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Dreams about Muppets...

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Here are some more dreams that I have had:

*Every once in awhile, I dream of finding copies of the muppet compilation videos that were released by Playhouse Video, often I am at flea markets when I find them, sometimes I am at libraries or video stores. Rowlf's Rhapsodies is the video that I usually find in my dreams, but sometimes I find other videos. Too bad these dreams can't be real.

*Shortly before Muppets Tonight premiered, and I think this dream was actually on the night before it's premier, I dreamed that I watched the opening, and it was similar to the muppet show opening, only there were a lot more arches, probably thousands more than in The Muppet Show opening. I can't remember very many specific characters who were there, though I do remember seeing Cookie Monster in the opening.

*I once dreamed that I was at some kind of party that the muppets were attending. I think it was at a nightclub-type place. I remember seeing Kermit, Miss Piggy, Fozzie, Pepe, and Chip there.

*Every once in awhile I have dreams about seeing Muppetvision 3D. I haven't actually seen that since 1995.

*I once had a dream where I was watchign an episode of The Jim Henson Hour, but the scene took place in some kind of office instead of Muppet Central. Kermit, Gonzo, Digit, and Leon were all there. I can't remember if any other characters were.

*I also had another JHH dream, where I was watching an episode in which Digit took off his head and put it next to a computer at Muppet Central.

Convincing John

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
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Two dreams I had...

Cool dreams, guys. I'm going to post two of mine when I get all the details remembered.

Convincing John

Convincing John

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
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Two dreams I had...

I've had a few dreams where Muppets make cameo appearances, but as soon as I wake up, I usually can't remember 'em!

But here are two I do remember.

The first one is a dream I had about Big Bird about maybe six years ago. Okay, I had just got the book "Sesame Street Unpaved" and at the time, I was trying to find an authentic Big Bird feather for my collection. I read about how Big Bird's feathers are categorized (from best to worst) in boxes labeled "A" through "E" when they build the puppet. The book says "Most D and E feathers are thrown away."

Then I fell asleep and had a dream:

I was standing outside of the Muppet Workshop. I made it there (somehow) and was ready to go in, ready to ask "May I please take a tour...and have just one extra Big Bird feather as a souvenir?"

And before I could take another step, lo and behold, Big Bird looked out the side window on the second story. In one wing, he had a box labeled "D" and in the other wing, a box labeled "E". He turned both boxes upside down and said: "Well, I guess we won't need these!"

Dozens and dozens of feathers fluttered down from the boxes, but as I tried to run towards them, my feet got really heavy (which is probably common in dreams) and I could barely walk. After two small steps, I watched in horror as ALL the feathers landed in the back of a garbage truck, which took off as soon as the feathers fell in.

And then I woke up :mad: but eventually I got an authentic Big Bird feather, and that dream hasn't bothered me anymore...actually now it's pretty funny! Hee hee hee!

The second one was also a Sesame Street related one. I'll try to describe it as best as I can:

I was taking a walk in kind of a wooded area near a park, when I saw a bunch of trailers parked and people were unpacking stuff from trucks. There was a director's chair, people carrying cables, adjusting cameras, stuff like that.

So I thought Cool, someone's shooting a movie on location. Anyway, I see the actors' trailer door open, and Maria steps out! The trailer (I then noticed) is next to this big oak tree with a hole in it (about at shoulder height). Maria walks up to the tree.

One of the crew guys there says "We need another extra". They see me. "Hey, you. You wanna stand over here and look at the hole in this tree so we can get this shot and go to lunch?"

I walk over, thinking I get to be in a clip for Sesame Street??? WOW! The crew guy has me stand next to Maria, who plops down her script and says "Okay, you just watch the tree and do what we do."

We? I thought. I could only see Maria. But then, the director says "Everyone ready?" And before I knew it, here were Ernie and Bert on either side of me! No, I couldn't see the puppeteers. It was like one of those dreams where the characters were completely real with no puppeteer beneath them.

"Ready!" Ernie and Bert said together. Then the hole in the tree was suddenly filled with a furry, blue, googly-eyed face. Cookie Monster was here too! But what was he doing in the tree?

"Me ready!" said Cookie. "Me have tree costume on!" I remember wondering how did Frank Oz get inside that tree? Before I could wonder anything else, I heard the director say "Action!"

The next thing I heard was Prairie Dawn's piano music (from the pageants) coming from behind me, playing the intro. Then, Cookie Monster began to sing a verse (along to the tune of "Oh welcome, dear viewer to our little play", etc.). As clear as a bell, I can still remember the words Cookie sang:

"Oh, me the Cookie Monster
And me a tree.
All kinds of good things
They grow right on meeee.

