COVID-19 Coronavirus News and Updates

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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I dunno. I just keep thinking about how everyone, including so called experts and so called reliable news sources were saying how everything would stop functioning during the y2k. You know what happened? literally nothing.

Remember the whole net neutrality thing where everyone, including experts, were basically implying ISPs would flip a switch and suddenly make you pay packages for websites? I'm still waiting for that switch to be flipped.

I realize you cant compare computer malfunctions and such to a virus, but what you can take away from it is that experts aren't always right, and if you say something with enough confidence, people will believe it without question. which is why im hesitant to believe a lot of these news sources.

Also the news is not reliable in general. The news is meant to be entertainment, whether people want to believe it or not.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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WAKE UP MAN!!! Read a little about what's happening in China and Italy. And then come back here and tell me how it is being blown out of proportion. Those were predictions that never came to fruition. This isn't 4 weeks ago when these were still just predictions. This is coming to fruition.
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Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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For the sake of argument, even if it is as bad as people say its going to get, what is panicking doing? Nothing. Panicking during any kind of serious event makes you unable to think and unable to rationalize, and it's literally the worst thing you can do to survive.

Also please educate yourself on yellow journalism. Because that is very much a thing and is used by a LOT of news sources to stir up fear for entertainment sake.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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@MuppetsRule if CNN or Fox News reported this, would you still believe them? Honest question for you.
Well, first I would hope they are reporting this. Cant really say I've watched foxnews for their coverage. Caught a little bit of CNN's coverage. Why wouldn't I believe them? I'm smart enough to sort out the fact from the hype and do my own research. Why do you ask?


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Only reason is because of your past mentioning of CNN being “fake liberal news,” which I wasn’t sure if that’s how you currently still feel with them today, and when you showed concern of Floyd’s dismissal of the articles being posted here, it just made me question if you felt the same way if it was a big news network like the two I mentioned in my last post. But fair enough.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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So here is the thing...

Yes, this should be taken seriously and is a big deal. However, the media also is hyping the crap out of this thing and scaring people. They are giving out information about rumors, not just fact. Also, leading up to this EVERYTHING was the end of the world so the trust in the media is pretty scarce. This is the same thing we saw with Katrina where tons of people did not believe the hype because of all the fact hype that came before and because of that people died.

It's a boy who cried wolf situation and is part of why so many did not take it seriously when it first started happening.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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For the sake of argument, even if it is as bad as people say its going to get, what is panicking doing? Nothing. Panicking during any kind of serious event makes you unable to think and unable to rationalize, and it's literally the worst thing you can do to survive.

Also please educate yourself on yellow journalism. Because that is very much a thing and is used by a LOT of news sources to stir up fear for entertainment sake.
There is no for sake of argument. It is as bad as they say. Read up on what's happening in Italy. That is the potential in the U.S. We actually have less hospital beds per capita than Italy, where they were forced to decide who gets saved because they didn't have enough beds. After 2000 confirmed cases in the U.S. we were statistically exactly where Italy was. Without the actions we are taking we are headed down the same exact path. South Korea implemented a plan of self isolation and they have far fewer cases. China implemented a plan of self isolation outside the wuhan providence and they had the same results. Nearly 90% of China's cases were in the wuhan providence where it first started and before self isolation. It's been used in other pandemics throughout history. It works.

Also, please educate yourself on other sources, other than "yellow journalism". The internet opens up a whole new world of information. Including WHO, the CDC, and papers by many of world's leading experts on communicable diseases.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Social distancing/isolation may not even be good enough anymore with the way the virus continues to mutate and get worse. We may need to start looking into long-term "suppression" just to keep the numbers down. And by "long-term," apparently that means a new normal of distancing/isolating ourselves for two months straight, give ourselves a month off, then distance/isolate ourselves for another two months, then give ourselves another month off, lather, rinse, repeat, lather, rinse, repeat. Every time we let our guard down and relax, that will only allow the virus to return in full force.
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