I believe it was stated a couple months ago that Tux Rowlf would be pushed back to late 2003 if he would be made at all.
Ahh...but things do have a tendency to change around here. Tux Rowlf be back "on".
Gorgon Heap
I kind of agree with the last person who said it, that Floyd's nose looks too big. Maybe when it's painted it will look better. Guess I'll have to wait and see about that one.
Very little...well, scratch that, NOTHING, can be done about this. It is a picture though, remember the distortion one member saw in Gonzo and then did not see in a new pic?
1) Are the tux exclusives planned for Rowlf and Fozzie still on?
Rowlf is back on...Fozzie got replaced by vacation version.
2) Will they be full tuxes or just tux vests (like we've seen on the show and various other specials/etc.)?
Full tux. Just like Kermit.
3) With the regular Rowlf coming with his brown baby grand (that is what was decided, right?) will the tux Rowlf come with a black baby grand? I think it would look nice, a black tuxed Rowlf playing a stylish black grand piano rather than the more homey brown one. This could be waaaaaayyy old news, but it's been a while since the subject came up.
Yes. Brown BBG for regular Rowlf and Black BBG for the tuxedo version. Candelabra for regular and Beethoven's Bust for tux version.
Just to add, did you know sometimes at work when I find a measuring tape I pull some tape out and try to envision the current figures with Sweetums and Thog figures?
Does your boss know you do this?