Like apples and bananas
And cherries, so sweet.
Now enough of the song
Now it time to...EAT!!!"

And as Cookie sang "eat", the branches of the leaves shook like crazy and down came...not apples, bananas or cherries, but...Raisin Bran. Yes, you read that right, Raisin Bran was fluttering down from the branches and sprinkling down on Maria, Ernie, Bert and me.

"Oh boy, Raisin Bran! Hurry up, Bert! Eat it! You'll get your fiber!" said Ernie.

So all three of them began eating the Raisin Bran like Cookie Monster would. (Maria too!) I caught some of the Raisin Bran in my hand, gave the camera a "Oh well, when in Rome..." shrug, and did my best Cookie Monster impression with handful after handful of Raisin Bran.

"Great! Cut! Print it!" yelled the director.

The dream got kind of fuzzy after that, and then I woke up.

It was one of the weirdest (and most fun) dreams I ever had. And y'know what? I'm pretty sure the director in that dream was George Lucas.:concern: Sure sounded like him.

I know what'll happen if I have that dream again. Lucas will be creating a prequel, shooting and animating the Raisin Bran digitally.

Lucas commentary: "We just didn't have the budget back then for good special effects. Now with digital technology, we can animate more flakes into the scene, accentuate the raisins so you can actually see them bounce off of Bert's head..."

Convincing John

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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I had a dream a few nights ago about Fraggle Rock; it involved Gobo coming face-to-face with Doc in the workshop for the first time.

Sorry, Skye, no new RH-related dreams lately. I'll keep you posted, though.


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2006
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Most recently, my dreams have been close to reality ones, with a hint of time traveling. Ever since I read someone got to meet Jim Henson at Walt Disney World on a bench, I had dreams about doing the same thing. I came from the future and found him sitting on the same bench. I proceed to tell him how much of an influence he's been to me and that the world would miss him so much if he were no longer around. Before he could question what I was talking about, I would show him a magazine with him on the cover showing a tribute to his life. That would never happen, of course, but I've always dreamed of things happening differently and I was able to make the change. Like to tell someone, like Jim, that the minute he's starting to feel ill, to go see a doctor right away. I would probably get an odd look and my words would have no effect, but at least I was there to say it, to let him be aware that he's such a beloved and irreplaceable person.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Wow, interesting! I've had a few muppet dreams, but not many. I once drempt that I met Jim. It is very fuzzy, and it was really only a scene. I guess I was cooking, because I was standing beside a stove in a kitchen. Jim and I were talking, but I can not think about what. Eh, couldn't have been that important then.
The other dream I can remember, I posted in General Discussion, and did not involve the muppets or their people directly. Even though there was much more, and more depth to it than this, I still injoy telling people that I dreamed I was beat up by Richard Hunt's father!
Morgan Clueless, you say your dreams are boring, but yet I'm intreagued by the idea of Boober and Sidebottum being Homasidal maniacs! Would you mind please elaberating?
And Brian, would you mind sharing some of the nightmares you had of the Count?

Now that I think of it, I've also had several dreams about MC in some way!

Convincing John

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
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Fragglemuppet said:
I once drempt that I met Jim. It is very fuzzy, and it was really only a scene. I guess I was cooking, because I was standing beside a stove in a kitchen. Jim and I were talking, but I can not think about what. Eh, couldn't have been that important then.QUOTE]

I bet I know what Jim was doing there. He was waiting to do the dishes! :stick_out_tongue:

Convincing John

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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Last night, I dreamed I won a fozzie toy from one of those claw machine thingies, lol :smile:


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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Sgt Floyd said:
Last night, I dreamed I won a fozzie toy from one of those claw machine thingies, lol :smile:
Oh that's so weird! Yesterday, I won a Gonzo from one of those! However on this little go-cart kiddie ride, when everyone was throwing other people's stuff out, then waiting for them to get it and driving away with them left behind so they'd have to do one of those "Indiana Jones" numbers and jump back in, Gonzo was thrown off a bridge. Phht. :concern:


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Yeah John, I saw that skit, interesting. What I forgot to mention was that I had that dream before I ever saw any of his interviews on DVD's. I therefore had no idea what his voice sounded. I wish I could remember now what it sounded like in my dream, but of course my mind now wants to replace it with the real voice. I know it was rather high though, even moreso than his real voice.
The reason I brought this up, was because I wanted to point out how the mind can create things, to make up for what it doesn't know. When we are awake, I think we can sort of prevent this from happening by saying, "no, thisI can't assume this". When we are asleep though, we loose that sensor. Any oppinions on this?
No dreams last night; will keep you posted.