Exactly, Brian! I'm doing the online teaching thing in my district...like, it's VERY difficult to teach band when my kids aren't in front of me. I can't diagnose technique issues, correct their posture, and worst of all---I can't smile, compliment them, or give them high-fives when they do a good job. I miss seeing them when they come into the band room at 3:15 to get their instruments and music. I miss seeing them outside on the blacktop, and in the lunchroom, and in the hallways.
Not to mention students graduating from elementary and middle school.
A thousand thumbs up to that. That's why teaching is such a heroic profession in my opinion...the undertaking that we have is pretty massive. Our teachers, administrators, and superintendents are still trying to figure out a long-term plan for teaching should the closure last until June. Not to downplay the amazing work that doctors and restaurant workers are doing, but still...we're all in it now. There's no going back.