the Tonight on HBO menu of the time, including the throwing of a large lever to lower a blue screen over the viewscreen (since the Tonight bumper had a blue outer space compared to the Next bumper's normal black one). We'd hold on everyone in silhouette up to about where the description of the third program of the evening finished, then would fade back to the bumper's normal distance as it finished and segued into the HBO in Space bumper (usually in this dream it was the short version but occasionally the longer one featuring the trip through the minature city would pop up).
Not as often as this came one involving Kermit broadcasting a monster truck race, featuring Oscar and Telly in the former's piece of junk entry "The Trash Compactor" (which was powered by the two of them dumping trash into a furnace similar to that of a steam locomotive) and, for whatever reason, the alligator, snake and kangaroo from that "zoo escape" SS animated sequence that got a lot of air back in the day (in this dream their names were Smiley, Ace, and Pockets, which sort of fits them, I think). The results and duration of this race varied from dream to dream, but included finishes like Oscar driving into the stands in an attempt to trash the arena much as he trashed the cars he jumped over during the event, and one (or both) of the monster trucks landing on top of Kermit, prompting him to throw it back to the main station in a great deal of agony.